Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 773 King of Heaven VS Yama


"Xixi, open the door, I'm back!"

"Brother Xiao Yao!"

The little girl's childish voice of surprise came from the door.


The iron door slowly opened, revealing a small face full of joy.

"elder brother!"

Xixi immediately threw herself into Xiao Yao's arms, hugged his neck tightly, and said with a hint of crying in her voice: "Oh, you are finally back!"

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Xiao Yao patted Xixi's back gently to calm her down.

He could imagine how scared a 5-year-old girl must be when she has to stay alone in a closed space for several hours~

"Brother, where is my father?"

Not seeing that familiar figure, Xixi couldn't help but pursed her lips in disappointment, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Xixi, I didn't find Uncle Yang~"

Xiao Yao wiped the tears from the corners of Xixi's eyes and said softly: "But I promise, you will definitely be able to see him in a few days."

"By the way, I've found a playmate for you, would you like to see it?"

Xiao Yao changed the topic and pointed at Warwick beside him.

Xixi turned her head, her eyes suddenly burst with surprise, she covered her mouth and said cutely: "Wow, big dog!"

"Well, he's not a dog, he's a wolf!"

While explaining, Xiao Yao carried Xixi into the room and closed the door bolt.

"Wolf?" Xixi hugged Xiao Yao's neck tightly and said with some fear: "Dad said that wolves will eat children."

"Don't worry, Xiao Ke doesn't eat people."

Xiao Yao smiled and explained: "He is my partner. I like Xixi, and he will also like Xixi."

"Really?" The little girl opened her eyes slightly.

"Of course, how about you touch him?" Xiao Yao smiled.

The little girl shrank her body and said timidly: "I don't dare."

"Don't worry, brother is here." Xiao Yao squatted down with Xi Xi in his arms, approached Xiao Ke, and said, "Come, touch him."

Xiao Yao picked up Xixi's little hand, slowly approached Xiao Ke, and finally put his hand on Xiao Ke's back.

"Wow, it's so slippery~"

Feeling the smooth silky wolf fur, Xixi couldn't help but open her mouth and exclaimed.

"Brother, what's his name~"

"His name is Warwick."

"Brother, can I touch him again?"

"Of course."

Xiao Yao put Xixi down and sat next to her with a smile.

"Hello, Warwick." Xixi approached Xiao Ke, carefully stretched out her hand, placed it on his leg, gently stroked his hair, and said with bright eyes: "My name is Xixi, I am 5 years old this year. , I want to be your good friend."

Xiao Ke glanced sideways at the little girl and said nothing in a cold voice.

However, Xiaoke's aloofness did not dampen Xixi's enthusiasm. She kept talking as if she had just made a new friend.

"Warwick, can you be my good friend?"

"Our neighbor has a big dog, and you are much taller than him."

"No, you are not a dog, you are a wolf~"

"Dad said that wolves like to eat meat. I can share the meat with you."

"My dad's meat is delicious."


When Xixi mentioned her father, she suddenly thought that her father had not come back. Her mouth suddenly became deflated and her eyes filled with tears: "Oh, oh, I want my father, I want my father~"


Xiao Yao, who was sitting next to him with a smile on his face, immediately froze. He quickly picked up Xixi and comforted her: "Xixi, be good, don't cry, we will meet dad soon."

"But, I want to see dad now~"

The little girl hugged Xiao Yao tightly and her tears couldn't stop flowing.

"Then let's hook up, shall we? I promise that you will be able to see your father in six days at the latest!" Xiao Yao gently patted Xixi's back and said.

Xixi wiped her tears and said aggrievedly: "Okay~"

The two little fingers, one big and one small, are hooked together.

"Hang yourself with a hook, and you won't be allowed to change for a hundred years. Whoever changes will be a puppy."

After pulling the hook, Xixi's mood improved obviously, but her eyes were still red and she looked a little swollen from crying.

"Xixi, be good, come and drink some water."

Xiao Yao took out a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Xi Xi's mouth.

"Thank you, brother."

Xixi held the water bottle and thanked her politely, then started drinking.

"Drink slowly, don't be in a hurry."

Xiao Yao patted Xixi's back gently and cried twice in a row. The little girl's voice was almost hoarse from crying.

"After you finish the water, there's still chocolate~" Xiao Yao took out a plate of chocolate and waved it in front of Xixi.

"Wow, this is my favorite chocolate."

Xixi swallowed the water in her mouth, her eyes shining.

