All Things Wrong

Chapter 927: Snake King

Polit and Steining don't know what Li Huailin did. He only knows that when Li Huailin came back, he came back with the snake king Malev, who was burned and walked in the dark. If it wasn't for this, Standin would see you. After several times, Marlef couldn’t recognize this guy as the leader of the prevailing Snake King Club. After all, the current Maref is really miserable than the street.

"It doesn't matter if the Duke is so big. Marlev's power in the south of the empire is still quite big. Now everyone is watching you take him back. Once he is known by his men, maybe he will launch a revenge..." Stantin here is also kindly reminded in the face of Li Huailin.

"Oh, nothing." Li Huailin shook his hand. "Actually, this guy is very grateful to me. You said yes, Mr. Snake King."

"Yeah yeah." Marlev, who was kneeling on the ground, was really a little excited. I didn't expect the Duke of Aquitaine to be such a good person. Not only did he almost kill him three times, but now even his legs. They were all cut off, and they took him like a dog and climbed the whole circle from Degasa City. It was harder than killing him. This way, Malev, who suddenly thought of this, suddenly came out from the bottom of his heart. Grateful feelings, excited almost all the tears have to come down, really do not know how to return Li Huailin's grace.

I thought about myself before I went to the pit Li Huailin. Marlef felt that he was a little self-sufficient. People complained about their own morality. The most important thing to come out of is to talk about it. This time, Mareffe really wants to make a fire for Li Huailin.

"Duke of the Duke, your kindness is really unrequited, Duke, you have what you want to do, give it to me, I must find a way to help you." Malev said here quickly.

"..." Polit and Steining here looked pitifully at Maref on the ground. This group really is a direct collapse to the whole spirit, it is really miserable. Standin is also relieved. Fortunately, he reacts quickly and decides to go early, otherwise it is also the result.

"That, let's go find the knight," Li Huailin said. "Then all the people in the meeting who know this are ruined, no problem."

"No problem!" Malev said here immediately. "Please come with me."

"That's it, you continue to do business here, I am going to do things first." Li Huailin said to Polit and Standin here, "Polit, here at the Kliwen Chamber of Commerce Just joined, there are things you have to explain to him, and then said the same as before. The southern part of the empire is assigned to the Keliwen Chamber of Commerce to deal with, and you continue to develop west and abroad."

"Yes, the Duke, please give it to me." Polit said here. "There is also the Duke, there is something to report to you."


"That is the case. A month ago, the Duke and I said that we would like to acquire a little high-quality pet egg. Didn't the Duke adults remember it?" Polit said.

"Oh. Right." Li Huailin nodded, but it was a bit forgotten. The main thing is that there are too many things. I don’t remember the task of arranging it for a while. "How is it going now, how much has it been acquired?"

"There has been a little bit of success. Now that we have purchased nearly 20 high-quality pet eggs, we are ready to ship to the Ducal Palace," said Polit.

"20." Li Huailin nodded. "Well, let's put it in the Duke's Mansion. I will take it when I have time. You will continue to buy it here."

"Yes, Duke adults." Polit said here.

Commanded all things. Li Huailin immediately took the broken leg of Marif to the city of Muryek, the headquarters of the Snake King. Like the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, the headquarters of the Snake King Club is still located in the most developed city of Muryek in the south. After all, the business development here is better, of course, the money is also more, and the choice is not the most earned. .

Li Huailin has always lamented that the development of Muryek City here is really good. Of course, this should not be done by the city owner Sethi. After all, such a bustling city cannot be a year or two. It takes a long time to accumulate. Seyce is only 12 years old this year, so the real power should be her family. In general, Li Huailin naturally wants to dig up these ruthless internal affairs teams. Unfortunately, his territory is not the same, and the development is too fierce. The people's heart can't hold it at all, so it is necessary to let the people live a state of not being very happy. In this case, their own people will be almost enough. Like the ruthless internal affairs team here, let him be on the normal territory. Development will be fine.

