Seeing Akali's teleport light up, IG's bottom lane combination instantly became nervous.

"Save me, save me!"

Jackeylove shouted in the voice chat.

He thought Akali was coming for him. At this time, both midlaners had already handed over TP to go online, and the Sword Demon was also hit by the teleport in the previous laning. When teammates could not support, Ashe could only rely on the auxiliary Tam next to him.

iboy released the W skill forward, [Void Lock] accurately hit Tam, and Shen Lang's teleport also landed quickly.

Akali's ultimate skill was ready, and the moment he landed, Shen Lang decisively handed over the ultimate skill and came to Tam's side.

This version of Akali is good in this aspect. Even if there is no target, the first part of the ultimate skill can still be released, and there is no need to worry about how to get close to the opponent.

Move closer to release the Q skill, and quickly connect with the E skill.

[Falcon Dance] successfully hit Tam.

It was not until this time that Baolan reacted that the opponent was actually coming for him.


iboy also used his ultimate to come to Tam, followed by A and Q, and the damage of [Icathia Rainstorm] was fully hit, and Tam's health suddenly became dangerous.

"Hello, brother!"

Jackeylove walked towards the defense tower without looking back, and was not even willing to waste time to release his ultimate.

At this time, he also understood that the reason why the opponent killed Tam was because with Tam's W skill, he could easily return to the defense tower alive with double summons.

If Tam was killed quickly, the opponent might not shift the target to him.

"Don't kill me after killing the support!"

Jackeylove was still very optimistic.

Tam's head did not have a big impact on the situation. Even if the support was killed, EDG could not get the map resources. The harvest of this wave was only 300 yuan for the head.

Baolan did not give up the flash because it was unnecessary.

Akali's [Falcon Dance] is hanging on her body. Even if she gives up Flash, Akali can keep up, and the second stage of the ultimate is enough to take away the remaining health of Akali. Giving up Flash is just to move the grave.


Tahm's head was taken by Akali, and the EDG people cheered in unison.

Although this wave of kills did not yield a big harvest, it can boost morale. At least now the top lane is advantageous.

However, before everyone can be happy for too long, the system prompt sound rang again.

Pig girl was killed!

It turned out that when Akali TP supported, IG was not idle either.

Ning Wang directly controlled Zhao Xin to invade EDG's upper jungle area, and Lulu, who controlled the line in the middle lane, also roamed.

With the help of the acceleration effect provided by Lulu, Zhao Xin quickly stabbed Pig girl. Although the factory manager gave up the Q skill in time to move away, Pig girl was still slowed down by Zhao Xin's W skill and Lulu's Q skill.

Just when the factory manager gave up the flash to cross the wall, the figure of the Sword Demon suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

Zhu Mei had no way to escape, and finally died in her own jungle, and the head was taken by the Sword Demon.

"Both top laners got the head at the same time, which is equivalent to not getting it at all."

Miller shook his head and said.

This is what it means to choose a weak jungler. The opponent has no way to enter your jungle.

If Akali was in the top lane, IG might still be afraid, but now Shen Lang teleported to the bottom to support, and Zhu Mei naturally became the unlucky one.

"How can it be equivalent to not getting it? Akali gave up the teleport to get the head, and Zhao Xin also took the opportunity to clear Zhu Mei's upper half of the jungle. IG obviously made a lot of money."

PDD did not hide his inclination at all.


When Shen Lang controlled Akali to return to the line, the Sword Demon had already synthesized the Little Drinker.

After taking out this equipment, it was difficult for Akali to kill the Sword Demon alone in the line.

Shen Lang had no choice.

The speed of Aatrox's clearing line is not slower than Akali's. He can't push the line quickly and roam around. He can only fight with The shy in the top lane.

While controlling the advantage, Ning Wang played very actively.

In the following time, Zhao Xin madly invaded the jungle area of ​​​​Zhu Mei, and both mid laners would support, but in comparison, the combat effectiveness of IG's mid and jungle at this time was obviously stronger.

If you can't beat them, you can only give the jungle area to the opponent.

It's a zero-sum game between junglers. Zhu Mei eats less wild monsters, which means Zhao Xin eats more wild monsters. The gap between the two is getting more and more obvious. Ning Wang even seized the opportunity to control the little dragon.

13 minutes.

Ning Wang controlled Zhao Xin to the top lane. After ganking without success, he decided to attack the Rift Herald.

Rookie in the middle lane quickly cleared the line, and then controlled Lulu to walk towards the upper river.

"The opponent wants to attack the vanguard."

Zhaozhang's consciousnessStill very sharp, quickly controlled Zhu Mei to follow the upper river.

"The vanguard cannot be given up, prepare for a fight."

Shen Lang's attitude was very firm, and he made the decision directly during the discussion of his teammates.

Giving up everything will only let the rhythm fall into the control of the opponent. Although they are at a disadvantage now, at least they can still fight in team battles. If they really let IG snowball like this, the subsequent team battles will only be more difficult to fight.

Seeing Zhu Mei coming, Ning Wang quickly stopped.

He did not expect to be able to control the vanguard directly, and his real intention was to force the opponent to join the team.

EDG people were not in a hurry to take action, but wanted to use Zoe's poke ability to consume blood first.

Scout found the right angle to release the E skill against the wall, and [Hypnotic Bubble] really hit Zhao Xin in the dragon pit accurately.

"Do it!"

Zhanzhang was instantly excited and directly controlled Zhu Mei to release the Q skill forward.

The moment Zoe's Q skill hits Xin Zhao, Sejuani uses her ultimate skill, accurately hitting Xin Zhao, and then freezes him in place with control.

The battle breaks out instantly.