"Hey, let's eat~"

"Thank you, brother~"

The night was getting dark, and the room was dark.

Xixi was lying on the bed, sound asleep, her little mouth was chirping, as if she was eating something in her dream. Xiao Yao was lying next to her, his eyes closed, and today's scenes were replayed in his mind.

Outside the shop, a black shadow floated in the air, with a penetrating gaze, as if it could see through the wall and see through the scene inside.

"Xiao Yao, thank you, you took good care of Xixi."

"Xixi, dad misses you too, but dad can't see you."

Yama lowered his head, looked at the illusory lower body, and sighed quietly in his heart.

I don't want you to see this otherworldly side of me.


Suddenly, there was a slight fluctuation in the distance, and Yama's face immediately became extremely cold.

I saw a white tiger coming through the air. If you look carefully, you can see that there is a dark ghostly atmosphere under its limbs, but it is difficult to be spotted in the night.

There is a huge black bat on the top of the white tiger's head, flapping its wings and its eyes are like amethysts, crystal clear.

"It's you again!"

Yama's face was cold.

At dusk, this tiger and bat suddenly appeared in front of him and launched an attack without warning.

After awakening the Ghost King's body, he was stronger than any ghost in the city, but these two monsters were not inferior to him in the slightest. When one versus two, he was indeed no match.

However, it is night now, when the ghost energy is at its peak.

If you dare to come to your door at this time, then just die obediently!


The surging ghost energy condensed into a black hand, pressing down on the white tiger like a mountain bearing down on top.

The white tiger opened his mouth, and first a ray of white light shot out from the mouth, knocking the black hand away. Then, a huge suction force came, sucking all the ghost energy into his belly.


At this time, the black bat above the white tiger's head flapped its wings and flew up. The purple light in its eyes became even brighter, emitting an invisible wave.

In an instant, Yama felt his head sink, as if he had been hit by a heavy object.


Another ray of white light shot out, hitting Yama's chest, causing his figure to scatter. A big hole appeared in his illusory chest, and his face became blurred.

"court death!"

Yan Luo's eyes filled with anger, he waved his hand, and thick black clouds floated behind him.

If you look carefully, you will see that it is a black cloud formed by the condensed ghosts. It is full of ghost energy and rushes towards the white tiger and the black bat.


The white tiger opened its huge mouth and let out a fierce roar.

The sound waves vibrated, and the mental deterrence contained in them shook the ghosts into pieces, and then sucked them all into the belly.


"what happened?"

In the room, Xiao Yao stood up suddenly, with a solemn look in his eyes.

Listening to this voice, it should be King Li Tian's Netherworld Ghost Tiger.

Did he encounter some powerful enemy?


"It's hard to handle~"

Yama's face was as dark as water. He could see that in the dark night, not only his own strength had been enhanced, but the strength of the opponent had not dropped at all.

"Ahu, can you still hold on?"

On the roof a hundred meters away, Li Chu secretly communicated with Netherworld Ghost Tiger.

Although the Nether Ghost Tiger can fly with the help of ghost energy, after all, he is only a bronze-level beast, and it is not easy to fly for a short period of time.

But without the Nether Ghost Tiger, it would be really difficult to kill that ghost with just the Purple Eyed Night Demon Bat.


"Okay, you two try again."

Ding ding ding~

At this moment, Li Chu's cell phone suddenly rang.

He glanced at the phone screen and his expression became serious.


"Okay, I understand, I'll go back now."

Li Chu hung up his cell phone and said seriously: "For the last time, whether it succeeds or not, we have to return to Kyoto as soon as possible."



A tiger and a bat responded, and then, white light and purple light burst towards Yama at the same time.

Without enough time to dodge, Yama waved his big hand and blocked the majestic ghost energy in front of him. However, these two rays had extremely strong penetrating ability and passed through the ghost energy in a snap, finally landing on his chest.


Yama's body shook violently, and his whole face almost collapsed.

"Just wait for me!"

Looking at the opposite side with murderous intent, Yama Luo turned around suddenly and flew away quickly into the distance.

"Unfortunately, it's still a little bit worse."

Li Chu shook his head regretfully, then waved to the war beast and said, "Come back."


The Nether Ghost Tiger flew to his side and flicked its tail, faintly expressing its displeasure.

"There's nothing we can do, Ahu~"

Li Chu touched its head helplessly and said, "There is a crisis in Kyoto. We must rush back as soon as possible."

