All Things Wrong

Chapter 907: response

Not far behind the Fourth Army, Li Huailin found his own private army camp. Of course, the Fourth Army on the other side of the camp has already discovered it. By the way, even the grain and grass are provided by the Fourth Army. After all, this side Because of the quick action, the private army only brought a little dry food. ``Fortunately, Li Huailin’s face is big enough. If it’s not the Grand Marshal, Green here won’t send things to the face. After all, the two sides are not the same system.

When Li Huailin arrived, the situation of the private army was a little lax. It was originally intended to be followed by the Fourth Army. As a result, the Fourth Army only captured a city and was dragged by the Mozu’s plan. However, it has not been promoted in the back. It just waited for two days. The private army also waited for two days. The anecdote did not work, so it looked a little listless, but saw Li Huailin coming. The soldiers here quickly got up and stood up.

"The Lord of the Lord!" The soldiers here shouted together, and Regg and others who heard the news immediately rushed out to meet.

"It seems quite leisurely..." Li Huailin looked at the situation around him.

"Sorry for the lord of the Lord." Regg said immediately, as the highest commander here, Regg is also difficult to push the responsibility, indeed, this group of people is a bit too lax recently, Regg is a bit out of sight.

"The Lord of the Lord, let us fight." St. Regis next to him said, "The Fourth Army over there doesn't know how to do it, and they don't leave. Let's punch the striker if they don't fight."

"Oh? I don't know why I didn't leave?" Li Huailin said a little. "You don't know what happened in the past few days?"

"What happened?" St. Regis said inexplicably, "What?"

"What the Lord of the Lord is talking about is the thing of the undead?" The Regg next to it seems to know something like it. "I heard the people on the side of the Fourth Army, but we are not very clear about what the situation is. ""

This incident is not very clear for the soldiers below the Fourth Army. Because it involves relations between the two countries. So now it is just a few senior officials who know that Ray Ge is not in contact with senior officials. After all, it is not a system (the private army here, the national army there), so Regg has heard a little. The wind smells it.

"This incident is not very complicated." Li Huailin gave a few people a brief introduction of the current situation, of course, mainly to talk about the strategy used by the Mozu.

"It turned out to be like this." After hearing this situation, several knights nodded. "No wonder the Fourth Army here suddenly stopped. Before I heard that the Mozu sent people to the main city to talk, I thought I was going to prepare for a truce."

"It's really despicable. Knowing that we are not in harmony with the undead people is using this inferior means." St. Regis here.

"It seems that there is no way for the Mozu to use such a plan." Dramore said here. "Fortunately, the Lord's Highness is brilliant, and he suddenly sees through the other's conspiracy."

"The situation now is that the troops of the undead and the Terran continue to move in the direction of the original plan?" said St. Regis here. "Lord the Lord, are we still following the Fourth Army? Can you fight?" I am really a little too busy to panic. Let me kill more Mozu dogs."

"The Terran and Undead troops have now moved in the direction of the original plan." Li Huailin said, "But there is still a problem. Do you think that a small tail has not been solved?"

"Is the remnant of Gordon?" Reggae said the fastest, and immediately said.

"Yeah, this army is now ambushing in the land near us. It should be somewhere between the Terran and the Undead camp. Although it is said that there are not many people, the troops of more than 1,000 people are very close. I am irritated. So we have to deal with this unit now," Li Huailin said.

"Great!" said St. Regis here happily. "Although there are only more than 1,000 people. But it is also meat, and there is also a demon marshal, this is enough!"

"Done enough!" Della Mo directly next to a chestnut knocked up, "Give me a serious point, the Lord is talking!"

"Yes..." St. Regis was quiet now.

"In short, our goal now is to eliminate the remaining troops of the other side. Is there any problem?" Li Huailin said.

"No, Lord Lord!" everyone replied immediately.

"That's time to go now," Li Huailin said.

"Yes." Everyone immediately took action, summoned the troops to mobilize troops, and prepared the logistics for the logistics, about an hour later. The troops here are ready to move forward in the direction of the east.

