Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 500 Ghost Wolf

"Iggy, I'm going to pee next to you, please wait for me~"

Lan Qi touched his companion's arm and whispered.

"Okay, you go ahead, I'll wait for you here!" Ige nodded.

Lan Qi held the lighting rod in one hand and walked quickly towards the entrance of the tribe.

The Vulcan tribe has regulations that no one is allowed to be convenient within the tribe, so they can only go outside the tribe to solve problems.

It was getting dark, so Lan Qi didn't run too far. He just walked to a stone pier 50 meters away from the tribe's entrance.

He untied the straw rope of the animal skin skirt and shivered comfortably.


After draining the water, Lan Qi shook his body refreshed and tied the straw rope again.


He had just taken two steps when suddenly, a low and depressing voice came from his ears.

Lan Qi's footsteps suddenly stopped, and he immediately turned around and looked back.

The next second, he stood on his head with hair all over his body, and a chill shot straight from his heels to Tianling Gai.

In front of him, dozens of pairs of green eyes were staring at him. Those eyes were full of greed, cruelty, and bloodthirsty, which frightened his mind into going blank.


The leader of the monster jumped forward and knocked Lan Qi to the ground. It opened its huge mouth and bit Lan Qi's shoulder fiercely.


Lan Qi's big arm was torn off. The severe pain made Lan Qi wake up from his fear. He endured the pain and yelled:

"Beast attack! Uh~"

The monster bit Lan Qi's throat, and then several more monsters pounced on him, tearing Lan Qi apart in just a few seconds.


"Beast attack!!!"

Lan Qi's shrill roar reached Iger's ears. Iger's expression changed and he yelled without thinking.

"Beast Attack!! Beast Attack!!"

In an instant, all the patrolling soldiers stopped and shouted nervously: "Beast attack! Beast attack!"


In the stone house, all the three-eyed spirits, men, women, old and young, rushed out of the room with weapons in hand.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

At this time, roars came one after another from the front.

Dozens of pairs of green eyes slowly approached, and with the brightness of the fire stone, the patrol soldiers saw the true face of the enemy.

The monsters look like demonic wolves, with black hair perfectly hidden in the night, fangs exposed, slender limbs, and the cruelty and violence in their eyes that make people shudder.

"This is a ghost wolf!"

Eagle said tremblingly, with uncontrollable fear in his tone.

Ghost wolves, the cruelest killers in the night, are the nightmare of countless tribes.

They live in groups and are powerful. Dark environments can perfectly display their abilities, so even large tribes are unwilling to encounter them in the dark.

The Vulcan Tribe is only a small tribe of more than 200 people, with less than a hundred warriors. How can it deal with dozens of ghost wolves?

"Ghost wolf?"

Upon hearing this name, all the tribesmen's hair stood on end, and they could hardly hold the weapons in their hands.

boom! !

Just when everyone was feeling desperate, suddenly, a purple thunder struck from the sky, instantly chopping a ghost wolf in front of them into charcoal.

Bang bang bang!

Joey walked quickly to the front of the tribe, purple thunder lingering around him, like a thunder warrior.

"Don't panic, everyone take up arms!" Joey snapped.

The clan leader appeared and instantly killed a ghost wolf. This scene shocked the clan members. They all clenched their weapons and looked ahead warily.

"Give it a try!"

Father Hill also followed Joey closely, holding the bone spur in his hand, his old face full of dignity and determination.

The ghost wolf has already touched his side, and it is definitely too late to run away. No one can outrun the ghost wolf in the dark.

In this case, only a desperate fight can create a glimmer of hope.


Joey's voice was sonorous and powerful, and his spiritual eyes were filled with purple thunder and lightning, shining like an amethyst in the night.


The Wolf King glanced at the men beside him who were already smelling of paste, his eyes full of anger and cruelty.


The Wolf King looked up to the sky and roared, his brutal momentum bursting out.

The next moment, dozens of ghost wolves obeyed the Wolf King's order and rushed forward like crazy.


