All Things Wrong

Chapter 993: discuss

"The game is over, the winner, the chest of the player. 6◆, ww≯w.2▲3wx.c⊕om" The host here Liu Su saw this situation is also rushed to the stage to temporarily guest appearance a referee, of course Although the action was a bit unskilled, the audience on the stage quickly burst into a strong applause and resolved his embarrassment.

"Big brother! Niubi brother! Niubi brother!"

The applause thundered and shouted, and the finals were much better than the round robin. The players who happened to meet this side all completed the second turn. The various big moves were also thrown everywhere, even the tyrants Li Huailin I also started to throw away all kinds of big tricks I have never seen before, and the game is also a thrilling. No one knows that Li Huailin has Xiaomi Baodi. It looks like the magic kitchen throws a skill and has the opportunity to take Li Huailin away. This kind of twists and turns In the game, the audience is naturally very satisfied. Of course, Li Huailin won the victory, which made them more satisfied. After all, most people have money to earn.

In the cheers of the audience, Li Huailin walked down the stage with victory, and the host Liu Su continued to explain on the stage.

"The first finalist has already been determined, that is, our arrogant brother..." Deliberately dragged a long tone, and the audience also gave a very face, and immediately began to scream the name of the tyrant.

"The next game is the wind and the flow of the players against the players of the day. Is it true that the two generals of Huaxing Company can be in the finals, or the fate of each side and the tyrants..." Liu Su quickly mobilized the audience. Emotions, mainly because of the influence of the a-level players in the current situation, the event party and gvs hope to transfer the attention of the audience to the game. Now it is just that Li Huailin and the magic kitchen have played a wonderful game, of course. It is time to add fire.

"Every day! Every day! Every day!"

As a result, the audience did not give face to the name of each party. Although they were mixed with the shouts of several hard-core fans, they basically could not hear. Most of the audience are not blind, and there is still a gap between the wind and the other side. Everyone has seen that the last game is not so obvious, but this season, each side is a bit too strong, so people simply look at it. I don't quite understand.

It’s like the title of ss-level player that Li Huailin won last season. It seems to be a little far away from the players who are going to the back. For example, the game of the magic kitchen, the magic kitchen, the strength of the person, actually held on Li Huailin for less than 1 minute, have to say that really is the gap.

In this finals, compared to Li Huailin's relatively flat schedule, the schedule of each side of the day is slightly more tense, but from the previous battle, each side of the day is still very comfortable. Therefore, the audience's evaluation of him is also one liter and then rise.

Li Huailin, who walked down the ring, immediately encountered the wind that was preparing to play. He was going to go up and say a few words. I didn’t expect to see Li Jianyi in the back saying hello to himself, as if there was something to find himself, Li Huailin looked I watched the wind and did not say anything. I shot the other person’s shoulder directly and said, “Come on!”

"Understand." The wind here is also a serious nod. He also knows that it is very difficult, but he still needs to try his best. He is not so easy to admit defeat.

"What?" Li Huailin went to the front of Li Jianyi and asked.

"Of course, this is the skill of the audience who killed and killed the audience. I have already reported it. The referee team at the other side is in a meeting. I want to hear your opinion." Li Jianyi said, "Go with me first."

"Oh, I know." Li Huailin nodded. If you can use it, you must first ask clearly. After all, it involves the life of the audience. Of course, it does not mean that Li Huailin cares about the life and death of the audience. It is mainly because it is troublesome after being sentenced.

"I also discussed with him before, to see if I gave up the semi-final and focused on the three or four games." Li Jianyi said suddenly.

“Hmm?” Li Huailin took a look.

"I said Xiao Yu." Li Jianyi here pointed out that the wind that was preparing to play there also said. "After all, the strength of each side of the sky is really, there is nothing to say, Xiao Yu's skills cool down a bit long, if the semi-final is used, it may not be cooled down to the three or four finals, so I propose to keep the skills to deal with the magic kitchen, However, Xiao Yu did not agree."

"Normal." Li Huailin nodded. "Let him try it. Anyway, we are also a champion."

