All Things Wrong

Chapter 877: Legend of the Sword

On the wall of Belokli City, Matthew's troops are preparing to assemble, but now the soldiers on the wall have already seen it. What is the situation, why the Mozu troops here have inexplicably vomited their blood. It is clear that the cavalry here has not launched an attack yet. What is going on?

"The Lord of the Lord... This... What the **** is going on?" Aze, who was here for a long time, squinted and asked Matt Xiuen next to him. **

"This is the power of the Excalibur." Matt Xiuen here said faintly, it seems not very surprised. "According to the history book, when the Great Hors was almost the same continent, it was this. arms."

Matthewne here continued to breathe and said: "At that time, a group of undead people opposed dozens of other ethnic groups in the mainland. Do you think that people of other races at that time were idiots? No, the Terran, Mozu, and Elves were also Talents come forth in large numbers, but they can't stop the undead army of Hospu the Great. This is because of this magical help."

"It turned out to be like this." Yaze said here, the rumors of the past were already rumors, except for the inside of the undead, there was very little circulation, and even Yaze was the first to hear about it.

"So when I saw that I saw the Excalibur, I chose to stand on his side, because I know that the situation is that no one can block this sword." Matt Schon said.

"But...there was no such thing as a unified reunification of the Great Horsup." Yaze here thought and said, "What the **** is going on? Who stopped the reunification of Hospu the Great?"

"That is because of the intervention of the gods..." Matt Xiuen here thought about it. "Just according to the history books, the Terran has a hero who also holds the Excalibur. He is not known from the sword. But the Church of Light has always claimed that this is given to him by the God of Light. This person has prevented Hospu the Great from unifying the mainland."

"Hey? Is there more than one sword? Is the sword in his hand more powerful than the sword of Hospu the Great?" Yaze asked.

"This is not known. The things of the year have not been circulated a lot. The light has almost destroyed all the written documents after the war, but from the result, this person has prevented Hospu the Great." Tessein said, "Now, after a hundred years, the Excalibur is born for the second time. What do you think will happen in the future?"

“Is it... the undead people have the opportunity to unify the whole continent?” Yaze here is also a little excited. “This is really great.”

"No way, now we can only bet on this human duke." Matt Schon said, "Is the troops ready?"

"I will be fine at once." There is no doubt about Yaze here. Especially when I see this situation, it is no problem even if it is a decisive battle.

"Fast! Otherwise we can't get any credit for it," Matt Schon said.

Outside the city, the situation on both sides has now fallen into a very subtle situation, and there has been no formal confrontation between the two sides until now. Li Huailin still took the troops around here and wandered around. Where the Dahui Temple went, the Mozu soldiers here fell into pieces, and there was no chance of resisting.

"What to do, what should I do?" Although Gordon is a famous soldier, he can't handle this situation. He has never seen such a war, and now the cavalry is gone, and the infantry team can't catch up. The archers can't shoot, and they can only look at each other's troops and go around on their own side. Then there is constant loss of strength here.

"I can't stand it!" Because death is almost visible, the Mozu troops here are well-trained, but they can't hold the pressure. You said that being a soldier, fighting against the enemy, being hacked to death in battle is not terrible, but they feel that it is a kind of glory. But what is it like this? If you don’t hit it, just stand there and wait to die?

Looking at Li Huailin and the cavalry team, I leaned over here. The Mozu troops who had stood up and started to run again, and saw the teammates around them ran, of course, the soldiers next to them would not stand. Waiting to die. Anyway, it’s not the first one. It’s running, it’s still important.

As a result, Li Huailin’s cavalry team went over there, and the troops there began to collapse. Various escapes in all directions, even the chief’s call could not be called.

In this way, the forces of the Mozu were directly confused, but it was a bit troublesome for Li Huailin. Because according to Li Huailin's killing method, it is best to stand in the same place and stand in the same place to die, so the efficiency is very high, once is a piece, but now the other side of the run in all directions, but it is very slow to burn.

Fortunately, Li Huailin has already anticipated this situation. If it is a halo to burn people, he is enough for himself, just because with the 1000 undead cavalry, it is to harvest this kind of troops that flee everywhere.

