All Things Wrong

Chapter 3101: Entering the ground

Li Huailin’s boring skills are of course referring to the skills that Brians used to dig underneath when they found the coordinates. At the time, Li Huailin also saw that the speed of the skill was really very fast. If you can speed up a bit, you may be able to achieve the effect of Li Huailin.

Of course, Li Huailin doesn't know whether Blaines is a man of his own. After all, he can't see the name on Blaines' head. He didn't say that he had done a strange experiment and he broke it. Blaines is a direct break with the king of God. In theory, it should be considered as a person. If you want to steal skills, it should be possible.

"Skills?" Brians squatted a little. "Do you say that? It's not a skill, it's just a simple magic application."

"Magic application?" Li Huailin certainly does not understand, after all, he is not a magician.

"Simply speaking, it is to control the earth elements. You should also be able to do it. After all, you are the root holder. Before you could not operate even the magic? Then the operation elements should be simpler." Blaines said.

"Oh... the problem is that I won't." Li Huai-lin said.

"...Really?" Brians squatted a little, but looked at Li Huailin’s expression as if he was not lying. "So how did you last operate magic?"

Li Huailin doesn't know if he is okay? Yes, the skill of this operation magic power seems to be able to use the root cause, but the problem is that this ability is not like the previous skills, you simply do not have this skill? Of course, it may also be the weapon skill of the root cause of this weapon, but Li Huailin can't see the root attribute at all. This is not a question mark, so Li Huailin, who knows how to use it, really doesn't know.

"As long as you can operate the magic energy, you can operate the earth elements." Li Huailin asked.

"This is generally the case." Blaines replied, yes, he also found out now that Li Huailin’s knowledge of magic is really ignorant.

"That's good, let me try." Li Huailin said.

“Now?” Brians asked. “Are you too temporary?”

"There is a way, fortunately, a little time, in short, try to say it." Li Huailin thought about it.

"I will go and see with you." Although Brians is also involved in the test, but the current situation also says that the trial is not suitable, first solve the problem of the king of the king, otherwise they There is no way to do experiments with peace of mind. Therefore, Brians is also going to see the situation with Li Huailin first. If it doesn't work, he can get ready to go.

The two directly passed through the gate of the temple. Of course, it was not transmitted to the vicinity of the observatory, but in another place, Li Huailin was not ready yet. Of course, he went to other places to do experiments. The two came to the mainland where the Magnesia Prefecture is located. The suburbs near the Glory Fort in the main human city of Magnesia, there are fewer people here. After all, the main city is very safe and there are no strong wild monsters. It is the place where the early players will come. There are not so many newcomers, and most of them are playing on other maps.

No one nearby, Li Huailin is also slowly experimenting. There is not a lot of time. The King of God over there will soon complete the invasion of the squad, and he can only speed up.

"What should I do?" Li Huailin directly pulled out the root of the hilt, and then the light flashed, the blue lightsaber appeared directly in his hand. When I used the magic energy before, it was the state of the sword. Now Li Huailin can't know what to do, but try it first.

"In short, I want to control it." Brians next to it doesn't know how to say it. After all, he now knows that Li Huailin doesn't even know the basics of magic. It's too late to teach from scratch. It's hard to imagine such a In the end, the guy got the recognition of the root cause, but according to his thoughts, since Li Huailin can control the magic energy, the same way to control the earth element is still very simple.

"This is really a simple and rude explanation." Li Huailin said that the amount of support.

“Starting the experiment from the simple.” Brians thought about it and said, while raising one hand, then Li Huailin quickly saw the soil in front of the other side directly arched, slowly It turned into a clay bag. "This is the control of simple earth elements. It is not a skill. You can try this first."

Li Huailin can only try it out, so he lifted the root directly to point to the ground in front of him, and then thought about what the other party stood out. However, what Li Huailin didn't think was that the roots of the hand suddenly gave off a light, and then quickly, the soil in front of it began to disappear, turning into a little blue light and seemed to float toward Li Huailin. Of course, the amount is very small, can only say that you can see it carefully.

"Hey?" Li Huailin is also a glimpse. It is different from what he thinks. What he obviously thinks is to make the soil here stand out, just like the situation that Blanes did, but the result is like this. The change seems to be... not under control.

"You are here..." Brians is also a little bit stunned. It is obvious that Li Huailin has made a mistake, but soon his eyes are bright. "Although it is not controlled, it does not have to be controlled." The roots of your hands can directly transform the earth elements into magic energy for absorption, and you seem to be able to control this aspect better. If you start from this aspect, you can directly absorb the ground under your feet."

"Is this?" Li Huailin nodded. Anyway, his purpose was to dig a hole. Of course, he did not mind how to dig it. After thinking about it, Li Huailin also lifted the roots directly, and then thought about absorbing the surrounding ground. For the next second, the roots of this light flashed, and the ground around Li Huailin directly turned into a particle, as if It was broken down in general.

"It's really an enviable ability." Brians here can't help but see this situation. It's not an ordinary person who can do it with elements. Even Brians couldn't do it. Although he had already had roots before, but he couldn't do it. What Li Huailin is doing now is not very good, but in the eyes of those who know magic. But it is a very shocking event.

"Oh, I seem to be better at this." Li Huailin also found that he is not very good at controlling what, after all, the roots have been liberated until now, and they have not practiced this new ability well, but it seems that the absorption of energy is really a comparison. Simple, although I can't tell what the principle is, but in fact I think it will succeed.

The problem now is... the efficiency of tunneling. Yes, if you want to control the king of God for as long as possible, you must dig the pit quickly. Before you saw it, St. Torrance should be similar to the free fall. Since it is a free fall, Then there is acceleration, which means that the speed of landing will be faster and faster, so that Li Huailin does not know whether his burrowing speed can keep up with the falling speed of the other party.

"In short, try again." Li Huailin has just begun to compare restraint, and he also wants to try to absorb the full speed to see what speed can be, so this is also the root cause, and then directly control it to start to absorb the ground under his feet. .

"嗖", Li Huailin found that he began to fall in an instant. Yes, the ground under the foot was directly absorbed by Li Huailin, directly into tiny particles, and Li Huailin lost his foothold and began to fall wildly. This situation is also a bit out of Li Huailin's expectation. I didn't expect the speed of absorption to be so fast. Of course, I am now free to land. Li Huailin just tried to fall on the ground that disappeared.

So Li Huailin was also going all the way down, and soon it became dark. Only Li Huailin’s roots were still emitting a faint blue light. It was a bit of a lighting function, so that Li Huailin could see the situation slightly. Now Li Huailin still can't catch up with the ground below, and the absorption speed is really fast.

Soon, 1 minute passed, and it was a minute of direct passage. This is really an exaggeration. After all, you only need 45 seconds to fall from the height of 10,000 meters to the ground. Li Huailin’s free fall has been more than a minute, which means he has dug more than 10,000 meters.

However, there was a change at this time. The first thing was that the surrounding temperature was a little elevated. Li Huailin could feel it all. Then the color of the surrounding soil begins to change. And Li Huailin can see the changes in the surrounding soil, the main reason is the remaining change, that is, the roots of the hand seem to become brighter.

It’s not just that it’s brighter. Li Huailin found that the blue roots began to wrap around the roots. This situation is like the river of the magical energy that was driven by the roots of the previous liberation, but now Not so exaggerated at that time, but looking at this situation, Li Huailin is also a little panic, this time the roots of the hand has begun to tremble, and it seems that it is a little uncontrollable.

Realizing that it was a little bad, Li Huailin thought about it, and when it flashed directly, it disappeared into the place, and then came to the ground again through the gate of the temple.

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