All Things Wrong

Chapter 994: Early warning

The second game of the semi-final was officially over. The winners who stood in the ring did not surprise everyone. The heavens and the victors defeated the wind and successfully reached the final. Of course, the finals The opponent is Li Huailin. £, w⊙ww.2♀3wx.covm and the wind here is three or four matches with the Magic Kitchen.

"The winner of the game did not surprise everyone. It really is the player of the day, the old captain, come and comment on this game." Liu Su said here, the guest quiz before the game is still the day of the five lights The result is also all guessed, this game is really not surprising.

"This game can be seen that the wind and the flow of players have basically done their best, but still do not let the parties use any new skills that have not been used, I believe that each side of the players is definitely ready for new skills, but all stay In the finals, to be honest, we look forward to his confrontation with the bulls." Dasongshan said simply, there is nothing to comment on this game, but I am very much looking forward to the finals.

Needless to say, the audience is also very much looking forward to it. This game has been warming up for a long time. The two have been in a state of keeping their enemies from last season. The finals of each side of the season last season were lost in Li Huailin. In the hand, this season's round-robin meeting is also a tortuous and bizarre. The result of the two-player game is that the official announcement is that each side wins, but the players who have seen the game know that there is controversy, especially the skills used by Li Huailin are indeed spikes. Everyone in the sky, just because the skills are first hanged. The meeting again in the finals, of course, is the two people are looking forward to.

The iron is going to be hot. The host here, Liu Su, said that he was going to announce that the finals were about to start. The result was just getting up and suddenly received a notice. Liu Su here squatted a little, then nodded.

After receiving the remote, Liu Su got up and said to the audience: "I am very sorry for the audience. Because of some technical reasons, the finals that were supposed to start will be postponed for fifteen minutes. Please audience. understanding."

"Ha?" All the audience are a glimpse of this horse situation? The finals were always held behind the semi-finals. There was never a rest time. This was another fifteen-minute break. It seems like I have just met before.

This is of course, they encountered this situation just an hour ago, the game did not start before the start time, delayed half an hour after directly announced that the two top 8 players retired, and now this situation. How can this make the audience not worry?

"Is it a squad or one of the two sides of the day to retire?"

"No, they are not a-level players. Why do you retire?"

"Maybe it is to support the a-level players."

"Oh my God, can't you say that the finals can't be held? No, I have waited for a season to see the matchup between the two. Can't you see it now?"

Needless to say, the audience here immediately became chaotic, and the staff at the scene could not hold back the violent audience because of the relationship between the two former players. The audience was very worried that they could not see the finals, so the confusion was unusual.

"Please be quiet first. Please be quiet." Liu Su here also immediately received a reminder from the staff behind him, and began to maintain the order of the scene. "Everyone listened to me, the finals will not be canceled, please audience. Rest assured, I am sorry to assure you that it is not the reason for the players to retire."

"Oh, that's it." "I just said, how can the slain brother and the heavens retreat?"

The audience will not be able to cancel the finals. The audience here is a little relieved. At least the game is still there. But why should we rest for fifteen minutes? What is the technical reason?

"Please rest assured." Liu Su said here again. "The reason for the delay is because there is a problem with the rules in this game. Now the referee team of the match is negotiating with the players, so it takes a little time. Does not affect the competition, so please rest assured."

"Rules question? Is it because of the skill of suicide?"

"Tmd's skill to summon the devil is too embarrassing. I want to see it too. I said why I want this disgusting rule. I must allow the summoning."

The audience guessed that the skill of summoning the devil was a curse. After all, this skill is a super powerful big skill. It is a pity that the final can't be used. It is estimated that this is also the game. Will negotiate, of course, from the point of view of the audience, it is certainly the best to use, this skill is more powerful, more wind.

An explanation made the audience feel relieved. The fifteen minutes is not too long, and the audience can afford it. Just this time, you can also look at the situation of the game.

The current audience's headaches are also the situation of the game. Li Huailin and the Tianyi party can win the championship. This is really a big problem. The two of them are strong, they don’t know at all, but according to the former captain’s son, Matsuyama, it seems that every day Compared with the majors, so far, the side of the game is still slightly ahead of each other. But it is only a little ahead of the curve, and there is basically no gap.

The rest time of fifteen minutes is not very long. Most of the audience did not leave. The arguments were discussed at this time. The two guests here did not leave, and the audience was also sitting on the commentary. Analyzed the current situation.

Soon the fifteen minutes passed, everyone looked at the time is coming, and each of them stopped talking. Everyone looked at the center of the venue again, and the two still did not play. The audience was a little worried, although the former host said that they should not worry, the finals must be there, but given the precedent, everyone is still worried that they will suddenly cancel.

When all the audience put their eyes on the ring, the host here Liu Su also received the notice from the rear staff. When I heard the contents here, Liu Su was a little unbelievable, and immediately Just put a headache.

"What to do?" Another host next to Kexin also came over. Of course, she also received the notice. The problem is that this is really very difficult. You let them explain to you and the audience.

"Try to ensure language problems as much as possible, let me come." The Liu host said here, after all, although Xin has talent, but also a novice host, he is already an old master, so this matter Still let him come.

Walking to the middle of the ring, Liu Su, the host here, took a breath and looked at the audience. At this time, the audience was a little worried. Fifteen minutes passed. It was not the contestants but the hosts. Could it be that what they are worried about really happened.

"Everyone, please listen to me." Liu Su said here, the scene is quiet, and they are listening to what Liu Su said.

"This is the case, please rest assured that both players have been ready, the finals can be started at any time." Liu Su here is also to let everyone rest assured.

"Call." Sure enough, all the audiences are relieved, this is good, at least the finals.

"However, there is a problem now." Liu Su immediately turned to the side here. "Yes, according to the report of the player here, he will use some very powerful skills in the finals."

"Well?" The audience did not understand, the skill of killing is very big. What is strange about this tm? The finals naturally have to use big tricks. You don’t have to use it at this time. It’s killing. Naturally, the bigger the more Ok, what's the point to say.

"The skills used by the players are not only very lethal, but also the scope of the damage is very large, so it is very likely that even the audience can not guarantee safety." Liu Su said here.

"Oh." The audience understands that this does not require much explanation. After all, Li Huailin has not done this. The last time the magnifying move was nearly 200 spectators, no wonder the referee group discussed it.

"Our referee team analyzes the skills of the young players. As a result, this skill does not violate the rules of the game. It is a skill that can be used, but after the death of the audience, the experience and equipment will be dropped, so at this time we must Notify everyone." Liu Su said here.

The audience understands what is going on at this time. The question is how the game committee handles this situation.

"After the results of our discussion, because the skills do not violate the rules, they can be used. Send one now to ask the audience for understanding, now we rest for another fifteen minutes, the audience can go offline directly in the fifteen minutes Leaving the scene of the game, the departing audience will receive some compensation for the tickets of the competition committee. However, after the start of the game after fifteen minutes, because of the loss caused by the skills of the players, the game committee can’t authenticate, so it is not. Will compensate, of course, we do not organize everyone to stay on the scene to watch the game, and the bank of Brasov City is on the right side of the arena, if you really want to watch the game, please the audience can first put yourself on the body The important equipment is saved to the bank and come back again." Liu Su here explained this time.

After the explanation, the audience here first squatted for a while, then suddenly frantically.

"I wiped, I heard no, the audience must be ready to die at any time. What kind of skills are there?"

"The trough, the blast, and it can come like this, silly b is off the assembly line, the finals of the old man."

"Hurry to the bank!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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