"That's why you dare to say this at this time. I have no way to stop the road in the usual season. I am sure you have it." Li Jianyi here said, "Let's go and talk."

On both sides, he walked toward the conference room of the game committee. Li Jianyi said here and Li Huailin said that the current situation is mainly because the a-level players there are in trouble.

"The negotiating side has entered a deadlock, and neither side will compromise." Li Jianyi said, "But it seems that I am more and more aware that the things that other companies have to settle in before joining the company alliance are true. What do you think? I don’t think that several a-level players here are the main players. After all, if they don’t have a backing, they don’t have the ambition to say this, but now they all look very emboldened, and there are definitely people behind them.”

"Yeah." Li Huailin thought for a moment and then said to Li Jianyi, "I have an unconfirmed insider message here. Do you want to listen?"

"Inside information?" Li Jianyi here has a slight glimpse. "Which aspect?"

"The news about the back of these a-level players." Li Huailin said.

"Do you know?" Li Jianyi here has a slight glimpse. The support behind the a-level players is certain. The company's league committee here is also immediately using resources to check. The problem is that they have not found it until now. Any news about this, Li Huailin said that he has inside information, which naturally surprised Li Jianyi.

"Oh... I said it is unconfirmed. You can listen to it. Don't spread it." Li Huailin said, he also considered that Li Jianyi here is worthy of him, which will give him a precaution in advance. The needle is also no problem.

"Well?" Looking at Li Huailin here is not like saying fake, Li Jianyi also nodded. "Understood, you said."

"Mingyang Group." Li Huailin said four words lightly.

Although it was very light, it immediately caused a huge wave in the heart of Li Jianyi: "Mingyang Group? Are they?"

"Know?" Li Huailin asked.

"This is really something you can't help." Li Jianyi smiled here. "Although the other party is not a company in the game industry, the business is close to us. In recent years, Mingyang Group's business is increasingly coming to us." Close, I did not expect the other party really want to enter the game industry."

"Do you know that they have a background in Zheng?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah." Li Jianyi nodded here. "This is what I still know. When the company just started, it was supported by the Zheng government. After that, it was directly invested. The background is very hard. Wait, you mean this. Things and zheng house..."

"I don't know very well, you can ask yourself." Li Huailin said.

"This... a little trouble, before the zheng house has never participated in our situation, the game committee is also an unofficial organization..." Li Jianyi here quickly understood how troublesome this matter was, originally I know that this matter will not be so simple, and now I think it is even more troublesome.

"If there is no way to stop them from entering the market, and try to get the conditions for preferential treatment." Li Huailin here said, "Would you like to say hello to several big companies in advance?"

"Big company? You said ZTE Group?" Li Jianyi asked here.

"Zhongxing Group is the largest company in the current company alliance. The highest damage is naturally given to him. We are not in the top qualification of Huaxing." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"Yes." Li Jianyi smiled here. "It seems that Dong Zhongxing has something to worry about. I am really afraid that he will be unaffected by the Lord. The 60-year-old is estimated to have a heart attack. Made it.

While talking, the two men have already reached the door of the conference room on the second floor of the arena. Li Jianyi here knocked on the door slightly, then pushed the door in. Li Huailin immediately followed.

The conference room here is now full of people, not only the players of the competition committee and the referee team, but also the director of the gvs TV too, Liu Yuntian has arrived at this time. After all, it is related to the audience. He must also cooperate with him here.

Seeing that Li Jianyi and Li Huailin came in, everyone’s eyes turned to the two people. Everyone’s eyes were a little bit bad. Everyone was very upset now, and the a-level players there had not dealt with the troubles. After all, here, Li Huailin has come to trouble again. You directly put a skill down to the audience. Needless to say, you have to make a big deal. Actually, you have actually reported it. This is not to give them a mess.

Li Huailin didn't look at the eyes of these people. He directly found a place to sit on the spot. Li Jianyi also asked everyone about it, and then sat next to Li Huailin. The discussion here began formally.

"I said... Niu brother, I will confirm first, is your skill really killing the audience?" Liu Yuntian asked here first.

"Yes." Li Huailin nodded. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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