After the pre-match declaration, the staff signaled the players to go on stage.

It was not until this time that Shen Lang put down his phone, took the equipment and water cup and followed his teammates to the stage.

When the camera was given to him, cheers suddenly rang out at the scene.

Shen Lang also cooperated very well, raised his hands to signal to the audience, and did not look nervous at all.

In contrast, his teammates obviously looked a little nervous, and even the battle-hardened factory manager had a very serious expression on his face at this time.

"Although he likes to pretend, Brother Weiwu's mentality is still very good. He can still laugh in this situation. It is hard to imagine that a player with this mentality would be a newcomer."

Miller said in admiration.

While talking, the players were already in place and quickly debugged the equipment.

The director switched the camera, and the BP of the first game started soon.

EDG was on the red side, and IG was on the blue side.

IG still attached great importance to today's game, and let The shy appear directly in the first game.

The coaches of both teams did not ban the top laner in the first three rounds, and it was obvious that they were very confident in their top laners.

"This game will definitely be very exciting in the top lane!"

PDD immediately got excited.

The strong heroes are all outside, and the top laners on both sides are not the kind of players who will choose tank heroes to withstand pressure, which means that the top lane will be very intense.

After the three bans, IG took the lead.

Kim Jeong-soo had already made up his mind and quickly locked the support.

"Don't you take Kai'Sa?"

Miller was a little surprised. You know, when Luo was sent to the ban position and Xayah and Luo could not be combined, Kai'Sa was the best choice for the bottom lane.

It was EDG's turn.

Nofe signaled the players to lock Kai'Sa. No matter what the opponent did, it was always right to take a strong hero in the bottom lane.

As for the support.

He did not take a strong team-opening support, but let Meiko choose the nurse.

"The key to this game is the top lane. Kai'Sa should develop normally in the bottom lane and not be found by the opponent."

Nofe reminded.

Soft supports have a natural advantage against supports like Tam, and after reaching level 6, the ultimate can also provide support to teammates.

"If you can't beat the top lane, just say it. I will support you with my ultimate at any time."

Meiko said.

Shen Lang immediately curled his lips: "I can't beat the opponent? What nonsense are you talking about!"

It was IG's turn again.

Jin Jingzhu first locked AD Ashe, and then decided on jungler Zhao Xin.

He was sure that EDG would choose a herbivorous jungler like Sejuani. Choosing Zhao Xin in the jungle would definitely keep a strong posture. Not to mention invading the jungle, at least even if EDG can gain an advantage in the top lane, the jungle will not be invaded by the opponent at will.

If it were Shen Lang, if you dare to choose Zhao Xin, then I would take Lee Sin. You are strong and I am strong too.

But it is obvious that Nofe would not choose this way.

After discussion, the hero locked in the jungle position is still Sejuani.

Ban the hero again.

Both sides still did not target the top lane, but restricted the mid laners with strong roaming ability.

Taliyah, Ryze, Galio...

The mid laners with strong roaming ability were sent to the ban position one after another, and the coaches of both sides wanted to minimize the impact of the mid laners on the top lane.

After the double ban, EDG continued to choose heroes.

Without hesitation, Scout's best Zoe was directly locked.

Since they can't play support, they will focus on playing on the line. The name "Lee Zoe" is not called for nothing.

"Choose Lulu for the mid laner and Aatrox for the top lane."

Kim Jeong-soo did not choose to fight EDG in the middle lane. When the jungler chose Xin Zhao, their lineup did not lack damage.

Lulu can at least ensure that Xin Zhao will not be killed instantly after stabbing in the team battle, and when the support is still Tam, whether Xin Zhao or Aatrox is up, EDG will be very difficult to deal with in the team battle.

"If you want to fight Aatrox... take Akali."

Without Nofe asking, Shen Lang made his choice quickly.

The reworked Akali has a lot of displacement, and it is still easy to fight against Aatrox. Moreover, this hero has not been targeted by the designer yet, and the ability to cut the back row is really strong.

With Akali locked, the lineups of the two sides for the first game were officially released:

EDG on the red side: Akali on the top, Sejuani on the jungle, Zoe on the mid lane, Kaisa and Sorry on the bottom lane.

IG on the blue side: Aatrox on the top, Xin Zhao on the jungle, Lulu on the mid lane, Ashe and Tam on the bottom lane.

"Our lineup for this game is still very good. Remember to pay attention to the early rhythm of the game. Don't let Xin Zhao or Aatrox develop, otherwise the game will be very difficult..."

