All Things Wrong

Chapter 876: Take the soldiers to take a walk, how are you all dead?

After all, the undead soldiers standing on the wall of the city of Belokli looked more clearly. Of course, it has been seen that the reinforcements here are their own, but...the number is too small.

"The Lord of the Lord, this... seems to be too small in number." Yaze said here.

Matthew did not speak, and continued to look carefully, and soon saw Li Huailin at the forefront of the cavalry. After all, a man in a robe was mixed in the armored cavalry.

"It’s Your Highness," said Matthew, here.

"Hey?" Azawa here is also a bit surprised. After all, Li Huailin is also the Duke of the Duke on the human side. It is also the undead emperor here. This situation will actually lead the troops to charge. The most important thing is that it still only carries 1000. People charge... What happens?

"Let the troops prepare, we are ready to go out of town to support." Matt Xiuen here thought about it and said immediately.

"Hey? We are out of town support? If you open the city gate now, don't you put the enemy in? If you open it, you can't close it." Yaze said immediately.

"It's okay, just do it." Matt Schoen looked very sure. "Since you come in person, you have the confidence to win. Are we just watching the movie?"

"This... is, the Lord of the Lord." Yaze thought for a moment, nodded.

Outside the city, Li Huailin’s cavalry team has already moved closer to the other side’s troops. The archers’ bows of the Mozu’s side have all been wound up, waiting for the cavalry team here to enter the range, giving them a thunderstorm-like blow.

"Prepare!" Fiona was the first to pick up the rifle and waved at the cavalry team behind him. All the undead cavalry teams here also raised their guns at the same time, and they lowered their bodies and prepared for the assault. .

"Wait..." Li Huailin suddenly waved his hand. "Wait... wrap it to the right."

"Right?" Fiona on this side took a look, then looked to the right. "No one on the right, Your Highness."

"Can't you stop talking nonsense?" Li Huailin lifted the amount. "I am going to enter each other's range. We don't have enough 1,000 people to shoot in a round. Is it really going to die?"

Anyone who asked Li Huailin on this question couldn't help but look at him. This is not what you let us rush.

"To the right, round the other side's bow and arrow range, we will come slowly, no hurry." Li Huailin said.

Of course, the rest of the people only listened to orders. The undead cavalry here again put away the rifle. All the cavalry deflected the horse's head slightly and then went straight back from the left side of the Mozu's team.

"What are they doing?" Gordon here saw that the movement of the cavalry was also a bit unintelligible. Isn't the cavalry relying on the charge? Why go straight ahead. At this distance, they did not shoot the cavalry of the other side, but the cavalry of the other side still could not shoot them. This is what it is.

"Come on, go back." A little step forward, Li Huailin here pointed to the other side.

“Hey?” The three Wang Lingling pigs don’t know what Li Huailin is doing. Is it around the Mozu troops here, wait until the Mozu troops turn dizzy and choose a breakthrough to insert? But this is almost impossible. The Mozu troops are also regular troops. It is not that the miscellaneous army forces have no chance to go around a few rounds of each other. The Mozu army here is also well-trained, and it is not so messy.

It’s weird. Not far from here, a Mozu pikeman did not know why he suddenly spit out a big blood, and then fell inexplicably.

"Hey? What's wrong with" The soldier next to him just wanted to see what happened to his companion. He didn't wait for him to go up. He also vomited a blood on his side and then fell directly on it. On the ground.

Inexplicable. Here, the Mozu soldiers in the front row, under the eyes of everyone's surprise, vomited blood one by one inexplicably, and then they fell on the ground. They were only one or two down at the beginning, followed by rows of rows. It’s just a dead one.

"Ha?" Don't say that the uncles who haven't responded here don't even know what's going on here. A bunch of cavalry look at the difference and don't know what's going on. The army, several knights were too surprised to control the horse, and almost fell from the mount.

"That... what's the situation there?" Dennis said stutteringly. Nothing has ever seen such an exaggerated scene. What happened to the Mozu army? Is it collectively poisoned?

This is of course because of the faint light on Li Huailin’s hand. All the troops on his side are undead. Not only do they not deduct blood but also return blood, but the army of the Mozu on the other side will not work. Once they are close, they will desperately fall down. The rhythm of blood, the most important thing is that Li Huailin’s skills have now been upgraded. The scope is already a big circle of 240 yards before and after. Not only does the 1000 cavalry around him have no problem at all, but even the shooting of the archer of the other side. The range is far away, Li Huailin is stuck in this kind of opponent can not shoot themselves, and their own aura can burn them to their distance and they wrap.

