All Things Wrong

Chapter 908: Cofferdam

In the upper reaches of the Helgalo River, a Mozu's troops are working fast here, which is naturally the force that Baizela sent to the plan. (23w[x]

The method proposed by Sauron is actually very simple, that is, the terrain advantage. The Heilgaro River is a very spectacular river that flows through the southern part of the Mozu. The river is very wide and the water flow is extremely urgent. Even if a ship wants to pass the river, it is very difficult.

Many years ago, at the beginning of the founding of the Mozu, the river severely clamped down the development of the Mozu, because the river was so sad, the movement of the big troops was very troublesome, and it was also very common for the people. Very headache, because the traffic on both sides of the river is very troublesome, the average boat can't get through, and the big ship is too little.

This situation continued until the third emperor Mocha, the emperor of the Mozu, was in power. The Mocha Emperor was under tremendous financial pressure and almost mobilized the nation’s ability. It took three years to finally rush to the sea in the hurricane. A bridge was built on the river, so that the two sides that had been separated could finally be easily exchanged. Because of this, the forces of the Mozu were finally able to develop again, and the country became rich and strong. Because of this measure of benefiting the country and the people, the people named the bridge as Mokara Bridge in order to commemorate the emperor of Mokara.

Because the Heilgaro River is too difficult to pass, the building difficulty is too high. Until now, the only bridge across the banks of the river is still only this Mokara Bridge. To be honest, the bridge was built. A miracle, of course, there are so many Mozu people who have sacrificed for this. This is almost a bridge with the blood and bones of the Mozu craftsmen.

So when Sauron pointed to it, Bazera hesitated here. The meaning of Sauron is very clear. As long as the bridge is demolished now, the advancement of the undead is very troublesome. Now the undead is absolutely no big ship. That is to say, it is basically impossible to cross the river. If you want to detour, there is only going to the north, so that you can make a big difference.

The Terran must not wait for the undead, and they must start attacking immediately in the main city. As long as you defeat the Terran offense during the time when the Undeads detour, and then wait for the undead to come, this is equivalent to saying that each is broken, it is indeed a very feasible solution.

However, this is also a very significant loss for the Mozu. If the bridge is damaged, it will return to the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China. As a result, the two sides of the strait will not be able to travel smoothly. Let's not say that the bridge can be rebuilt. It is the loss during this period. The Mozu here is a bit stunned.

That is to say, even if the successful defense here has occupied the attack of the Terran and the Undead, this time the Mozu is also economically hurt, but considering that if it can’t stop it, the Mozu here may have to Desperate, so the last side of this side is still a bite. Agree with this approach.

Soon a unit was sent out, and the work of this unit was. The first is to destroy the bridge first, and the second is to prepare the water storage in the upper reaches. If the undead troops here really try to cross the river, then the gate will be opened instantly, and the undead will definitely suffer a big loss.

On the other hand, the recruitment of troops here is still in progress, although the promotion of the Terran and the Undead is now beginning again. However, if you want to advance to the vicinity of the main city, it will take about a week or more. The Mozu here has already given up the front boundary, and is not prepared to leave the city and defend the main city. Of course, this kind of thing is impossible to tell the people. Otherwise, all the people in the previous city will go all the way to the main city, and they will not have to fight each other. They will kill them all after a while.

At this time, for the defensive strategy of the Mozu, the Terran and the Undead were still unaware. Even Li Huailin did not notice that the Mozu had begun to expand rapidly and blocked the actions of the undead. Now he is looking for Gordon with his troops. What about the remnants of the army?

I have to say that this small army of only 1,000 people has attracted a lot of attention. In terms of use, this unit is already worth the money. Now Gordon’s situation is also very bad. First of all, their troops have already lost their food. It was impossible to take the grain team before fleeing. All the soldiers brought a little dry food. These days, the effort has already been eaten. It’s over, now I can only look for something on the mountain. I have 1000 mouths. Of course, it’s impossible to feed everyone with hunting. Even Gordon’s own food is not full, let alone The soldiers are gone.

Next is Gordon's own injury. In the siege war of the previous few days, Gordon here was almost burned by the aura of the dead spirit. Although it has been rescued, the injury has not been better. The handling, because he has no time to rest for a while, has been paying attention to the surrounding situation, the injury has also deteriorated.