After the lineup was determined, Nofe began to exhort

Although he said this countless times before the game, he couldn't help but repeat it as the game approached.

In the commentary booth, Miller and others also began to analyze.

"From the lineup, I think EDG is better. The only jungler who can start a team fight in IG is Zhao Xin. If they are at a disadvantage in the early stage, they will be very passive in the middle and late stages."

"But their counterattack ability is very strong. In fact, if you observe carefully, you will find that it is difficult for Zhu Mei to do anything in this game. It seems that the only thing that Zhazhang can catch is the top lane."


During the commentary and analysis, the coaches of both sides quickly shook hands and walked off the stage.

The game officially began.

Entering the Summoner's Rift, everyone quickly bought equipment and rushed out of the fountain.

Neither side had the intention of fighting at the beginning, but just guarded the entrance to the jungle and waited for the soldiers to come up and returned to their respective lines.

Akali is easy to fight against Jianmo, but the premise is that she has reached a level.

Before level 6, Aatrox was more powerful. After going online, Shen Lang did not rush to control Akali to move forward, but waited until the melee soldiers' health was almost the same before releasing the Q skill, successfully taking the low-health soldiers into his pocket.

The shy naturally would not miss this opportunity, and took advantage of Akali's release of the skill to release the Q skill, successfully taking away a lot of health.


The audience suddenly cheered.

"What a mess!"

Even through the headphones, Shen Lang could still hear the excited voices of IG fans.

He was so excited just by the Q skill of Aatrox. Those who didn't know would think that he was a single kill by The shy.

Looking at Shen Lang's posture, it was difficult to fight in the early stage of the top lane, and the director immediately switched the camera to the junglers of both sides.

Zhao Xin chose to start with red buff, and Zhu Mei chose to start with blue buff.

With the help of the bottom lane combination, Ning Wang quickly killed the red buff, and then controlled Zhao Xin to go straight to the middle lane.

Two-level catching mid!

This was obviously premeditated. Rookie hadn't upgraded his skills until this time. Seeing his jungler walking towards the middle lane, he immediately upgraded his W skill.

Zhao Xin quickly entered the bush in the middle lane. Seeing this, Rookie decisively gave up his flash and quickly connected his W skill to transform into a sheep.

Scout was still a little confused, and suddenly saw Zhao Xin coming out of the bush below.

E skill directly sprinted to Zoe's side, and quickly connected his Q skill.

The sheep transformation time was over, and Xiaoxuedi hurriedly gave up his flash to distance himself, but at the moment when Zoe moved out, Ning Wang also quickly followed up with a flash.

The third stage of the Q skill was used, and Zoe was picked up and was also slowed down by the red buff.

The general attack was launched, and Lulu came forward to make up for the damage. With the combined efforts of the two, Zoe's remaining health was quickly taken away.

First Blood!

The system prompt sounded, and the audience was boiling again.

"This is Ning Wang, IG took the lead!"

Wawa shouted loudly: "Zhao Xin got Zoe's head, it's a good start."

In the EDG lounge.

Seeing Zhao Xin get a head at the beginning, Nofe's face suddenly became ugly.

What he was most worried about finally happened. For them, Zhao Xin was the most uncomfortable when he was fat. With Lulu and Tam, Zhao Xin could rush in and output in the team battle without restraint, and they couldn't handle it at all.

"This wave should have been designed by IG in advance. At the beginning, Xiaodi inserted a ward at the F6 position, but Tam came out with a scan, and the vision was eliminated by Tam as soon as he inserted it. It was because of this that Zhao Xin was able to approach the middle lane without being seen by the vision."

Miller followed up with analysis.

After killing Zoe, Ning Wang went directly into the upper jungle area to brush the jungle, and he didn't even waste any time.

4 minutes.

Zhu Mei came to the top lane.

Shen Lang controlled Akali to move forward, Q followed by E. Although [Falcon Dance] hit the Sword Demon, he couldn't release E again to rush forward. Zhao Xin's figure appeared in the grass in the river.

2v2 between the top and jungle, they were obviously no match.

There was no way, the factory manager could only return to the city in the triangle grass.

The junglers of both sides returned to the city to replenish their equipment. When they walked out of the fountain again, Ning Wang became more and more fierce.

He controlled Zhao Xin to enter the lower half of the jungle, and did not refresh his F6, but went straight to the blue buff jungle of Zhu Mei.

Zhu Mei started with the blue buff, and the Magic Swamp Frog would definitely not refresh it.

