Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 774 The arrival of Lao Niu and the third mutation

Ninth day~

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, seven zombies."

Looking at the zombies surrounding him from all directions, Xiao Yao smiled slightly and said relaxedly:

"Xiao Ke, get rid of them, and you'll probably be able to see Lao Niu."


Xiao Ke's eyes flashed and he roared, seeming to urge Xiao Yao to kill them quickly.

"Then come on!"

Xiao Yao picked up the fire ax, kicked his feet, and quickly rushed in front of a zombie. The ax blade swept across and chopped off half of the head.

After Xiao Ke upgraded to Black Iron Level 5, his physical fitness has increased significantly, especially in terms of speed, which is not inferior to the ordinary evil ghost wolf.

His strong physical foundation allowed him to give full play to his fighting qualities. You must know that in the Dragon Kingdom, he was known as the ancestor of martial arts and the ancestor of martial arts. His self-created technique "Mountain Axe" was studied and studied by countless people.

Although the body currently lacks energy and cannot exert the maximum power of the "Mountain Axe", its mysterious moves alone are enough to easily kill any black iron-level monster.

He lowered his head and ducked to avoid the sharp claws that swept from his side. Xiao Yao kicked out like lightning, hitting the zombie's knee, causing him to stagger and lose his balance. Then, he circled behind the zombie like a swimming fish. , ending its life with an axe.

"Two, solve it~"

Xiao Yao turned around and took a look. In just ten seconds after he killed two zombies, Xiao Ke had already killed three zombies.

"Sure enough, in the early stage, the world was still dominated by war beasts~" Xiao Yao sighed with emotion.

At present, Xiao Ke is faster than him, stronger than him, and has 5 skills. In terms of combat power, he is really crushed.

In fact, before the master level, his combat power was always inferior to Xiao Ke. After the master level, all the war beasts had broken through to master level 3 and 4, and he himself also mastered the "Wandering Dragon Shocking Stick" and " The two top skills of "Emperor's Immortal Combat Body" can keep up with Xiao Ke in terms of combat power level.

"One last person!"

Five of the seven zombies were killed by the two of them, and the rest were equally divided.


Xiao Ke was the first to activate it, [Charged Beast's Mouth] flashed behind the zombie, and thrust a claw straight into the back of the head, turning it into a paste.

In order to save energy, Xiao Yao chose simple and efficient movements. He first slapped the sharp claws away with the back of an axe, then exerted force on his waist and abdomen, turning into a sweep, and with a pop, he lifted the zombie's Tianling Cap.


Just as Xiao Yao expected, at the moment when the last zombie died, Xiao Ke's body shook and let out an extremely joyful wolf howl.

"Here we come!" Xiao Yao curled his lips and slowly closed his eyes.

After a moment, a white light flashed, and a giant purple bull appeared next to Xiao Yao. It was on all fours, its horns were high, its muscles were bulging like rocks, and it was full of the ultimate sense of power.


A deep and powerful voice sounded, and Lao Niu and Xiao Ke looked at each other in perfect understanding, with smiles in their eyes.

"Why does this look look so gay?"

Xiao Yao looked at the scene where the two brothers looked at each other with "love", and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Standing on the spot, Xiao Yao carefully experienced the feedback from the battle beast brought to him by the old cow. His muscles and bones were trembling insignificantly, his strength was greatly increased, and his skin seemed to be coated with a layer of cowhide, becoming stronger and tougher. .

“Finally bronze.”

Xiao Yao raised the corners of his mouth slightly, moved his body, and made a series of crackling sounds.

Nine days have passed. As long as he persists until nine o'clock tomorrow morning, he can take Xixi safely back to the future and complete the task assigned to him by Yama.

But now that he has successfully broken through the bronze, and with the addition of a general like Lao Niu, getting through the last day is not a matter of control.

"It is……"

Xiao Yao took out a watch from his pocket. He took it from a dead man's hand. After all, his phone had run out of battery for so many days.

"Three o'clock in the afternoon~"

Xiao Yao stuffed his watch back into his pocket. There were still more than ten hours before nine o'clock tomorrow morning. The time was too short for Lao Niu and Xiao Ke to advance to another level, so he was not ready to continue fighting.

Go back early to spend the rest of the time with Xixi.

On the way back to the shop, they encountered several more waves of monsters, but with Xiao Ke and Lao Niu around, Xiao Yao didn't even have a chance to take action, so the two brothers took care of them all.


"Xixi, I'm back!"

"I'm coming, brother!!!"

A light and childish voice came from inside.

