Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 498 Settlement


Joey and Hill swallowed at the same time, their eyes full of horror.

They never imagined that the fire stones used for lighting in every household could have such terrifying destructive power.

If all the fire stones in the tribe explode...

Thinking of this, the two of them suddenly felt their scalps numb and had goosebumps all over their bodies.

"Holy shit~" Xu Xingliang's eyes widened and he exclaimed: "This power is too scary!"

"It's indeed a bit scary!" Xiao Yao smacked his mouth and said.

He also didn't expect that the Huoming Stone would have such terrifying power after it exploded. Judging from the destructive effect, it was only slightly worse than Lao Niu's Hellfire Fist.

But you must know that the full blow of the gold level 4 Lao Niu is already comparable to the platinum level 1 and 2 monsters. So looking at it this way, the explosive power of the fire Akashi can at least reach the gold level 5, and can even reach the platinum level. edge.

And this is just a fire stone, if there are many...

The image of hundreds of fire stones washing the ground appeared in his mind.

Of course, looking at it now, his vision is not so easy to realize.

In order to make the fire stone explode, you must first have strong mental power to mobilize its internal energy, and at the same time use the power of the fire element to wear off the outer protective layer. After the entire process, you must have at least gold level strength.

"This distinguished guest~"

Hill asked tremblingly: "How did you do it?"

Xiao Yao glanced at him, thought for a moment, and decided to tell Hill what he had just done.

He wanted to see if the Three-Eyed Spirit Clan had the ability to inspire the Fire Mingshi.

Of course, since he dared to tell Hill, he was not afraid that they would use fire stones to deal with him.

After all, even he would need a long time to activate Huo Mingshi, and he would be basically useless in the ever-changing battle.

In addition, there are not many powerful people in the entire Three-Eyed Spirit Clan, and they basically do not have the conditions to activate the Fire Akashi.

Maybe the young patriarch in front of him has a chance!

As for why he chose to tell Hill, it mainly stemmed from a plan in his mind.

Now he doesn't know how long he will stay in this plane, maybe a few months, maybe two or three years, maybe longer.

During this period of time, if he has a group of obedient men around him to help him solve some small things in life, then they can concentrate on hunting monsters and improving their strength.

Otherwise, you have to deal with chores such as making fires, cooking, drinking water, and sanitation. Although these tasks are not big, they consume a lot of energy and time.

Therefore, he has set his sights on the Vulcan Tribe and will take them under his command no matter what means he uses.

Telling Hill the secret of Huo Mingshi, firstly, it can shorten the distance between the two parties. In addition, if Joey can really inspire Huo Mingshi, it will be equivalent to having another way to defend against enemies. After he conquers the Vulcan tribe, he will also be able to It adds a layer of security to the entire tribe,

“***¥ # %***”

Hill repeated Xiao Yao's words to Joey.

After Joey heard this, he first glanced at Xiao Yao in surprise, then nodded, walked straight into the cave, and dug out a fire stone from the stone wall.


Violent thunder and lightning gathered in the palm of his hand, emitting a strange purple light. Joey followed Xiao Yao's method and tried to destroy the protective layer outside the Huo Mingshi, while using his mental power to mobilize the internal energy.

But after a while, there was no change in the fire stone, and even the surface showed no signs of softening.

Seeing this scene, Joey's expression changed slightly, and he increased the intensity of the lightning without belief.

But even if he tried his best and exhausted almost all the energy in his body, he could not change Huo Mingshi in the slightest.

After trying for a long time, Joey finally took back the power of lightning and gave up completely.

"Isn't it okay?"

Xiao Yao narrowed his eyes, what is the reason?

He could feel that the power of thunder and lightning released by Joey was no weaker than the energy of the holy flame he had released just now, but Joey failed to activate the fire stone.

Could it be said that only the power of flame can destroy the surface of the fire stone?

Seeing that Joey failed, Hill's eyes inevitably showed disappointment.

However, this result also made him more in awe of Xiao Yao.

The fire stone was a lighting tool they had been using for decades, and no one took it seriously. However, the man in front of him discovered the secret when he came into contact with it for the first time. His powers of observation and perception were truly astonishing.

Where did they come from?

At this time, Hill was full of curiosity about the origins of Xiao Yao and others.

"Dignified guests, I'm sorry to make you laugh!" Hill bowed slightly and apologized.

"It's okay~"

Xiao Yao smiled and said: "But it seems that you can only use Huomingshi as a lighting tool."

Hill smiled awkwardly and said nothing more.


Xiao Yao glanced at the sky and found that it had turned dark. He said, "Sier, I won't bother you anymore. You two can go back first."

"Those distinguished guests, where are you going to stay?" Hill asked tentatively.

Xiao Yao smiled lightly and said: "You don't mind if you live nearby!"

"I don't mind, I don't mind!" Hill quickly waved his hand and said respectfully: "There are several strong men living near the tribe, and it's not too late for us to be happy~"

Looking at Hill's very sincere eyes, Xiao Yao secretly smiled.

Don't tell me, the people here are not very civilized, but their acting skills are really good!

He didn't believe that Hill could welcome him to live near the Vulcan tribe. After all, to them, he and the others were like thunder, and no one knew whether it would explode at any time.

However, the Vulcan tribe has been regarded as his own, and he must keep a close distance until the time is right, and then make them completely surrender.

"Okay, you two go back first!" Xiao Yao waved his hand.


Hill and Joey whispered something.

Joey looked at everyone with complicated eyes, and then returned to the tribe with Hill.

After the two left, Bai Lingxiao asked: "Xiao Yao, what should we do next?"

“Let’s find a place to pitch a tent first!”

As a summoner, a tent is a must-have item in everyone's Skyshattering Ring, just as important as energy bars, flashlights, and mineral water.


Everyone observed the nearby terrain and finally chose a dry open space to pitch their tents.

While setting up the tent, Li Yu touched his stomach and said, "I haven't eaten for a day, and my stomach is starting to protest."

"We'll start cooking once the tent is set up." Xiao Yao said while working: "I suddenly thought of a question."

He turned his head and looked at everyone: "Do you have any seasonings in your Shattered Sky Ring?"

"Uh~" Li Yu thought for a moment and said, "I'm prepared, but not too much."

"I have a little too."

"Me too!"

Xiao Yao shrugged and said: "If the quantity is not large, we have to solve the problem of seasoning. At least we have to find salt."

Salt is a necessity. Without salt, some foods can be eaten for a short time, but they will definitely not be tolerated for a long time.

"Speaking of which~" Li Yu scratched his head and said, "Do you know how to purify coarse salt in the wild?"

"Then you have to ask Xiao Yao!" Xu Xingliang pointed at Xiao Yao, "The top student is here, don't panic!"

Xiao Yao smiled and said: "I know, I know, but first we have to find the source of the salt, and we have to ask Hill about this."

At this time, his brows raised slightly, and the feeling of being watched reappeared.


Xiao Yao turned around and waved his hand in the direction of the Vulcan Tribe, with an unpredictable smile on his face.

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