All Things Wrong

Chapter 892: Fixed

During the time when Li Huailin was not there, the situation of the major forces in the game is still changing. The first thing that happened is the Mozu side, because the people who went to the Terran side have brought back a rather bad one. The news that the Terran not only disagreed with the collegiate matter, but also directly cut off the ambassador’s diplomatic chief, Troan, and now hangs on the square to show the crowd, but here are a few followers that have been put back, after all, Let them bring a word to Baizella.

"There is no reason for this!" The side of this side of the zea lala directly smashed the handrail of the throne, this is simply the face of the red fruit that does not give him face, you said that you disagree with the collegiate, this is the case, directly to his diplomatic chief It’s just too much to kill them. If the general situation, the Mozu here will immediately launch a full-scale war. The problem is that the current situation is really not allowed.

"His Highness, the Terran is really abhorrent. We must ask the General Teran for a statement." A minister next to him said.

"Let's talk about it, how can I ask?" Bezera is also in a state of irritability. She must be screaming at this moment, and she is slightly disoriented.

"This..." The minister is too angry, and said that he was found to be being beaten now.

"How is the war?" asked Bezera.

"The 70,000 troops of the Terran have stopped for a while yesterday, but they have begun to move forward in the morning. Now they are moving towards the city of Mori Dar, where I am, and there is only 500 standing army in Moridar City. There is no way to block the Terran army. Next to a Mozu civil servant, he replied, he is the prime minister of the Mozu, Sauron.

"What about Marshal Gordon?" asked Bezera.

"The First Army was defeated by the undead in Moriaga, and only 1,200 people escaped from the city. The undead immediately launched a massacre in the city. It is estimated that there are no living people in the city." Long said, "After that, the 30,000 reinforcements of the undead have arrived at Mori and the city and their former troops. Now a total of about 40,000 troops have already set off this morning and headed for the city of Gandalil. Marshal Deng now stays in the city of Gandalier with the remnants. At present, with the local defenders not reaching the scale of 2,000 people, it is hard to imagine blocking the troops of the undead."

"What should I do? Isn't our Mozu dying?" One of the ministers here screamed.

"We still have 60,000 troops." Sauron here looks calmer. Very calmly said, "But Your Highness, our troops are blocked by the two sides of the advancement. The target of the troops here must be our main city. Now the situation... We are taking the initiative to block or defeat the attack, or Have you been waiting for the defense in the main city?"

"The active main strike defeated a unit?" said Bezera here. "Is this possible?"

"The Terran attacked the Fourth Army. This Fourth Army, like our current army, has a large number of newcomers. Only after training for less than two months, the combat effectiveness is relatively low, and the other commander is Green. It’s not the tough Duke of Aquitaine. If you think that it’s just this unit, it’s okay for our troops to rely on the city defense.” Sauron said, “but the problem is...”

"The side of the undead family..." Bezela said naturally, "The 70,000 of our first legion was defeated by the undead. The mysterious black man...and the **** sword. Who of you has a solution. Just say it."

"This..." All the ministers here have retreated a little. Now, in this case, the 70,000 main force has been defeated by others. Is there any way to stop the advancement of the undead?

"You don't have any way to tmd. Is it really letting me surrender to the Terran and be their servant?" said here, Absela.

"His Royal Highness." Is getting angry. Sauron, the prime minister here, suddenly opened his mouth. "My Royal Highness, I thought of it."

"The prime minister please say." Bezela asked immediately.

"I wonder if the Terran and the Undead will be united?" Sauron said. "Although the Terran and the Undead are attacking us together, they are not on the two sides. Instead, they attack in these two directions like us. This is obvious. There is also a point to compare. I see that there are certain distrusts of each other."

"Of course I know." Bezera here said, "The Terran and the Undead do not know what happened. They came together. We didn't expect it at the time, but we don't trust the Terran. The undead people, like the undead people, do not trust the human race, but now their goal is very clear that we are, there is no way for them to split now."

"We can try." Sauron said immediately.

"Oh, what to do? Prime Minister?" Seeing Sauron seems to have a solution, here, Bezera immediately asked.

