All Things Wrong

Chapter 878: Hurry

Li Huailin’s troops are small and chasing is very troublesome, but Matthew’s side is different. Matthew’s has 10,000 troops. Now it’s not against. The Mozu’s troops don’t dare to stay with each other. It’s just a rush to run, so once Matthew’s troops attack, the blow to the Mozu troops is quite large. {3w.

The rest of the battle is the constant pursuit of the undead forces here, and the rhythm of the constant running of the Mozu troops here is quickly over. The troops of the Mozu are really scattered. The troops of the undead have chased a few miles and have not seen the complete large army. They simply don’t know where to chase, and they have a small amount of money to clean up the scattered Mozu. The soldier then returned to the division with victory.

In this almost miraculous battle, Li Huailin led 1000 troops and defeated 70,000 Mozu troops. The Mozu was directly stunned. About 30,000 people died on the spot. Most of them were burned by the halo. The rest, the rest are dead in the chaos. There were more than 4,000 Mozu soldiers who could not run, were captured by the undead, and the remaining Mozu army was broken up. They did not know where to go.

On the side of Li Huailin, the 1000 cavalry who had been with Li Huailin had no loss, and even one injured. Although the undead cavalry in the later battle was stabbed by the desperately resisted Mozu soldiers, because of the relationship that has been shrouded in the aura, the undead soldiers here have recovered their health by 5% per second, as long as they run for a while, here The undead soldiers were resurrected in full condition.

On the other side of Matthew’s defending city, there were less than 100 people killed in the siege war, and 60 people were killed in the encirclement. The injured soldiers were immediately cured by Li Huailin. The battle-to-loss ratio is 1:200, which is simply not visible. I can't see that this is a battle. Others thought it was a slaughterhouse to kill pigs.

With the end of the war, the troops of both sides formally merged under the city of Belokli. Here, Matt Xiuen saw Li Huailin come over and immediately dismounted and went to Li Huailin. Then the baggage said: "Thank you for your rescue. His Royal Highness Tianwei."

"The result is that I have to deal with it for a long time." Li Huailin said slowly, "What do you want?"

"I am very sorry..." Matthew said here immediately.

"But it’s a bit of a vision when you don’t surrender." Li Huailin said, "How much did the opposing troops run?"

"About half." Suedas next to thought, then replied.

"Yes, Your Highness, looking at the number of bodies on the ground, about half of the Mozu soldiers escaped." Matthews also immediately replied.

"That means there are still 35,000 troops..." Li Huailin nodded. "There are about 50,000 to 60,000 troops in the Mozu, but they are all recruits. The training is less than 2 months, and the combat power is limited... In this way, the possibility that the Mozu will continue to wage war..."

"The Mozu should not be so stupid, it is estimated to talk to us," said Dennis here.

"His Royal Highness, in case the Mozu is sent here to the messenger peace talks, do we have to promise?" Sudes asked here.

"Unconditional nature does not agree." Li Huailin waved and said, "Give money, buy a peace, don't give money. We will fight back."

"Oh..." Several lords are a little excited to say that the land of the undead has been shrinking in recent years. Unexpectedly, the great Emperor Wachaa just came to power, showing that he had taken a piece of land on the dwarf side, and now he has to attack the Mozu, and they all see the precursors of the rise of the undead.

"Is the thiok their troops still able to come back in three days?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, I will be able to return to China after three days, but it will take one day to march to the front line," said Suedes here.

"Then all the undead troops are here. Concentrated in the city of Belokli, this city is already mine, right? Matt Xiuen?" Li Huailin said.

"Of course your Highness, everything is as you wish." Matthew said here immediately.

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded and continued. "Since you have an opinion on Matthew, then Sudense will lead here. As my representative, do you still have opinions?"

"Don't dare, Your Highness." Dennis and Fiona immediately said.

"Please rest assured that your Highness." Sudés here also said immediately.

"Then, when the troops are all assembled, and the demons on the other side are still ignorant, we will take the initiative to attack them. I will let the humans also send troops to cooperate here, of course, before I order, you should not take the initiative. Attack, wait for my order." Li Huailin said.

"Yes, Your Highness." The four men replied together.

"What time is it right now?" After Li Huailin looked at the system time on his side, it showed 12:52 at noon. "I wiped it, I was going to suffer it, and it was over."