Followed by Maldiv, who was crawling around the ground, Li Huailin walked slowly toward the headquarters of the Snake King Club. However, Li Huailin also hindered Xi'an from a small problem. That is, Malev, who is here now, is too slow, no... ... It should be said that it is too slow to climb, and the more terrible problem is that the horses here are still slower and slower. One is naturally physical problems. The other is that Marif is still bleeding, and the wounds are not. After handling it, now both of the two below the knee are dragging.

Another big problem is that Marlef seems to be a relatively tall and slick person in Muryek City. There are still many people who know him. Of course, there is not a lot of people who have seen Maref in this way, so pass by. At that time, a large number of people were watching and pointing to Li Huailin, but no one dared to come up. Although I don’t know what happened, it seems that something is going to happen.

Sure enough, Li Huailin walked for a while, and finally someone came up. Coming over is a group of city guards, a total of a dozen people, the captain here also saw Li Huailin several times.

"Duke of Aquitaine." The captain of the city guard, called Marne, came to greet him. The dozens of city guards behind him also immediately saluted.

"Oh." Li Huailin nodded. Basically, he was used to a city city guard and asked him about the situation. "What?"

"This..." Marne here looked at Maref on the ground, because now it looks like a big change, and the distance is still not clear, but at a close look, this is not the underground king of them, the snake king Maref. Well, now how it has become like this, it’s too bad. Look at Li Huailin again. These two sides don’t know what happened, but Marne knows that both sides can’t offend, think about it, here’s Marne said to Li Huailin: "Duke Duke, do you know who this person is?"

"Know, guy named Snake King, right." Li Huailin said that he also looked at Maref on the ground.

"No, no, how dare I call this in front of the Duke adults. The Duke adults call my name." Malev, here, was very flattered.

"..." Looking at the situation of the two people being so harmonious, the mans and horses here directly stunned. The situation seems to be different from what they imagined. Is it that they misunderstood, and the two did not conflict?

Just thinking about it, I suddenly went to the other side and there was a large group of people who came over here. The crowd watching the crowd looked at it and immediately made the birds and beasts scattered. Li Huailin also looked up and saw that these people were completely black uniforms, and each one looked like a fierce god. This kind of clothes Li Huailin had already seen before. After all, the younger brother of Maleev wore this kind of clothes. It seems that the younger brothers of Maref, who received the wind, came over to see what happened.

Sure enough, the goal of this group of people is Li Huailin. About three hundred people directly put Li Huailin and a dozen city guards here. They came out of two bald heads and shouted to Maref on the ground: "Boss What's wrong with you, so squatting on the ground!"

"Tmd didn't see my foot gone?" Mareef immediately yelled at his own man. "I don't want to help me with the car (of course not the car)."

"What, boss, what happened to your feet!" Two brawny men shouted here, and then they looked at Li Huailin and several city guards. "Is it you?"

After talking about the younger brothers here, they brushed forward, as if they heard the order, they would start playing.

"Retreat, what do you want to do!" The Marx here is also a bit nervous. Although it is inside the city and where they are governed, they also know what kind of organization the snake king will be. There is nothing they dare not do. Even if the regular army wants to let them three points, let alone their city guards, now this situation is really possible to fight directly, and they are now more than a dozen people, more than three hundred, no I have to fight, and Marne is talking, and there is sweat in his hand.

"What are you doing? I want to do something to my benefactor!" Suddenly a roar stopped everyone's actions. Maref on the ground looked at his little brothers with a bit of anger, then said with a sullen face, "Duke of Aquitaine But my great benefactor, you are so disrespectful, is this going to rebel?"

"Ha?" The younger brothers here showed a glimpse. Although they didn't know what happened, they seemed to have misunderstood them. So they quickly stunned. "Sorry for the Duke! We misunderstood!"

"Sorry for the Duke adults." More than 300 people apologized to Li Huailin.

"Sorry for the Duke of the Duke, I have not taught my younger brother." Malev also apologized.

"It's okay." Li Huailin waved his hand casually and then said to the city guards, "I have something to do with this. Let's go back first."

"This... Duke adults don't need protection, we can contact the above." Marne thought about it.

"Nothing is ok." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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