"His Royal Highness, do you remember how you found Matthew to betray us before?" asked Sauron here.

Here's a little glimpse of Bezela, he can find Matthew's plan, completely because of undercover. Although Matthews betrayed the undead to join the Mozu, but here is not completely believed by Matthew, although it has been very stable in recent years, but just in case, here Bezera also sneaked a few people in front of Matthew, and of course these people were all undead people, so Matthew did not find out.

After Matthew and Li Huailin met, there was Bazera’s undercover here to send a message to Baizela. Although I don’t know the plan of the black man, Matthew’s seems to have any action, so here Bezera also had a reminder, and then the undercovers sent him the information that Matthew and the lords of the undead were in contact with each other, so Bazera would order the troops to immediately retreat, first look at Matthew What is going on, is it really necessary to rebel, I did not expect that things will develop into this afterwards.

"You said it was a spy... but how do you use it?" asked Bezera here.

"His Highness, this matter is more confidential, please listen to me slowly." Sauron said here very carefully.

"Well, come with me." Bezela nodded here, and then quickly talked to Sauron.

At the same time, the army of the undead people marching toward the next city of the Mozu, while marching, while the four lords are also discussing things, it is about the Terran side meeting with the Mozu messengers this morning.

"The Terran met the Mozu messenger twice, and then directly killed the Mozu's messenger. Now it continues to march toward the Mozu's hinterland. It seems that the Terran does not want to talk to the Mozu." Dennis said. .

"No, no, it's a little weird." Mattesun said here. "I don't care about the other side killing the messenger of the Mozu, but why is it separated by a day..."

"Yeah, I am also a little concerned." Sudays also said, "It is said that on the day the Mozu messenger arrived, the Terran Emperor Anthony did not respond in court, but waited until the next day before finally deciding to kill the Mozu messenger, the Terran The army is also stopped for a day without marching. This is a bit strange. According to the reason, the relationship between the Terran and the Mozu, the Terran Emperor can not even see the Mozu messenger. Why should we consider the time of the day? What conditions?"

"I see... because of the relationship between the Excalibur." Matthew said here suddenly.

"Sword?" The other three lords are all a glimpse.

"Yes, our Highness used the Excalibur in the previous battle, but the other party's commander Gordon is still alive now, so the news must have been brought back, so the Mozu emperor Bazera here must know this. According to the experience of Bazera, it is possible to see what this is. Therefore, it must be because I know that my Highness is the identity of the Excalibur holder, so I will go to the Terran and talk. Matt Schoen just thought about it casually and almost guessed everything.

"That is, because we know that our Highness has inherited the Excalibur, so I want to find a human race, just like a hundred years ago, organize all the ethnic groups in the mainland to fight against the undead?" Fiona said here, "Really Damn! But the Terran seems to have rejected them, why?"

"Because..." Mattesun here just wanted to say that it wasn't because his Highness was the Duke of Aquitaine, but if he didn't think it was right, he couldn't say it, so he said, "Because the Terran Emperor has no foresight."

"But now that the Terran has already known the Excalibur, does it mean that the Terran is now ready to suppress us?" Dennis suddenly asked.

"There is this possibility." Sudez also nodded. "Everyone is careful, we can't hinder the plan of His Royal Highness."

"The Lord Lord." As he said, a dead soldier ran away from the side and said, "There is a situation."

"What?" Sudes asked immediately.

"The devil's remnant of the city of Gandalier began to act, and went out of the city and went out to the north. The purpose is unknown." Soldiers reported.

"Oh? Gordon moved?" Dennis said a little. "North? Go to the north? If you retreat, you should retreat to the east."

"In any case, we must seize this Gordon." Su Dies thought about it. "Since the other party is not in the city of Gandalier, we don't have to go to the city of Gandalier. After all, there is no need for a small town. Hit, we also go north to chase it.

"Yeah." Fiona next to it nodded.

"This must catch him!" Dennis also said.

"Matthew lord, what's wrong with you?" Sudes suddenly found that Matthew's here seemed to be thinking about things.

"Well... nothing... catch it first." Matt Xiuen here thought about it. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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