The iron door opened, and Xixi jumped into Xiao Yao's arms like a deer.

"Wow, there's a cow!"

Xixi saw Lao Niu at a glance, hugging Xiao Yao tightly, but her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"His name is Alistar."

While introducing, Xiao Yao carried Xixi into the house, let Lao Niu and Xiao Ke in, and closed the iron door.

"Alista, why is this a foreigner's name?" Xixi tilted her head, a little confused.

Xiao Yao deliberately made a joke: "Because Alistar is a foreign cow, you see, our Dragon Kingdom does not have purple cows."

"Ah, so that's it~"

The little girl's eyes widened, as if she understood, but then she looked into Xiao Yao's eyes and asked, "Brother, why are both Warwick and Alista willing to listen to you?"

"Because~" Xiao Yao smiled slightly, "My brother is a summoner."

"What is a Summoner?"

"Summoners can summon beast companions from a strange world to fight alongside them."

"Wow, so powerful, can Xixi become a summoner?"

"It's not possible now. You're too young. When she turns eighteen, I believe Xixi will definitely be able to become a summoner."

"Eighteen years old, there's still a long time left~" Xixi pursed her lips in disappointment.

"Very soon~"

Xiao Yao touched Xixi's head and said with a smile: "Xixi, do you want to sit on the back of an old cow?"

"I want to!!!" Xixi's eyes lit up and she said happily.

"Then let me give you a try~"

Xiao Yao picked up Xixi and gently placed it on the old cow's back.

Compared with Xiaoke's aloof and aloof personality, Lao Niu is undoubtedly much easier to get along with. He has a kind and honest personality and won't mind if children climb up and down on him.

Back in Yancheng, his younger brothers and sisters liked to play around the old cow.

"So tall, brother!"

Xixi looked down and could see the top of her brother's head, feeling both excited and a little nervous.

After being promoted to bronze, Xiao Ke was almost as tall as Xiao Yao's shoulders, while Lao Niu was slightly taller than him, three meters long, like a purple tank.

"Don't be afraid, brother is here."

Xiao Yao took Xi Xi's little hand and said gently.

"Old Niu, take two steps slowly~"


Lao Niu responded in a low voice, taking steps and walking slowly in the empty shop.

"Wow~" Xixi looked around excitedly, her little butt sticking out, she was so happy.

"Brother, I'm taller than you now, hehe~"

After playing for a long time, until Xixi felt her butt hurt, she reluctantly let Xiao Yao take him down.

"Brother, today is the fifth day. Can I see my father tomorrow?"

Lying on the bed, Xixi suddenly asked.

"Of course~"

Xiao Yao nodded in surprise. He didn't expect Xixi to still remember the time.

"That's great!" Xixi jumped up from the bed and danced excitedly, "I can finally see my dad!"

Looking at Xixi's eyes full of joy and expectation, Xiao Yao had a complex expression on his face and secretly thought:

"Uncle Yang, have you become Yama now?"

Night came in a blink of an eye. Xixi was sleeping soundly on the bed, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, as if she had dreamed of happy things, while Xiao Yao was lying next to him, his head resting on his hands, his eyes open and looking at the roof, feeling a little insomniac. .

Over the past few days, he experienced too many things.

Apart from Yang Yi and the King of Creation, the most impressive thing was that he witnessed with his own eyes how helpless and desperate ordinary people were in the face of disasters.

Run for your life, hide, wait for death

They have no choice but to do this.

After witnessing scenes of human tragedies and personally experiencing the pain of the sacrifice of his friends, Xiao Yao became more deeply aware of the weight of his responsibility.

In the Dragon Kingdom, everyone regards him as the number one genius, patron saint, and future pillar of the country. Then, he must do his best to never let the disaster five hundred years ago befall the people again. superior.

"Darkness is coming, and only you can save the Dragon Kingdom."

Recalling what King Wu once said to himself, Xiao Yao's eyes became extremely firm.


Time passed little by little, and dawn broke through the darkness, bringing a touch of warmth to Rongcheng.

Xiao Yao opened his eyes and glanced at the watch - it was 7:30 in the morning, only an hour and a half away from the end.

Glancing at Xixi who was still sleeping, Xiao Yao had no intention of waking her up and let her return to the future unconsciously.

After washing his face gently, Xiao Yao sat down cross-legged, resting his head on Xiao Ke's soft waist, and waited quietly.

One minute, five minutes, ten minutes...

Just when Xiao Yao thought that he could wait quietly for the space to break and make a wish to bring Xi Xi back like he is now, things developed in the completely opposite direction.

boom! ! !