Under such circumstances, this unit is still playing an extraordinary record. In the past few days, the adult people will fight the undead, and in a few moments, they will be dressed as the undead to fight the human race, and they will not confront each other’s positives. Recently, there are also about 500 people with head-to-head income. The battle damage on their own side is very small. On the small-scale combat power, Gordon here finds that he is more comfortable.

However, such a day is finally over. After the return of the races and undead people here, the Gordon will soon receive the latest order from Bezera, let them give up harassment and return directly to the main city. . Bezela is still thinking about Gordon here. After all, the generals of the Mozu are really not many. Gordon is already the best one. The previous battle with the undead has been so bad. Blame him, after all, the other side has a sword, so I forgive him for a while, the work of defending the main city must be handed over to him.

Seeing the orders of Bazera, Gordon here is finally able to smile. The work in these days has not been in vain. The letter given to him by Baizella also wrote the preparations for the recent main city. The matter of recruiting 20,000 soldiers was also written, but the destruction of the Mokara Bridge was not written for a while, because this fact is not so good now. This is the life bridge of the Mozu, and it is now announced that it will be demolished. Things, afraid of the people's heart is not stable.

"Brothers, the temple came down and believed, we... I have to go back!" Gordon stood up and shouted at the surrounding Mozu soldiers.

"Really?" The Mozu soldiers were tired and hungry. Now they just want to go home. Now they have heard this exciting news. How can they make them unhappy? When they hear the voice of Gordon here. The original Demon soldiers of all spirits immediately stood up.

"It's true." Gordon raised the letter of Bazera and said to everyone, "This is the letter of His Royal Highness. The temple has raised all of us. You have done a good job. We are all Mozu. Great warrior of the empire!"

"Hey!" The morale of the soldiers here shouted and shouted at Gordon. "Long live the Emperor's Highness! Long live the Emperor's Highness! Long live the Mozu!"

"Yeah!" Gordon looked at the remaining less than 1,000 troops. Some of his eyes were wet. When he came out with troops, there were more than 70,000 people here. Now they are fighting down, only two battles. There are less than 1,000 troops here. As the commander, he really...

"Okay! Kids!" Gordon wiped his tears a little and said, "Now, let's go home!"

"Go home! Go home! Go home!" the Mozu soldiers shouted together.

"Wait..." When the Mozu soldiers on this side were ready to pack up the baggage, a sudden voice came over. "That, the letter from His Highness, Mr. Bezella, let me see if it works." ”

"His Royal Letter..." Gordon's subconscious mind wants to say how the letter of His Highness can be seen by you, but he hasn't said it yet. He suddenly realizes that it is wrong. How is this voice familiar?

Turning around, a few people in the woods next to him were riding towards them, and Gordon, who was headed by a man, could not forget his face. He was the man who had defeated him twice. - The Duke of Aquitaine of the Terran.

" a Terran army!" The Mozu soldiers here immediately realized that they were not right. They immediately moved closer to Gordon. Because of the sudden time, some soldiers almost forgot to take weapons. The formation is naturally Needless to say, it’s completely messed up.

At this time, the Terran troops have slowly gathered around. Li Huailin’s private army can have 4,000 troops on this side. Although it is more troublesome to ride horses in the woods, there are not many shrubs here. All of them are big trees. Under such circumstances, there is no problem with the walking of the horses, but they can't be rushed.

But even if you can't rush, it's enough to encircle these Mozu remnants. The other side is tired and hungry. There is almost no fighting power. The Terran troops here are full of food and drink. The whole body is full of strength, waiting for the snoring to wait. Impatient, the soldiers of the Mozu on this side are all like watching the merits of the move.

"And... it's you!" Gordon looked at Li Huailin here, a bit miserable.

"I don't know how to say you. We couldn't find anyone yet. As a result, one or two shouts are so loud, I am afraid that we can't find where you are?" Li Huailin said with a smile, "I said before. Let's go, Gordon, Gordon, see you again, this time you really want to see you again."

"Wait... your voice." Gordon's look changed here, and he seemed to think of something suddenly.

"Up! Kill clean." But it is too late, and Li Huailin here has waved directly, and the human-like army like a wolf has already rushed up. (To be continued.)

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