On the other hand, the Mozu here has already received the news. They are naturally paying attention to the movements of the undead and the Terran. At the time, their spies on the undead side suddenly lost their news. They already have I felt very strange. I immediately sent someone to step up my markings. I immediately found out that the other party’s troops began to move toward the south. Looking at this direction, it is estimated that I have to go back to the original offensive line.

"Quickly report this news to His Highness," said Gordon, who frowned and said that the Terran and the Undead people here are already connected, and they have already seen through their plans. He thinks and thinks. This thing will be dismantled, but I did not expect it to be so fast, I hope that the main city is still there.

At this time, what is going on in the main city of the undead? Naturally, it is madly summoning troops. Now there are only 60,000 troops left in the undead. It is really difficult to fight. The Terran is obviously unable to talk about it. The undead people are also iron-hearted to beat them. Now they have been suspicious on both sides, but they don’t know if they will fight. In order to prepare for both hands, here is the national conscription, and there is no time to train. But the summoned soldiers will support the scene of the scene first, and the cannon fodder can also be used.

At the same time, the Mozu here also proposed the willingness to assist the soldiers in several vassal states. Like the Terran, there are many vassal states on the Mozu side, and some are not even the Mozu ethnic group. There are also some more combative races, such as the Warrior’s **** mad warriors. For example, the **** warriors of the Rocky Americans, etc., although the attack method is quite special, but the number is still too small. After issuing the reinforcements request, the reinforcements of the vassal state that are now reaching the main city are basically poor. The largest one also sent troops of 800 people, and the least one actually came to 10 people. In this way, the sum of the total and the zero is also a team of 3,000 people. Because the composition is too complicated, it can basically be said that it is an acrobatic team, which is not helpful for combat.

However, the Mozu family is still a very powerful force. After two days of dragging, the Mozu has already convened more than 20,000 fresh troops, and it is more important that these soldiers are generally at least The veterans who have already retired, that is to say, are very combative. Although they are a little older, the combat experience is very rich, and it is much better than the newly recruited recruits.

These veterans have already been retired, but now it is also an important juncture. When they heard the state of the country’s peril, these veterans also stood up and said that they must defend the Mozu, and the scene was a little touched. In this way, the Mozu The strength of the city was pulled to 90,000 by the hardships. Although the fish and dragons were mixed, the number was already good. At this moment, the news of Gordon here was also heard.

"What..." Bezela was shocked. "It was discovered so quickly."

"It's so fast." Soron's prime minister who set the plan at that time was a little surprised. After all, according to what he had originally thought, this plan couldn't really make people and undead people fight, but drag it for a week or two. It should still be ok, but I didn't expect it to be solved perfectly so quickly, and I don't know which part of the problem.

"How is it right now..." Bezera here said a little annoyed. "Our troops say that there are already 90,000 now, but in fact the combat effectiveness is not very strong. If it is really fighting, it is estimated that even The 60,000 troops of the Terran are not much, not to mention the undead. Is it only the way to defend the main city?"

"His Royal Highness, I have a way." Sauron said suddenly.

"What are the plans for the prime minister?" Bezela asked immediately.

"His Highness, the current situation, even if our 90,000 troops are defending the city, they can only block the troops on one side. If they are attacked by the two sides, we can't stand it." Sauron here said, "So We can think of ways to temporarily block a force..."

"How to block?" Bezera asked immediately.

"Of course it is by geographical advantage." Sauron here said, "His Royal Highness, look at this side."

Sauron pointed to the map next to him and said, "The place we started is here, the Helgalo River."

"Here?" Bezera here is a little bit sloppy. He is not too stupid. When he thinks a little, he immediately understands the meaning of Sauron, but this method is also a thousand injured for the Mozu. The method of self-damage is 800. To be honest, he does not want to use it very much, but now there is no way to do it. Just think about it, here is a table on the table, "Well, I understand, just Let's do this."

"Yes, Your Highness." Sauron said here. (To be continued.)

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