Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 499 Murder in the Night

Inside the stone house!

"He found me!"

Varro's expression changed slightly and he quickly withdrew his spiritual eye ability.

"You can find it from such a distance?" Joey said in shock.

"Maybe this is his ability!" Varro swallowed and guessed.

"Varo, where do they live?" Father Hill asked.

"He lives in the open space in front of the cave, very close to us."

After hearing Varro's answer, both Hill and Joey's expressions became a little ugly.

This group of people is too powerful. Although they don't show any malice now, the fact that they live so close to the tribe really makes them feel uneasy.

If the other party has evil thoughts again, what should they do to resist?

"Dad Hill, what should we do now?"

At this moment, the young patriarch Joey can only turn to the experienced Hill for help.

Hill thought for a moment and said, "Joy, let Feili and Dutch try the fire stone."

Fili and Dutch are both warriors in the tribe who have the ability to control the element of fire.

Hill is also guessing that perhaps stimulating the energy in the Fire Stone can only be achieved by relying on the power of fire.

"I'll go now!"

When Hill pointed out Philly and Dutch, Joey immediately came to his senses. He hurriedly ran out of the stone house and found Philly and Dutch who were worried outside.

Ten minutes later~

Joey walked into the room disappointed and shook his head at Hill.


Hill sighed.

Why can foreigners activate the Fire Stone, but the Three-Eyed Spirit Tribe, who have been using it for decades, are unable to do anything about it and can only use it as a lighting stone.

Has the three-eyed god abandoned his people?

"Dad, what should we do?"

Joey's thoughts were disturbed and he completely lost his previous calmness.

The experience of being crushed in strength, Huo Mingshi's failure, and the threat of strong men on his side have made the young clan leader exhausted. He doesn't know how to protect his clan members.

"Joy, do you still remember what I have been teaching you?" Hill asked calmly.

Joey took a deep breath and said, "A real hunter must always remain calm."

"That's right!" Hill nodded: "Calm down, the first thing you have to do now is to calm the nervous mood of the tribe."

As soon as he said this, Joey immediately thought of the flustered and worried faces of the tribesmen when they went out to find Fili and Dutch.

At that time, he was really anxious and didn't pay much attention to the emotions of his clan members, but now that he thinks about it, he, the clan leader, is really too immature.

"I know dad~" Joey nodded.


Hill continued: "However, we cannot relax our vigilance against that group of people. We still need to monitor them, but the method must be more subtle and not to anger them."

"Dad, leave this to me." Varro plucked up the courage and volunteered, "I want to try again!"

Hill looked at Varo and said solemnly: "Varo, then I'll leave this matter to you."

"In this case, you can send some animal meat over later and try to build a good relationship with them."

"But Father Hill!" Varro struggled: "I don't understand what they said at all!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand!" Hill said: "If you don't understand, you can use gestures, but remember, you must have a good attitude and be smart in what you do."

"As long as they are not overly vigilant, you can then spy on them by pretending to be passing by, getting water, or delivering supplies."

"I understand, Dad!" Varro nodded and sighed, "Father is still the wisest!"

Hill said with emotion: "My father has not lived in vain for these decades~"

"Okay, let's go now!"


Varro walked to the stone house where the tribe stored food and took out a thick pig leg. After walking out of the door, he hesitated for a moment, then took out another pig leg and ran quickly to the back of the tribe.


"Hey, someone is coming~"

Xiao Yao heard the movement not far away and turned his head to look.

Thumb thump thump~

Varro ran over with two pig legs and handed them to Xiao Yao with a smile.

"Given to us?"

Xiao Yao pointed to the pig leg and then to himself.

Varro nodded wildly.

"Hey, they are so thoughtful~"

Xiao Yao took the pig leg and said with a smile: "Thanks!"

Varro scratched his head, bent down slightly, turned around and ran towards the tribe, but on the way back, he would glance behind him from time to time.

"It seems like barbarians also know how to say sugar-coated bullets!" Li Yu curled his lips as he watched Varo's leaving figure.

"Overall, they are still much more civilized than the barbarians."

Xiao Yao raised the two pig legs in his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, now we don't have to go hunting. How about trying the meat of this world?"

"It won't be poisonous~" Xu Xingliang was still wary.

"I guess they don't dare!" Xiao Yao said, but to be cautious, he still asked Tucci to test it first.

Tucci walked over, dug his nails into the flesh gently, and quickly shook his head.

"It's not poisonous!"

"Then let's eat, I'm almost starving to death!" Li Yu covered his stomach, looking like he was about to faint.

“The whole barbecue today!”

Xiao Yao's palms glowed with flames, and he lightly wiped the pig's legs, and the pig hair on them was shaved off.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yao walked into the cave and cleaned the pig legs, while the others went to find a suitable stone slab.

Half an hour later~


The cut pork pieces exuded an attractive aroma on the hot stone slab. Sprinkled with salt, cumin, and chili pepper, Xiao Yao waved his hand:

"Comrades, today is the first day here. We don't care about these condiments anymore. Let's eat!"

"Began to eat!"

Several young people grabbed it and put the hot pork into their mouths.

"Well, it's delicious!" Bai Lingxiao gave Xiao Yao a thumbs up while eating.

Xiao Yao took a taste and nodded with great satisfaction.

Not to mention, his barbecue skills are really good.

After one hour

The sky darkened completely, and without the moonlight, the entire environment looked extremely dark.

Xiao Yao lit up his lighting device and placed a circle of fire stones around him. Several people gathered around and quietly felt the night in the alien plane.

"Oh, I feel a little homesick!" Li Yu put his hands on the ground and looked up at the sky, "I don't know if my parents know about my disappearance."

"Mr. Zhang should inform you!"

"That's right!" Li Yu sighed bitterly, "Don't you think the outside world thinks we are all dead?"

"No!" Xiao Yao said firmly, "I believe Mr. Zhang will know our safety situation."

"Why?" Li Yu sat up straight and asked curiously.

Xiao Yao did not hide anything and talked about his relationship with Lao Du and Chen Jiaying.

"Holy crap, I didn't know you had a platinum-level subordinate!"

Li Yu's eyes widened, "Nocturne's ability is too abnormal!"

Xiao Yao glanced at him: "I remember that your Purple Spirit Magic Eyes have similar effects!"

"Yes, yes!" Li Yu curled his lips: "Short-term hypnotic control can be achieved, but it cannot be done for a long time. In addition, it is impossible for me to hypnotize platinum-level people at the gold level."

"But~" Li Yu's eyes burned brightly, "If the outside world knows that we are still alive, I believe that our parents will be waiting for us to go home."

Go home~

Everyone looked up at the sky, feeling sad.

I really want to go home now~


At this moment, Xiao Ke suddenly roared.

"There's a situation!"

Xiao Yao stood up suddenly and looked in the direction of the Vulcan Tribe.

There's trouble!


Under the cover of night, the warriors of the Vulcan Tribe were constantly patrolling the tribe with weapons in hand. Each of them held a lighting stick composed of several fire stones and wooden sticks.

What they didn't know was that a few kilometers away, a group of monsters with black hair were approaching the Vulcan tribe.

Night became the strongest protective color for the monsters. When they were one kilometer away from the tribe, the black monster at the head stopped, revealing its ferocious fangs, and its eyes were greedy and cruel.

At this time, the Vulcan tribe did not realize at all——

Danger is coming! ! !

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