Two bolts of lightning fell first, hitting the two ghost wolves again.

At the same time, other warriors also attacked the ghost wolf.

Fireball, ice blade, petrification, vine entanglement...

The complex and various attacks really slowed down the pace of the ghost wolves, and even killed a few ghost wolves.

But the speed of the ghost wolf was so terrifying that it almost crossed a distance of tens of meters in an instant and came into close contact with the outermost warriors.


The ghost wolf jumped up, opened its big mouth and bit Ige fiercely.

Ige took two steps back, thrust the bone fork forward in his hand, and pierced the upper jaw of the ghost wolf.

In addition to their own abilities, the Three-Eyed Eldar warriors also have good physical fitness. Coupled with the fighting skills passed down from generation to generation, almost every warrior has strong close combat capabilities.


The ghost wolf yelled in pain. It raised its wolf claws, black mist lingered on them, and then it tore towards Ige fiercely.

call out!

At this time, a white light shot out from Eagleling's eyes and collided with the ghost wolf's claws.


The ghost wolf swung its claws back, and the black mist was dispersed.

This white light is the energy ray of Igor's spiritual eye ability.

It has no attributes, no other effects, only the most direct lethality.


Ige pulled out the bone fork and kicked the ghost wolf away with a heavy kick.


The ghost wolf quickly climbed up, its forelimbs slightly bent, its fangs exposed, and with a snarl, it rushed towards Ige again.


Boom boom boom!

Joey stared straight ahead, and lightning bolts continued to shoot out from his spiritual eyes, hitting the Wolf King.

He knew in his heart that only by containing the Ghost Wolf King could he create a glimmer of hope for his people.

And this task can only be completed by him.

Swish swish swish~

The ghost wolf king's figure is erratic. Whenever thunder and lightning fall, he can always sneak into the shadow in time and appear in another location the next second.

And this is its skill - Shadow Blink.

"No, you can't hit it!"

The attacks failed frequently, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on Joey's forehead, and his fists were clenched tightly.


At this time, the screams of injured clan members could be heard again, which made Joey even more panicked.


The Ghost Wolf King emerged from the darkness and looked at the crowd not far ahead, with a hint of cunning and cruelty in his green eyes.


Thunder and lightning struck, and the Ghost Wolf King disappeared again, but the difference this time was that Joey could no longer see the Ghost Wolf King.

"What happened? Where did it go?"

An inexplicable panic rushed into Joey's heart. He subconsciously looked back and his expression suddenly changed.


Under the reflection of the fire stone, the dark figure of the Wolf King appeared behind a little girl.

The girl flinched and looked worriedly at her father who was fighting in the front. She didn't realize at all that a huge mouth was about to bite her head off.


Joey's eyes were splitting, and Athena's father, Ige, saw that his daughter was about to be killed by a wolf, and his whole face turned extremely pale.

Hearing the screams of humans, the wolf king's cruel eyes added a touch of excitement. It made the wolf's mouth grow bigger and decided to eat the girl in one bite.


Joey and Igo released lightning and energy rays like crazy, trying to stop the Wolf King.

But the Wolf King was already prepared.


A black light shield suddenly appeared, covering the Wolf King and the girl. Thunder and energy rays hit the light shield, like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing any ripples.

Seeing this scene, Joey and Iger shouted in despair;



At this moment, a black poisonous arrow shot from a distance like a teleportation, piercing the black light barrier like a devastating blow.


There was a loud bang.

The light shield shattered, and a huge bloody hole appeared on the Wolf King's head. Its movements stopped abruptly, and it stood there blankly.

This sudden change made Joey and Ige stunned for a moment, and then their faces became ecstatic.

The two turned their heads and saw a man bathed in golden flames standing on the roof of the stone house. Beside him, a thin mouse shot an arrow and instantly killed the ghost wolf that was rushing towards Ige. At the same time, At the same time, a dark and terrifying monster was hanging in the air, looking down with cold eyes.

"It turned out to be him..."

Seeing the face of the visitor clearly, Joey had a look of disbelief on his face.

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