All Things Wrong

Chapter 893: Guess

"The Lord of the Lord, the enemy should be in this area, but I don't know where to go." "The army of the undead people went all the way to the north, but chased after chasing a place with more complicated terrain, investigating this side. I lost the movement of the Mozu army and did not know where they were hiding.

"Search separately and find that the news is coming back immediately." The undead people now have more than 40,000 troops on the side, and there are more than 1,000 people on the other side. In this case, it is more convenient to search separately to find people.

"Yes." Several generals of the undead were immediately separated by soldiers, and they began to search for the Mozu troops in all directions.

"What are the Mozu army running here?" Sudés here said with a little doubt. "There seems to be no big city in the vicinity that is good for defense."

Matt Schoen next to "This side..." suddenly said, "Are we already close to the Terran army?"

"Well?" Hearing Matthew said this, Sudense here is also reflected. The troops of the undead are the route to the south, and the Terran is the route to the north. Now, in order to chase the troops of Gordon. They have slowly leaned closer to the north, and indeed they are now close to the human line.

"Where is the human army now?" Sudés here immediately asked the adjutant next to him.

"Now the human army should be attacking the city of Moridar. The city of Moridal is not very far from here." The adjutant next to him said immediately.

"Wait a sudden, I suddenly thought of one thing..." Matthewine here suddenly said, "Is the Mozu already in alliance with the Terran?"

"Ha?" Sudés suddenly saw a glimpse. "How is this possible? Isn’t the Terran overkilled the ambassador of the Mozu?"

"But it’s been a day." Matt Schon said, "You can do a lot of things in one day, like showing us a way..."

“Hey?” Hearing what Matthew said. Some of the lords here are thinking about it. This is really possible. It is mainly because they know the Excalibur. This makes it impossible to know what choices the Terran will have. Even if it is combined with the Mozu, it is possible. .

"Impossible." Sudés said here, "His Royal Highness..."

Sudace here is almost going to say it. But immediately realized that the problem had stopped, and both Dennis and Fiona had a strange look at Sudés.

"What happened to His Highness?" Fiona asked strangely here.

"This is the judgment of the Terran emperor ... and then the opposite commander is the Colin of the Fourth Army." Matt Xiuen, who knows Li Huailin’s identity, immediately said, of course, although he did not understand it very well, Sudays still knew his Meaning, that is to say, Li Huailin has great power, but this may be the Emperor of the Terran, he is just a duke.

They don't know the relationship between Li Huailin and Anthony, but in this way, the logic of Matthew's here is also plausible. If the Terran Emperor agrees to the Alliance plan of the Mozu, then Li Huailin, who is the Duke, may not be able to stop it.

"No, if that's the case, your Highness shouldn't... know?" Sudés said, he meant that if the Terran agreed to join the Mozu, Li Huailin should know them.

"How can you know how your Highness?" asked Fiona a little strangely. "Do you have anything to do with us?"

"No." Sudés here said quickly, "I mean, my Highness may know..."

"But now that His Highness is not there..." Matt Xiuen here is understandable. Immediately said, "Slightly strange. I remember that my Highness said yesterday that we should advance, and then we should come and see it, but now we have never seen anyone. Since the Mozu sent the messenger, the Highness has not seen anyone. This is really weird. Anyway, after this happens, whether or not there is talked about it, your Highness should say hello to us."

"This..." Matthews finished, and Sudés here was a little scared. It was right. The Terran and the Mozu are negotiating such a big thing. No matter what the talks are, the Highness should know the situation. Then they should say hello to them, but now the Highness has not come for more than a day. This... It feels wrong.

"Is it... the Highness is being chosen by the people..." Sudes said.

"I just said that it is possible..." Mattschauen said, "If the Terran wants to be bad for us..."

"What the **** are you talking about?" Dennis next to him couldn’t listen to it. "How does His Highness have something to do with the Terran? What is the situation?"