"His Royal Highness, what's wrong?" Sudes next to him asked immediately.

"I didn't say that I have something at noon today? Right, now I have to rush to do things. The things of Su Dies are handed over to you for the time being. I will go first." Li Huailin began to squat back. City roll.

"Please take care of the next step." Several people here said immediately.

Using the returning city roll, Li Huailin left the front line of the war. The place to return was the dwarf city of the Dwarf, because the dark city Li Huailin could not record the return to the city. Due to the tight schedule, Li Huailin did not know that the meeting there had not begun, so there was no time to say a few words to the second leg of the second legion, directly to the transmission point of the Guangming side, and then transferred to the neutral country. In the capital city of Brasov, a transport station, Li Huailin rushed straight in the direction of the cathedral.

The situation in the cathedral remained the same as before, quiet and sacred, and I could not see whether it was in a meeting. Li Huailin rushed in three steps and made two steps, but was stopped by the knight at the door.

"His Lord, you are not a bright church, and now there is a very important meeting, so you can't enter now." The guards here are very good at Li Huailin's attitude. After all, Li Huailin's goodwill in the church is still good. Very high, but it is true that Li Huailin has not officially joined the Bright Church, so the guards here do not let Li Huailin enter. The previous times were the orders of Pope Carol or the Bishop Degusby who took him in. Now neither of them is there, so the guards did not dare to let him in.

"I wipe, then you quickly report to Pope Carroll, saying that I have already arrived, before he promised to take me to the parliament." Li Huailin said.

"This..." The guardian knight here hesitated a little, "but Pope Carol is now presiding over the meeting and can't just go in."

"What should I do?" Li Huailin asked.

"When the meeting is over, we can report it after Pope Carol comes out. Would you like to wait for the Duke?" asked the guardian.

"Isn't it late at the end of the meeting?" Li Huailin helped the amount. "No, I must go in."

"This is really not good." The guard of the guard here said, "Although you are a very important person to our church, now I really can't let you in."

"Then I will not be able to do it?" Li Huailin asked.

"You guys want to be hard?" The guardian knight here is a little stunned, and then Li Huailin’s system prompts also jumped out.

System Tip: Do you want to force into this area, be aware that illegal entry into this area can lead to very serious consequences, please choose carefully.

“Hmmm?” Li Huailin hesitated a little. This suggestion is a bit wrong. Under normal circumstances, this kind of reminder may be to tell Li Huailin that you want to improve your feelings, but Li Huailin has a little bit of attention because he is worried that this is the election. In the future, all the people in the bright church here will become hostile. If this is the case, then it will be very troublesome, because I don’t know how to change it, but it is not clear whether he is, but he does not. Dare to gamble.

After thinking about it, Li Huailin asked: "How can people enter the conference room at this time?"

"Oh, at least the protagonist level can enter directly in the parliament." The guardian knight here replied.

"Like Degusby Bishop?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah." The guards nodded. "But now the Archbishop of Degusby is inside."

"Is there anyone at the bishop level who is not inside?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, the Torah Bishop of the Bright Church Division of the Dwarf Country did not return this time. It is now estimated that it is still in the Diocese of the City of Melting... The Duke, where are you going?" The guards here did not say anything. At the end, Li Huailin hurried away.

About ten minutes later, Li Huailin here dragged a thin old man who had been beaten into a pig's head and stood in front of the guard again: "Look at this?"

"Bishop Tolavy, what's wrong with you?" The guardian knight here looked surprised at the **** Torah Bishop. What happened.

"Oh... this duke is a friend of our church. This time he has a very important thing to explain at the meeting, so I specially brought him in." Bishop Tolavy here has an ugly face. Smile, said to the guardian knight, it seems that Li Huailin is also very grateful.

"Can I go in?" Li Huailin asked.

"Oh, if there is a bishop, what is natural... Hey? How do you go first, Duke, adults... Torawi adults..."

Li Huailin directly lost Tolavi, who had been unable to stand up. The Tolawi here was seriously injured. Now he was thrown directly from the stairs at the entrance of the cathedral. Several guards next to him immediately Go and help him. Li Huailin also rushed into the cathedral directly, and then the door was a foot.

"Hello everyone, I am late."

A loud bang, the door of the conference room flew, and a group of priests dressed in the npc face did not know how it happened. Li Huailin, who appeared at the door, all of them froze. (To be continued.)

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