Zhao Xin handed over the punishment and quickly took the Magic Swamp Frog into his pocket, and was able to control the river Swift Crab.

There were no wild monsters in the lower half of the jungle, so Zhu Mei could only go up.

The shy got the feedback from the jungler in advance, and did not do it as beforeIn that way, he took the initiative to exchange blood, and Pig Girl came to the top lane again. Although Zhao Xin was not there this time, the factory manager still did not find a good opportunity.

The game time soon came to six minutes.

The moment he reached level 6, Shen Lang quickly upgraded his ultimate skill and decisively released it towards the Sword Demon.

He started with the R skill [Phantom Sakura Killing Chaos], and quickly released the Q skill after approaching the Sword Demon. The shy was not to be outdone, and directly activated the ultimate skill and released the Q skill to counterattack.

However, the pre-swing action of the Sword Demon's Q skill was too obvious. Shen Lang immediately handed over the E skill, and while hanging [Falcon Dance] on the Sword Demon, he successfully avoided the first stage of the Sword Demon's Q by displacement.

Continuing to control Akali to move forward, The shy pressed the Q skill again, but at the moment when the Sword Demon attacked, Shen Lang suddenly controlled Akali to turn around and retreat. The shy could only release the E skill to adjust the position, which made the second stage of the Q skill hit Akali.

Shen Lang pressed the E skill again, Akali moved to the side of the Sword Demon, and activated the W skill to accelerate the retreat at the moment when the Sword Demon's three-stage Q skill was launched, but was only hit by the edge of the Sword Demon's three-stage Q.

After the general attack, A triggered the passive, and then connected the Q skill that was on cooldown.

The shy hurriedly used the W skill, and [Evil Fire Chain] hit Akali, but at the moment when she was about to be pulled back, Shen Lang used the second stage of the ultimate.

Akali passed through the Sword Demon, connected the general attack again to A triggered the passive, and then connected the Q skill...

The Sword Demon's health was not much, and all the skills were still on CD.

Seeing Akali approaching, The shy could only use the flash to distance himself.


This time it was the turn of EDG fans to cheer.

Akali with the ultimate and Akali without the ultimate are simply two different heroes. If The shy directly used the E skill to retreat when Shen Lang's ultimate was launched, the Sword Demon would only lose a little blood at most, and would not take full damage and be hit to flash.

But he is The shy!

Even in a disadvantageous situation, he would still choose to fight back.

Seeing that the Sword Demon had given up his flash, Shen Lang did not chase him, but controlled Akali to turn around and push the line.

"The Sword Demon should return to the city to replenish his status. The position of the Pig Girl is not clear."

Ning Wang immediately dissuaded him.

The Sword Demon did not flash, and his status was not very good. As long as the Pig Girl came to the top lane, Akali would push the soldiers into the defense tower and would definitely be able to kill him over the tower.

Hearing this, The shy could only return to the city on the spot, return to the fountain to replenish his status, and then give up the teleport to the top lane to clear the soldiers under the defense tower.

Shen Lang also chose to return to the city at this time, but he did not teleport to the top lane.

If you choose to go to the top lane, you will inevitably lose the soldiers and cannot continue to suppress the Sword Demon, but you can save TP.

"The bottom lane can be more active!"

Shen Lang said in the voice.

In fact, he has already felt that even if he has reached level 6, it is still difficult to open up the situation in the top lane.

From IG's perspective, the only lane that Sejuani can catch is the top lane. Lulu has her ultimate, which makes her difficult to catch. There is also Tam in the bottom lane, which also makes it difficult to catch Sejuani. Sejuani can only catch Aatrox without flash.

It's obvious that Xin Zhao will come to the top lane to counter-camp.

With a teleport in hand, Akali can go to other lanes to look for opportunities while Xin Zhao is counter-camping in the top lane.

Not to mention, after 2 minutes, there is really an opportunity in the bottom lane.

The combination of Ashe and Tam is not very good against Kai'Sa and the nurse. Every time Baolan goes forward, the nurse will consume her health.

Although the damage of Xingma is not high, she takes advantage of her long arms to occupy the side bushes and slowly grind, and quickly consumes Tam's health bottle, and her health is also suppressed to half health.

The bottom lane combination of both sides is about to reach level 6. Jackeylove and his partner want to push the line out and return to the city to replenish equipment.

But just before the two pushed the troops out, Meiko placed a trinket ward in the bushes in front of IG's bottom lane tower.

This was a perfect teleport position.

The moment he saw the ward, Shen Lang decisively used TP:

"Don't worry about Ashe, just kill the support!"

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