Just talking, there was suddenly a warrior of the undead, and he rushed over with an insult. He just ran to the front of several lords and fell directly to the ground. "Lead...the Lord!"

"Well? What?" Sudés asked immediately.

"We...the troops we sent out were attacked, and the thirty-second squad was destroyed by the enemy!" said the undead warrior kneeling on the ground.

"What!" The four lords here were all shocked. "How many people are there in the Mozu army? Where?"

"No... not the army of the Mozu!" said the undead soldier here. "It is human beings, human beings are soldiers!"

"What is a human soldier??" The four lords are all a glimpse, and a bad feeling comes up in an instant. I’m just talking about whether the Terran will be in alliance with the Mozu. I didn’t expect it to be attacked by Terran soldiers.

"Where, take us there!" Sudes thought here and thought about it immediately.

"Yes, this... here..." The undead soldier immediately pointed to one direction.

With the brigade following the soldiers of the undead, the undead army here immediately came to the scene of the incident. It looked like a relatively small forest area. It is obvious that the battle is over. Only the land is left on the ground. The bodies of the soldiers of the undead are not seen by the other person, whether they are living or dead.

"Is it late?" Dennis looked around and didn't feel like an enemy.

"The Lord Lord, it is indeed the thirty-second squad." A soldier went down to look at the body, and then came over and reported with Su Dasi.

"Slightly search nearby to see if there is anything to discover." Su Dies said with a wave.

"Yes!" The undead soldiers here began to search separately. After a while, an undead soldier here reported back.

"His Highness, no army was found around, but we found arrows on the body, and asked the Lord to look at it." The soldiers who had finished here handed the two arrows over.

“Well?” Sudés immediately looked at it and immediately said, “This... this is the arrow used by the Terran army.”

The types of arrows used by different races are not the same. Sudés here is also very knowledgeable. It is obvious that this is the arrow used by the human army.

"What!" Dennis said immediately. "Are humans already in alliance with the Mozu?"

"Wait..." At this time Matthew suddenly said, "There is... a bit strange."

“What's wrong?” Dennis asked. “Isn't this obvious enough? The Ming Dynasty cannibal army attacked us.”

"But what is the purpose of the other party?" Mattschauen said. "The thirty-second squad is at most 200. If I say that if humans and the Mozu are allied and ready to attack our undead, then at least There should be a better plan. For example, when we attack the Mozu City, we attack us from behind, so that we can hit us a big defeat at once, killing at least tens of thousands of us, but now this situation is boring. The sneak attack only solved the squad of our 200 people, and it also exposed the fact that we have already alliance with the Mozu. How do we see it... it’s too strange.”

"The opposite may only be looking for our big army, but it just happened to meet our small army, so it was wiped out." Dennis said here.

"How many people are there?" Suddis immediately asked the undead soldiers who had just led the way.

"A lot, a lot, at least tens of thousands." The soldiers who led the way said immediately.

"Look, I am right." Dennis said immediately. "Maybe they are still looking for us nearby, let's take revenge."

"Wait..." Mattesun said here, "I still feel wrong. If the other side only found a small team, then let this squad pass. Now we are still allies with the Terran. Why do you want to eliminate them to expose yourself? Just keep looking for our big troops."

"Maybe we are afraid that we will find that they are already nearby." Dennis said, "and the other party’s commander may not think so much."

"The fourth legion will only be Colin, it is a veteran, and the experience is still there. At least these points should be able to understand." Matt Xiuen said, "I don't think it is right, I can't act rashly. We send it directly to the Terran." Messenger, ask the situation."

"This is not bad." Suedes here also said, "That's it, we will send people to the Terran to ask the situation."

The undead people here immediately sent people to find the Terran, but Sudes did not think that the messengers of the undead had just set off, and the time and route were immediately reported to the Mozu.

The undead people here are in trouble, and what about Li Huailin? In fact, in the real world, Li Huailin also encountered a big trouble. The location was still at the headquarters of Tiancheng Group. The trouble occurred when Li Huailin just wanted to go back. (To be continued.)

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