"Prepare." Li Huailin waved his hand and gestured to the side of the undead cavalry team ready to charge.

"Pistol!" Fiona immediately shouted, and the undead cavalry behind him had no doubt at this time. This almost impossible victory is close at hand, and the rest is harvesting. All the soldiers were very determined to raise their own weapons, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

"Everyone keeps the formation, the back is followed by the front, the front, with me!" Li Huailin waved directly, the cavalry troops instantly accelerated, and rushed into the chaotic crowd.

I have said this before. The combat effectiveness of infantry and cavalry is not proportional. Even if the number is dominant, it needs a good formation and a high will to fight. It’s a pity that the two democrats’ troops are not there. The formations are naturally not mentioned. Now there are soldiers running around, they can’t organize themselves. As for the will to fight, now they have only the will to escape. What is the will to fight.

In this way, in the face of the sprinting undead cavalry, the chaotic Mozu troops almost collapsed, and the cavalry team rolled forward all the way, and could not stop it. After penetrating the troops in front, the cavalry of the undead people here began to move directly toward the main group of the Mozu.

"Marshal! Can't stop them!" Gordon naturally also saw it very clearly. The troops in front were directly defeated. The other party has already come to their own position. If this is being penetrated, it goes without saying. They are completely broken.

"The second team of the first team all adjusted to block them, they must stop!" Gordon here does not know what to do, now their situation is too embarrassing, actually can not stop the charge of 1,000 people, this Let him not know what to do, at this time, experience and the like are simply not used.

"Marshal, let's retreat." A vice-president next to him suddenly shouted, "Now it's still too late!"

"Retreat, I x you m**, the other 1000 people will defeat us 70,000 people, you let us go out to see people in the future, do you not feel shameful?" Gordon said here.

"Marshal, this is not the time to say this." The vice-president next to him was not angry, but said very calmly. "The other party is not using any sorcerer so that our troops can't fight them at all. Now playing against them is Very unwise, I feel that the temporary retreat, retaining the strength is the best policy."

"Well?" Gordon is also depressed in his heart. When he hears this deputy, Gordon’s mind here is also a moment of calm. "You... you have a reason... but we It is also very difficult to retreat now. The other side is a cavalry. It is faster than us. It will definitely not let us go. It will definitely pursue."

"They have fewer people. We just need to separate the troops to evacuate on all sides, and then choose a place to meet again. The other party will only chase all the way, and the rest will be able to evacuate." The vice-president here also answered the answer immediately.

"Well..." Gordon here thought a little. "Good way, just do it."

"Marshal, are we going to retreat?" Another general next to him immediately came over and asked.

"Yeah." Gordon nodded. "The troops follow the team as a team. All teams are evacuated everywhere, informing them that our meeting and location are in Moriaga, and then returning there to find a solution."

"Yes, Marshal!" The several deputies next to him immediately took orders, and then the troops that were next to them began to pass orders.

Upon receiving the order, the Mozu troops here naturally began to act, and each unit immediately withdrew the siege formation and then moved toward the beginning of all directions.

"The situation is wrong." Sudes first noticed the intention of the Mozu troops. "The other party's troops are scattered, and the siege team has also withdrawn."

"It is best to prepare us to encircle us. If we are ready to withdraw, we will be in trouble." Li Huailin said, the most troublesome thing is that the other party ran. After all, now I have a halo that can burn people, and I can’t chase them separately. Things will become very troublesome if the ethnic forces are eliminated once.

"If I am the commander of the opposite, I will choose to retreat at this time." Next to Fiona cut down a Mozu soldier and beat the horse to say.

"Do you know which one is the commander of the other side?" Li Huailin looked around and asked.

"No, I can't see it here." The battlefield was in chaos. Sudés looked around here and didn't see Gordon's banner.

"This... a little trouble," Li Huailin said.

Just talking, there was suddenly someone shouting: "Look, the gates of Belokli City are open! Matthews took the initiative!"

“Oh?” Li Huailin said a little, “It’s still a bit of a brain.” (To be continued.)

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