All Things Wrong

Chapter 3125: reasoning

"First of all, you said before that you are working for the Earth Federation, but there is a problem, are you made by the Earth Federation?" Li Huailin asked. Yes, Li Huailin thought a little bit about this. The first question is to ask this question, because the manufacturer who knows this thing can certainly understand the order of time. In the end, the future Mr. produces this thing, and then it is sent to the past or this. Things appear in the past, and then discovered by future people, this is a very important sort.

"Do you ask the producer of this central management office?" Noah replied here. "I am sorry that you have not been authorized to do so."

“Not authorized?” Li Huailin looked at Liu Yanjun next to him, which means that Liu Yanjun’s authorization is not enough. Is it really the highest authority? In this case, Liu Yanjun is not the maker of this server. It seems that the people of the Earth Federation are more likely to discover this thing than the maker of this thing. The guess in this regard is similar to that of Li Huailin.

"So, does this mechanical army that wants to destroy humanity have anything to do with you?" Li Huailin asked again.

"I am sorry that you have not been authorized in this regard."

Noah’s answer is the same, but let Li Huailin’s eyes shine directly. Yes, answering this question actually requires higher authority. If it is so confidential, whether Li Huailin can be considered as related. In fact, Li Huailin asked this question and felt that there is a relationship between the two. An obvious problem is that Liu Heyun was not found here. At the same time as the world trials started here, several robots seem to have After receiving some new code data, it is a coincidence that Li Huailin is also very surprised that what he mentioned in the future is called the robot control center. The thing seems to be something in the game. It must be related to this server. Something about it.

If those robots and the server are determined to be related, maybe the person who made the server is the same person who made the robot, and the makers of those robots are now unknown, so that the two unidentified things are linked. It is still normal together.

That is to say, that is to say, a force that does not know where to come from wants to destroy the human world, then the human side has resisted for hundreds of years, then failed, but at this time found this thing, then humans Put the last hope on this thing. And this thing is very likely to be made by the other person, two possibilities, one is that the other party has left a living path for human beings, or a trap of the other party.

Li Huailin prefers the option of “living the road”. However, this kind of living may not be a good way for the other party to plan, or there may be internal disagreements. For example, there is a person who cannot understand the destruction of the other party, so he secretly sent it. One of these things came back to help humans and the like.

Li Huailin prefers this option, mainly because of an accident. It is estimated that the Earth Federation here has modified the ai program of this server, which is something the other party can't think of, so it is said that there is an incomprehensible situation, that is, all that is here. The staff suddenly disappeared very strangely. If this thing is also done by the makers of the robots, it makes sense logically.

Of course, if you think so, the other party has begun to prevent the actions of the Earth Federation, indicating that this action will indeed interfere with the other party's plan, or else the other party will do it? In this way, there may be something called a robot controller. The purpose of this thing is to shut down or control all the war machines. Once acquired, the crisis of the earth is naturally lifted.

Li Huailin also considered a more likely route here, but there are still many things that cannot be explained. At the very least, Li Huailin does not know what role the King of God is playing on this side. The behavior of the king of God has always been particularly strange, what is the purpose of the other party. First of all, if the other person thinks that he is the one who caused the big crisis and then goes back to the past to stop himself, the other party is not completely stopped. Yes, the other party appeared more than a thousand years ago in the game time. There are definitely other ways to stop yourself, but the other party seems to be relaxing intently or unconsciously. It feels very tight, but in reality it does not kill.

Li Huailin didn't think that the other party seemed to have something to do on his own, so he kept it, but he didn't know what the other party wanted to do. Let yourself be a choice? Still let yourself live the robot controller? This question... I still have to ask the king of God himself. Yes, the next trial will definitely be against him. Li Huailin can only ask him when he is.

One of the more bizarre things is that of the future. Yes, the king of God now thinks that the other person is a person from the future. It is not very strange to appear here. After all, in addition to the king of God, there is one next to it, that is Hoffman, the other party more than a thousand years ago. Entering the game is similar to the time when the **** king appeared. It was just that Hoffman "deaded" for a long time, and then he was resurrected now. If the **** king did not die, it would be no problem if he lived to the present.

But what is strange now is how this future self came into this server. The time of the other party’s appearance is very strange. He did not live from more than a thousand years ago, nor is he just resurrected recently. How to travel through time and space to Li Huailin? If you want to find a person who may have mastered the technology of time and space, Li Huailin’s first doubt is this future self. Yes, this is the only person who actually performed through time and space in front of Li Huailin.

Although Li Huailin is not 100% sure that this guy is the future self, but through the previous judgment, I still believe this. Then, if the other party is really the future of the future, what technology does the other party come to here? If it is his own, it is definitely impossible to invent something like a time machine. It’s too tn fantasy. Li Huailin doesn’t understand it. The only possibility is Zhang Youdong.