"I am so timid that I am afraid of myself." Li Huailin said, "Come, stick a little bit and keep the distance."

All the troops in front of the Mozu had fallen, and the troops behind did not enter Li Hualin’s halo circle, so it’s still okay, but Li Huailin didn’t go up one step, and hundreds of people fell down. That’s why it’s unreasonable.

"Marshal, this is not the case!" The Mozu generals here also reacted at this time, but still do not know what the situation, but also know that this will not work.

"The other side must have placed some evil magic around his cavalry." Gordon here saw this situation, all the people in front fell down, and the people behind it looked fine, and immediately inferred The skills of the other side are limited in scope, otherwise they have already died all the time. "Go back to the troops in the front, hurry up!"

"Retreat! Retreat!" The order was immediately conveyed. Here, watching the teammates don't know why they fell down, they don't know what to do. The Mozu soldiers must come to this and immediately start to flee. They joked that they had long wanted to run. .

"Come on... put it on and paste it." Li Huailin looked at the other side and ran. He immediately directed the cavalry team here to paste it. When you left, I would burn you against you. You can't run faster than the cavalry.

The troops of the undead were immediately posted, but a little closer, they were about to enter the other's range. Li Huailin also directed the troops to wrap around. Anyway, I just burned you here. What should you do?

Soon the Taobao troops here did not feel right, and ran two steps backwards. The Mozu soldiers suddenly felt a pain in their hearts, and their eyes were black and fell directly on the ground, and they died. .

"It’s so cool to use this in the undead people’s territory." Li Huailin couldn’t help but say that it’s the sacred object of the undead. This guy is carrying a group of undead troops. It’s just where to fight, no wonder what was in the past. What the great emperor is so arrogant, this is simply a dish of abuse.

"The cavalry team, go up to withstand them." Gordon naturally will not sit still, and see that the infantry on his side suddenly died, and here they will only support their cavalry first, because Now according to his judgment, there must be something around the other side that can cause his soldiers to vomit blood and die, so they should not be allowed to be close to the big forces, let the cavalry directly rush to them, at least to minimize losses.

Upon receiving the command of Marshal Gordon, the only 2000 cavalry of the Mozu here immediately launched, and then rushed toward the undead cavalry here, trying to stop them before the brigade.

"Wow... you look at the opposite poor 13 Mozus who have a cavalry team that looks like a spot. Why are we so poor here?" Li Huailin looked at the other cavalry team and it was really decent, at least The Terran cavalry team was almost equipped, so they waved directly, "Come on... parking."

All the undead cavalry immediately stopped the horse. At this point, although the undead cavalry equipment is not good, but because of the civil war in these years, the remaining cavalry are veterans of the war. There is nothing to say about the technical aspects. The team stops. Very beautiful.

"Come and come, we will run later." Li Huailin waved, the former team of the undead cavalry team turned to the back team, the team changed to a 180-degree direction and began to run backwards. The Mozu cavalry team saw this situation. The opposite side has already ran, so hurry to chase after the pursuit, no doubt, the Mozu's troops immediately followed.

"Slow down slowly, will you fly a kite? We have to pull and walk..." Li Huailin slowly controlled the distance behind the troops, waiting for a while, about half of the front Mozu cavalry began to vomit blood. Together with the horses underneath them, they are vomiting blood, and they fell directly on the ground.

The first drop in the front is naturally brought to the back. The Mozu cavalry who did not fall behind looked at this situation. If you didn't wait for the order, you would run straight.

"Okay, don't go, catch up." Li Huailin looked at the situation and quickly chased it over there. Both sides were cavalry. This simply couldn't open the distance. Soon, the Mozu cavalry team. Almost nothing left on the ground, the whole process is only three or five minutes.

"What kind of army is this?" Gordon here is a bit stupid. He has never seen such a play for a lifetime. Ten minutes of his own 10,000 infantry and cavalry teams are completely destroyed. And until now one has not lost. The troops, this is not a problem without loss. Now there is no direct exchange of fire on both sides. The other party just took 1,000 people to stroll around the battlefield, and took a step. The people on their side are all dead. This is tm. fight?

"Marshal, they are coming again, what do we do?" Zheng Qi, Li Huailin over there with the cavalry team came over, Gordon is really going to vomit blood. (To be continued.)

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