All Things Wrong

Chapter 926: teaching

The underground boxing ground of the Snake King Club, the fire has already burned up, not only the vip room of Malev, the room next to it, the ground below has already begun to burn. () At this time, the site is still full of living people, although only the last breath is left, but basically people are still alive, but the body is too weak, can only rely on their own will to escape The place to climb.

At this time, Malev, he is still not dead. Although he has been burnt by the flames, and he has been smouldered, he is still alive and strong, but he also knows that lying here is waiting to be burned. Between life and death, here, Maref once again broke out of the small universe, exhausted the strength of the whole body, Maref climbed to the side of his bedside table, and then found two bottles from it.

Not considered at all, the horse here used the last strength to drink the liquid in the two bottles, and then lay a little on the ground for a while, his face actually changed a little better.

"Fortunately, he did not think that I have a life-saving potion here." Marlev here has been able to stand up, and the blood volume has also recovered more than half: "Don't die me! Duke Aquitaine! This hate me down It!"

Even so, but now he can't hesitate, after all, the surrounding fire is getting bigger and bigger, and if you don't go out, you really have to be burned to death.

Since the vip room was the first to catch fire, the fire was very big, and the main entrance could not go out. There is no way for Malev here to jump directly from the stands. Of course, because the physical strength is not enough, it is difficult to see directly. But now there is no time to take care of this, dragging the body that is hurting, and Marif, here, rushed out in the direction of the door.

"The boss rescues me!" A lot of people who are still struggling on the ground are asking for help from Marlev here. However, Malev did not pay attention to it. He rushed straight out to the door. Finally, he slowly approached the exit, feeling that a sun was in front of his own eyes.

"Oh, it's not bad. It's coming out so soon." When Marlef was thinking that he had escaped from birth, a horrible voice came over again, turning his head and seeing it in front of his own eyes. It is still the horrible demon, the Duke of Aquitaine.

"唰", the horse here has not reacted yet. Li Huailin directly crossed the sword on the neck of Marlev. Of course, Li Huailin did not use the light, but swallowed the god. Even so, the Marle here seems to have been completely mad, and he sat directly on the ground.

"I said, Mr. Snake King, today, I am really angry." Li Huailin said with a smile. "The technique you use is too naive. It is too boring, so face your naive person. I It is necessary to help you correct this and let you mature quickly."

"Ah?" Malev, here, was completely stupid. Li Huailin, who looked at this side, did not speak.

"There are many ways to mature a person. Of course, I chose the fastest and safest method. It is said that people will slowly mature after experiencing life and death. You should look at me more carefully. Think about it. You However, in half an hour, I experienced three tests of death. First, I was almost burned to death by the aura of the Excalibur. I was almost burned to death. Now I have been framed by my neck. I don’t know how to pass these three tests. What do you understand about our snake king?" Li Huailin asked with a smile.

"I..." Marlef was really stupid this time. What happened to this guy? I have been out for so long. I have never seen such a person. It is really terrible. .

"I am asking you, Mr. Snake King." Li Huailin directly put the sword on the neck of Marif, almost as if he would cut his head.

"I am wrong! Duke adults, please spare me." Malev said here quickly.

"It seems that you have understood the importance of admitting mistakes." Li Huailin said with a smile. "But it is not enough to admit mistakes. You think I spent more than one hour of precious time to teach you. Should you let My time is a little worthwhile, what woman do I want?"

"No... not here." Malev said here quickly, "I didn't bring her."

"Yes? What do you want for you?" Li Huailin said, "Go away."

"Wait...etc..." Malev said here quickly. "I... I can take you to her. Without me, you can't find her all my life. Maybe my men will still take it." She let go."

"Is it?" Li Huailin looked directly at the people who were crawling outside, and then shouted: "Is there any person in the queue who wants to take me to find the horsewoman? Now I can sign up for him. There is only one person who can go out from here today. If you look at who is more suitable, let me choose someone, or I will abstain from you."

"I!" "I!" "I know where the boss shut the woman!"

The latter group of people is really unable to climb, and heard the opportunity to live, and quickly shouted to Li Huailin.

"You are a group of bastards!" Malev said here, shouting at the back, but he was really anxious. The woman did not know that he knew that as long as he was close to him, he knew that this was the case... ... looked at Li Huailin in front of him, and Mariev here shouted again: "Duke, I am wrong, I am going to find the horsewoman, just ask you to take my life, let me do anything! I beg you!"

“Really?” Li Huailin looked at it for a moment, then suddenly gimmicked. “But it seems that there are a lot of road parties. Why should I find you especially...”

"I... I know a lot of things they don't know." Malev said here quickly. "We will know some of the secrets of the Duke, I know their names, I tell them all, so No one can find out the secret of the Duke’s adult."

"Oh, is it? This sounds good." Li Huailin said.

"I know too!" "I know too!" The people behind him shouted.

"But it seems that they also know." Li Huailin said to the person behind him.

"They don't know at all!" Mareef here quickly sold his teammates. "They are nonsense. I really know that I am alone in the list. I told them to let them go everywhere if something went wrong." So only I can stop them."

"Oh... this way..." Li Huailin nodded. "That can be considered."

"I know the wrong Duke adults, take me away, I will take you to find them." Marlef here saw that the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and came over here, so he said quickly. .

"But... I am very careful about this person." Li Huailin suddenly said, "What if you go out and run? I am so worried."

"I won't run, Duke adults, believe me, I really can't run..." Malev said here quickly.

"I don't believe it." Li Huailin spread his hand. "I still forget it. I will find it myself. If I am too big, I will shovel the snake king. Anyway, the boss is dead. It is not difficult."

"Wait... Duke adults, please believe me, what can I do to make you believe me?" Marif said quickly.

Li Huailin suddenly turned back and continued to smile and looked at Malev. This smile once again made Maref in this side feel a fear.

"I suddenly want to understand." Li Huailin said with a smile. "It doesn't seem to be a difficult thing. You see a person wants to run. He must have a leg first..."

Having said that, Li Huailin here has not said anything, but for a moment, Marif here understands that one must run, the first is to have legs. This sentence is a nonsense, but on the contrary, there is no The person with the legs can't run even if he wants to run.

Said here, here Malev looked subconsciously to his two legs, although burned, but these two legs can still be used, a little treatment can be restored, but listen to Li Huailin here meaning……

"Come on?" Li Huailin pointed directly to the short knife next to the ground and said to Malev: "I think about it, I will wait for you at the door. If you climb your legs and climb out, I will give you the opportunity to bring I am going to find someone. If I am still standing, I will personally send you back. As for how to choose, I will see you."

" can't do this..." The voice of Marleph trembled here, it was terrible.

Li Huailin completely ignored Marlev here. He took the sword and turned and walked out toward the door. At this time, it has spread to this place. It is estimated that the house will collapse after a while.

"Oh, yes." Halfway, Li Huailin here remembered something and turned to Maldiv. "You better think about it faster. I don't speak to you alone, anyone." I chopped my legs and climbed out. I gave him a chance to be a man again. I am at your fingertips now, but don’t let the people behind you catch up. The opportunity is right beside you, but you must hold it firmly."

Maref looked subconsciously behind his own body, and then the person who heard the words changed his eyes in a flash. He was originally his own younger brother. Now he wants to climb up and hack himself, and then cut his own. Climb out the legs.

"How could this be." Mareph's trembling hands touched the short knife next to him, watching the younger brothers crawling toward him. For a moment, he made up his mind. (To be continued.)

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