Outside, a thunder suddenly exploded.

Xixi woke up suddenly with fright, her lips turned white, and her body and eyes were filled with fear.


Xiao Yao quickly stood up and held Xixi in his arms.


Like a frightened little rabbit, Xixi huddled tightly in Xiao Yao's arms, her voice trembling: "I'm afraid!"

boom! ! !

Another louder sound exploded than before, and the whole house began to tremble slightly.

"Oops~" Xiao Yao's heart skipped a beat.

He has experienced this situation twice, and it is obvious that the loud noise this time represents - the third mutation is coming.

"Let's go!"

Feeling the ground begin to shake, Xiao Yao immediately opened the iron door, picked up the fire ax beside the door, and rushed out with Xixi in his arms.

Bang dang dang~

The earthquake this time was stronger than the second time. The houses in the Building Materials City continued to shake, dust fell, and they looked like they were collapsing.

"Old Niu, let's go!"

Xiao Yao hugged Xixi, turned over and jumped on Lao Niu's back, and then started running wildly.


The earth shook violently, and deep cracks appeared, like a big mouth trying to devour people.


The old cow stepped back and kicked the ground, jumped up, crossed the widening crack in front, and landed heavily.

Bang bang bang~

The originally sturdy shops in the Building Materials City began to collapse one after another, dust was flying, and bricks and stones fell like building blocks, some of which almost hit Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao covered Xi Xi's mouth and nose with his hands, clamped his legs together, and leaned forward to keep his center of gravity stable.

Soon, Lao Niu took him and Xixi to an open area. At this time, Xiao Yao turned his head and saw that the huge building materials city had been reduced to ruins.


Xixi shrank into Xiao Yao's arms and cried: "I'm scared~"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, be good, brother is here~"

Xiao Yao comforted him as gently as possible, but at the same time, he did not forget to raise his head and watch a dozen space cracks coming again, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"Now, Rongcheng is really going to become a dead city."

Under such a strong earthquake, no matter how solid the building is, it will inevitably collapse. And the survivors who have survived until now, even if they can evacuate from the house in time, have nowhere to hide and can only expose themselves to more and more damage. The more monsters are in front of you.

A-level forbidden land really doesn't give people the slightest hope of survival.

Xiao Yao took out his watch and looked at the time.

It's 8:15, only the last 45 minutes left.

The space cracks slowly descended and dispersed, and the violent and destructive momentum overflowed from the inside of the cracks, making Xiao Yao feel palpitated.

"Lao Niu, Xiao Ke, retreat over there!"

Xiao Yao pointed in one direction.

This direction leads to the city park he went to before.

The city park is relatively open, and there will be no stones and broken bricks blocking the road due to earthquakes. In that kind of terrain, Xiao Ke and Lao Niu can fully utilize the mobility of Xiao Ke and Lao Niu to avoid being surrounded by monsters.



The two responded and flew away in the direction Xiao Yao pointed.

The space crack was getting lower and lower. When it reached about five meters, several black shadows squeezed out first and floated in the air.

He has a black body, red hair and green eyes, an ugly appearance, two wings on his back, and a strange cackling cry.

It is the Rakshasa clan.


Seeing the figures running fast in front of them, the Rakshasa's eyes lit up, and the corners of their mouths curved with bloodthirsty cruelty.


Flailing his wings, Rakshasa excitedly chased Xiao Yao.


Xiao Yao turned around and took a look, his face serious.

Now, the last thing he wants to encounter, apart from spiritual ghosts such as ghosts and resentful ghosts, is flying monsters like Rakshasa.

No matter whether it is Lao Niu or Xiao Ke, no matter how fast they are, they have to be subject to the interference of the road conditions and it is difficult to burst out their full speed.

But Rakshasa can rely on the advantage of flying to approach them without any hindrance. Even if they want to attack them, it is more laborious than dealing with other ghosts.


At this time, several evil ghost wolves appeared in front of them blocking the road, forming a row. Their green wolf eyes flashed with gloom and murderous intent.

"Old Niu, kill them." Xiao Yao said in a deep voice.

Several evil ghost wolves dared to block his way. I really don't know how to write the word "death".


Just before it was about to approach, Lao Niu suddenly accelerated, like a purple chariot, rushing forward fiercely.

The evil ghost wolf did not expect that the speed of the giant beast would suddenly increase. It was hit hard by the bull's head, and its body flew out upside down. Its bones made a crackling sound like firecrackers.

When it fell to the ground, a large amount of blood came out from the corners of its eyes, ears, and nostrils, and its death was extremely tragic.

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