All Things Wrong

Chapter 3124: Ark plan

"Here is the main control room?" Li Huailin was a little surprised. I didn't expect this to be the main control room they were looking for, and the black thing in front of them should be the main ai subject they were looking for, and the imaginary Things are a bit different, but after all, they are not something they have seen. It’s no stranger to be strange.

"Fluid computer?" Hoffman here is very surprised to see the black liquid below, "This is really a bit surprising."

Listening to his meaning, the future should not have invented such a thing, but the concept estimate has already been proposed, and Li Huailin does not know what the situation is. In any case, he is not a scientist.

"Please tell me the purpose of temporarily awakening me." The sound of ai came again, but compared to the pure mechanical sound in the corridor, the tone of the voice here is the same, but it seems to be able to hear some differences. Feel more humane. From the other party's words, Li Huailin also heard a keyword that is “wake up”. This thing may have been in the same state of standby as a personal computer, but now it is completely awakened.

"This is the case, we have a question on this side that you want to answer, OK?" Li Huailin tried to communicate with the other party and see if he could.

"Your authorization level is not enough, I can't answer your question." The black ball here said.

"Isn't the authorization level enough?" Li Huailin thought about it. He is just an ordinary employee. It is estimated that this is because of this, but he also immediately said, "I have authorization, you see that this guy gives us authorization."

Li Huailin certainly refers to Liu Yanjun here. Liu Yanjun here is still a face of arrogance. I don’t know what happened. I saw Li Huailin pointing that he also stepped back again and came behind his mother.

"Do you confirm the authorization?" The black ball here also asked, and I still have to ask myself. Li Huailin also directly looked at Liu Wei, and Liu Wei certainly understood the meaning of Li Huailin. She really can't understand the situation here. What is going on here, she is a little curious.

A little discussion with Liu Yanjun here, wait a little while, Liu Yanjun here again said: "Yes... confirm..."

"I am authorized to pass, I can answer your questions now." The black ball here said, "Please tell your questions."

Authorization has passed, but it is a difficult question to ask. Although Li Huailin has a lot of problems, but I don’t know where to ask for it. I thought about Li Huailin and asked directly: "Who are you? Which side?"

"I am the main ai system of this central management office. You can call me Noah." Ai here replied, "As for the subordinates you said, my control is under the jurisdiction of the Earth Federation, but there is no clear association. mechanism."

"The Earth Federation Council? Is it really done by the Zheng government?" said Hoffman here. Of course, except that he could not understand the organization of the Earth Federation Council, it is obvious that the organization has not yet been born. It seems to be the organization that will not appear until after the invasion of the war machine.

"Then your purpose is?" Li Huailin thought and asked again.

"Purpose? I don't quite understand your question." Noah here said, "I have no purpose. My duty is to help humans manage this central management room."

"Oh..." Li Huailin was not very satisfied with the other party's answer. "Where are the people here?"

"I don't quite understand your question." Noah here asked again. "What are you going to ask about human beings besides you?"

"Yes." Li Huailin nodded.

"I can't answer your questions. Their visits don't know me." Noah replied here. "I didn't have permission to restrict or control them to enter or leave the central control room, nor can they monitor their departure from the control room." Going, so I can't answer this question."

"That means they all left the central control room?" Li Huailin asked.

"There is no record of their departure." Noah here paused for a while and replied, "I can't detect the way I left."

"If you don't leave, that means they are still missing, but you don't know where they went, right?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes," Noah replied.

"Is there any image recordings and the like? Is it the image when they disappeared?" Li Huailin asked.

"Unable to provide, I was in a dormant state and could not operate normally." Noah said.

"Hibernate, that is, someone has let you go to sleep, at least before the gang disappears?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes," Noah said.

"Who is it?" Li Huailin asked.

"According to the requirements of the highest privilege, the answer to this question cannot be provided." Noah said here.

"Oh... the highest authority requires you to sleep temporarily." Li Huailin said after reading Hoffman, "How many people have the highest authority?"

"I don't know, I don't know the high-level things," Hoffman said.

"How do you ask me what you don't know, what do you want?" Li Huailin helped the amount, and then pointed to Liu Yanjun next to him. "Isn't it even if his authority gives us authorization?"

"Unable to authorize." Noah replied here.

"Hey..." Li Huailin nodded. It seems that the person who makes the main ai dormant has higher authority than Liu Yanjun, or the same authority as Liu Yanjun. However, if the main ai here is closed, it already requires a high degree of authority. After the other party closes the main ai, the people here are gone. It seems that the person who closed the ai has something to do with this. Maybe it is the situation that this guy is causing now.

"Then your job is to manage this central management room?" Li Huailin asked. "Do you have any other functions besides this? Your name Noah means that you have a relationship with the Ark plan. What does the Ark plan mean and what is the purpose?"

"The purpose of the Ark program is to preserve human civilization." Noah said here, "From the current analysis, human destruction cannot be stopped, and I was created to preserve human civilization and help. Humans rebuild their homes."

"Hey? Human destruction?" Hoffman here directly. "No, no, wait, how can humans be destroyed? We don't seem to have encountered such a big crisis. Those war machines say that It’s not completely wiped out, but we’re already fighting back, why is there such a sudden situation?”

"We don't have a good response to those machines," said Noah here. "Just to prevent panic, the Zhengzhou side announced some false news."

“Hey?” Hoffman said directly. “No, those messages are fake? Is humanity really going to be destroyed?”

"Is it like this?" Li Huailin is also a bit surprised, so it seems that Zhengfang is not doing bad things. Yes, from the information obtained from this ai side, their actions against the war machine are not very smooth, and then the zheng government here has come up with this plan to save humanity. On the surface, it has not been announced, but It’s normal to say that it helps people hibernate, and it’s normal to prevent panic. Otherwise, we’re going to be destroyed. What do you want to do? This of course is not acceptable.

The rescue plan seems to be to preserve a large amount of human DNA information, and then estimate that there is a large amount of literature and other things, it is estimated that it will wait for a certain time to restore human civilization.

"That test is that..." Li Huailin asked.

"Test? What?" Noah asked here, it seems that I don't quite understand what Li Huailin's problem is.

Although Noah did not answer this question, Li Huailin thought of some, but at the specific time to help humanity to restore civilization, but when is this specific time, how does this ai judge? Li Huailin estimates that ai is difficult to judge. After all, this is not an order of magnitude, but the human side can judge. In this case, is the previous test to test a representative who can judge whether human beings can rebuild? That is to choose a person to let him judge whether the human beings here can carry out reconstruction work, but ... is this method too strange, this is the way to figure out.

From the words of Noah here, Li Huailin has learned a lot of information, but there are still many problems that do not quite understand. First of all, this Noah’s words can’t be completely convinced. Yes, this plan is definitely not what it wants to come out, but what Zhengfang wants to come out here. And Zheng’s plan to tell him must be a real plan?

Moreover, how does this thing reach his timeline in the end? This question is still unanswerable. From the current time when this situation occurs, Noah has been shut down, and this person seems to be related to the disappearance of the staff here. If so, this server is sent to the previous timeline, is it also Did this guy do it? It is still said that it is something else. In short, who is this person is a big question.

Even if the purpose of the zheng government here is exactly the same as that of Noah, it is definitely an unexpected situation. It has not developed in the direction they want. It seems that Li Huailin needs to continue with this Noah. Slightly talk.

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