"Let's come see him again in the future~"


The Netherworld Ghost Tiger tilted his head unhappily, like an angry child.

Gu Gu Gu~

In mid-air, the purple-eyed night devil bat let out a series of strange screams of gloating.

"Okay, okay~"

Li Chu glared at the purple-eyed night devil bat angrily, and then comforted:

"I'll buy you something delicious when I get back, that's all right~"


The Netherworld White Tiger glanced sideways, and finally nodded proudly.

"Let's go~"

Li Chu smiled, sat on the back of the Netherworld White Tiger, jumped off the roof, and disappeared into the night.

A few minutes later, Xiao Yao quietly opened the iron door, walked out of the shop and looked around.


Xiao Yao raised his eyebrows slightly.

He looked around and found no signs of damage to the surrounding buildings.

But if you think about it carefully, it is indeed difficult for a bronze-level battle to cause too much aftermath.

"But why is it such a coincidence?"

Xiao Yao was a little confused.

He and the Creation King have been separated for several hours. Logically speaking, it should be difficult for the two of them to meet again in the huge Rongcheng.

But unexpectedly, the Netherworld Ghost Tiger appeared nearby.


Xiao Yao murmured to himself, then quietly returned to the shop


"Xixi, wake up~"

At nine o'clock in the morning, Xiao Yao gently patted Xixi's arm and woke her up.


Xixi opened her eyes drowsily and was stunned for a long time before sitting up.

"Xixi, wash your face, we are going to have breakfast."

Xiao Yao carried Xi Xi to the bathroom inside the store.

Fortunately, the shop was relatively large and had its own bathroom, and the earthquake did not affect its water supply system. Otherwise, he really didn't know how to solve the problem of going to the toilet.


Xixi yawned cutely, stepped on the small bench, and washed her little face with water.

After washing up, Xixi stretched out refreshed, and then ran to Xiao Ke excitedly: "Good morning, Warwick."

Xiao Ke looked at her and nodded slightly.

But this nod made Xi Xi very happy, and she shouted excitedly:

"Brother, Warwick nodded to me just now. He can understand what I said."

"Of course, Xiaoke is smarter than many people." Xiao Yao knelt down, put the milk bread in Xixi's hand, and said:

"Xixi, come and eat this. After eating, my brother will go out to find dad."

Xixi raised her little face, eyes full of expectation: "Brother, can I see my father today?"

Xiao Yao smoothed her frizzy hair and said, "Brother, try your best."

After Xiao Ke arrived, he no longer had to be as passive as before.

He doesn't know when the third mutation will come, so he will try his best to improve his strength in the next few days. If he can welcome Lao Niu, it will be more stable.


Xixi was obviously disappointed when she didn't hear the guarantee, but she still hugged Xiao Yao's arm and said, "Brother Xiao Yao, you must be careful, Xixi will wait for you to come back."

"Well, Xixi is so good~"

Xiao Yao smiled slightly, feeling warm in his heart.

After breakfast, Xiao Yao and Warwick walked out of the door together as Xixi watched reluctantly.

"Xixi, close the door~"

"Okay, brother!"


The door bolt was slowly pulled up. After ensuring that the door was closed tightly, Xiao Yao lowered his head and said to Xiao Ke:

"Xiao Ke, it's time for you to show off your old skills again."

Finding prey is Xiaoke's specialty.

Xiao Ke twitched his nose a few times and ran towards the alley on the left with Xiao Yao.

Soon, they encountered three zombies.


There are only three zombies, so there is no need to adopt any tactics.

Ten seconds later, all three zombies were dead.

"Xiao Ke, I feel that you can break through bronze in five days at most."

Xiao Yao looked at Warwick.

He still remembered that when he was at the Black Iron level, he couldn't go to the wild alone, so he had to go to the training ground and spend money to buy monsters for Xiao Ke to kill.

In addition to the need to participate in the summoner training of Yancheng No. 1 High School and perform tasks in the law enforcement team, it took several months to reach the bronze level.

Now, the city is full of black iron-level monsters, and as a summoner, his combat power is several times stronger than before, and the experience of the monsters he kills will also be shared with Xiao Ke.

In this way, it is very certain to reach bronze in 5 days.


Xiaoke nodded slightly.

For him who had master-level power, the bronze level was too weak and not worth getting too excited about.

But after breaking through Bronze, his best brother Alistar will appear in the form of the big purple bull before. Thinking about it, he is quite looking forward to it.

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