Yes, the future self has mentioned Zhang Youdong many times. If he has mastered this technology, it should be the kind of thing that Zhang Youdong invented. Can Zhang Youdong do it? Li Huailin is really uncertain. Yes, although this household is a hundred years ago, it is also a super genius. Now I have got some inexplicable knowledge in the game, and then I may get the knowledge of the next 200 years. If these two kinds of knowledge are combined, I really make such a fantasy thing. Li Huailin said that it is really possible.

If Zhang Youdong really masters the legendary space-time technology, is it possible that this server was invented by Zhang Youdong? Then it is sent directly to the past through space-time technology, and then discovered by the past itself? The first person to discover this thing is Zhang Youdong, and Li Huailin said that this is also doubtful. Why can't anyone discover it, is Zhang Youdong able to find it? And these codes are also solved by Zhang Youdong first, and then passed to the self through the secret treasure, this code, is not the future Zhang Youdong wrote to the past, otherwise it can not be as simple as reasoning .

Then according to this line of thought, in a certain time and space in the future, Zhang Youdong’s organization wants to destroy human beings, so he made a lot of war robots and sent them to the past, and then the other side made a controller, ready to be in a specific When I started these robots and the like, but unexpectedly there was an unexpected situation here, that is, Zhang Youdong was against the water. Although the robot's control server was sent over, the control program was hidden and still Leave some information to yourself in the past.

Unexpectedly, this server not only failed to destroy humanity, but also became the last safe haven for human beings. It was even transformed into something like the Ark plan.

"Wait, etc..." I thought that Li Huailin had a slight pause. Yes, he suddenly thought of a more serious problem. That is... What is the organization of Zhang Youdong? Judging from the previous situation, the future self seems to be very close to Zhang Youdong. If Zhang Youdong really has a service object, then this object... seems to be the future self.

"Hey, hello...what's the situation, how can I go back to my side after a round of laps." Li Huailin said that he had a headache. Yes, if you want to believe in a lot of analysis before you, you must first believe in the future. I am really the self in the future, but the problem is that I am the culprit. Li Huailin said that he really does not want to destroy the world. He is not a deep well.

"No, no... If it is me, I should have the authority of this server." Li Huailin suddenly thought of this problem. Yes, Noah here told me that he did not have this permission, that is, he is not Senior management, but... Before the transfer, Zhang Youdong’s own permission to cancel this may be possible. In this case, let Zhang Youdong try it here... If the other party has permission, you can’t judge your guess. Yet?

"Let Zhang Youdong try it?" Li Huailin thought of this is a little hesitant, if the other party really has the highest authority of this server, then it can operate the entire server, and there will be no problem at that time. This server is not simply a server now. The person with the highest authority of the server can control the fate of the whole human being. Let Zhang Youdong know that he has this permission.

Now Zhang Youdong is still trapped in the temple. Once the other party comes out, it may cause strange things. The previous collapse factor will make Li Huailin think that this guy can basically be a deep well type. It is the kind of guy who is not going to do anything to destroy the world. That makes the other party have this highest authority... The consequences are a bit dare not to think about it.

If you really want to let the other party come, you must first get a certain amount of chips. Li Huailin thought about it. It is better to have a little insurance. At least ask Zhang Youdong first and see what the other person said.

"Choose people... The robot controls the core. Although I don't know what it is, I still have to get the hand first." Li Huailin thought about it, or got these two things first. Although there are a lot of current speculations, it is estimated that they are all around these two things. In the end, if you get them first, you should know what is going on.

"What happened to you?" The summoned Jade Emperor suddenly took a picture and asked Li Huailin. Yes, Li Huailin has been thinking about it for a while, and there is no movement at all. He summoned the Jade Emperor not to know what Li Huailin thought of, so he also asked directly. Road.

Yes, the current situation calls for the Jade Emperor to be completely unrecognizable. It is only known that human beings in the future will encounter a major crisis. This is of course to be prevented, but I don’t know what to do. Of course, I can only ask Li Huai-lin's views here.

"Nothing, but the situation is really a bit messy now." Li Huailin said, "Do you think the last person who claimed to be the future is really me in the future?"

"The tone of speech feels exactly the same, I guess it is." Summon Jade Emperor said.

"I believe in the sixth sense of your woman." Li Huailin said.

"..." summoned the Jade Emperor to look at Li Huailin. "Is this what I want to be responsible for?"

"That is, now this situation, really destroyed the earth, you also back together." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"I really ruined who cares who is going to back the pot." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "What do you do now?"

"The current situation... a mess of trouble." Li Huailin said, "First of all the world in front of you to try to cope with the past and say that this choice of people, now seems to be more important things. If we can’t get it, we can’t get it. Understand what is going on."

"Yeah." Summon Jade Emperor also nodded, although the analysis is not clear, but this choice is very important, she can still feel it.

"In short, let's take advantage of it first." Li Huailin suddenly said.

“Hey?” summoned the Jade Emperor directly.

"Hey, Noah, I ask you, do you know anything about the source of the law?" Li Huailin suddenly asked. Yes, this thing was said before the future, but I never knew what it was. Li Huailin also wanted to ask Noah if she knew what it was.

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