Shen Lang wants to control Akali to go forward to make up for the damage and kill Xin Zhao, but at this time The shy directly activates the ultimate skill and releases the skill to intercept it.

At the same time, Lulu uses her ultimate skill on Xin Zhao.

"Quickly become big--"

Xin Zhao's health suddenly rises, and the damage of Zoe and Sejuani is not enough to kill him.

Ning Wang decisively counterattacks, releases E towards Zoe, and quickly connects the ultimate skill, A and Q skills...

Xin Zhao's development in this game is very good, and his equipment is naturally luxurious. Zoe can't bear its damage at all. Scout can only give up the flash to pull away, but is quickly slowed down by Rookie's flash Q skill.

Zoe dies first, and Sejuani naturally becomes the target of concentrated fire.

Just when Zhao Xin was attacking Sejuani, Shen Lang used his ultimate and flashed to Zhao Xin's side. He hit Sejuani at the maximum distance and released the second stage of Q to close the distance...

The Tech Gun slowed down, and Akali's damage also hurt Zhao Xin.

Sejuani was killed quickly, but after that, Shen Lang also successfully got Zhao Xin's head.

"Don't worry about it, attack the vanguard!"

The shy wanted to continue to compete with Shen Lang, but was stopped by Ning Wang.

Seeing this, Shen Lang did not dare to continue to attack. Lulu's sheep transformation was still in his hand, and Akali did not have much room for operation.

"EDG is at a disadvantage!"

Miller shook his head and explained: "Although Akali got Zhao Xin's final kill, Ning Wang also successfully got a double kill in this wave. The gap between the junglers on both sides is already very obvious, not to mention that IG was able to control the Rift Herald in this wave."

Wawa nodded: "It will be difficult to play with Pig Girl next. It feels that all EDG's hopes are focused on Weiwu's Akali. If the game can be dragged to the late stage, this game will still be worth playing."

Go to the middle lane to eat the wave line first, and then return to the city to replenish the status.

When he walked out of the fountain again, Akali had synthesized the magic penetration shoes, and even had extra money to buy a bursting wand.

Akali with this equipment is indeed very explosive, but this also aroused the vigilance of the IG people.

"We still have to target Weiwu, don't let him really turn over."

Jackeylove said in the voice.

The main reason is that Akali's equipment is really scary. Even if the support is Tam and the mid laner is Lulu, he is still not sure that he can survive in the team battle. For a fragile hero like Ashe, being stuck by Akali means death.

Ning Wang also thought it was reasonable. After resurrection, he first came to the middle lane, helped Lulu control the line, and then the two of them went to the top lane together.

Shen Lang noticed it in advance, but he could only control Akali to retreat.

The middle lane soldiers entered the tower, and Zoe was definitely unable to support, and the vision of his own jungle was black. The opposing mid and jungle came to the top lane together, and with the cooperation of the Sword Demon, there might be a chance to kill him by crossing the tower.

Although Akali has developed well, she is not tanky now. If Lulu turns her into a sheep first, the damage of Zhao Xin and the Sword Demon is enough to kill her instantly. Even with the ultimate move in hand, Shen Lang has no room for operation.

In desperation, Shen Lang can only abandon the defensive tower.

"Tsk tsk, Akali is 2-0, she can't even eat the tower damage."

PDD gloated.

He admired IG's play style very much. Since they wanted to target the top lane, not only the jungler went up, but also the mid laner went up together, leaving you no chance to operate.

After forcing Akali back, if Zhao Xin summoned the Rift Herald, and cooperated with Aatrox and Lulu, he could completely destroy the top lane defense tower.

But Ning Wang didn't do that.

Without the defense tower, AkaliInstead, they can develop with peace of mind. If they keep this defensive tower, they can keep coming to the top lane.

The bounty of the first blood tower is indeed very tempting, but in comparison, Ning Wang still thinks it is more important to target Shen Lang.

17 minutes.

Zhao Xin and Lulu came to the top lane again.

Jian Mo pushed the line into the tower, and the IG mid and jungle directly used the vision advantage to come behind the defensive tower.

Fortunately, Shen Lang reacted quickly and quickly released two big moves to distance himself, so he was not left behind by the opponent.

At this time, the duration of the Eye of the Pioneer was not much left. It was not until this time that Ning Wang summoned the Rift Herald and successfully destroyed the outer tower of EDG's top lane.

18 minutes.

Zhao Xin squatted in the jungle to meet Zhu Mei. Facing Zhao Xin with such luxurious equipment, Zhu Mei had no room for operation and was quickly killed.

With this opportunity, IG took the little dragon again.

23 minutes.

Shen Lang finally found an opportunity. Akali roamed the middle lane and cooperated with Zoe to successfully kill Lulu and get another kill.

But before they could try to kill the dragon, IG quickly attacked.

Zhao Xin caught the bottom.

Ashe's ultimate hit the nurse first, Ning Wang flashed to close the distance, and then connected the E skill to the nurse.

Before the stun time was over, the nurse was killed by Zhao Xin.

IG successfully destroyed the bottom lane defense tower, and the economic gap between the two sides widened again.

28 minutes.

At this time, the economic gap between the two sides had reached 4000. It was raining all night. At this critical moment, Jackeylove tentatively released his ultimate towards the pig girl who was exposed in the jungle.

[Magic Crystal Arrow] hit accurately.

Ning Wang's Zhao Xin was still next to him during the 3-second stun time.

The factory manager frantically tapped the flash, but the skill was not released until the screen became gray.

The jungler died, which was very fatal at this time.

"Hit the Baron, hit the Baron!"

IG was instantly excited.

Economic disadvantage, jungler dead, for EDG, the best choice at this time is to give up the Baron.


Shen Lang did not choose this best way.

He was seen controlling Akali and resolutely walking towards the jungle.

After clearing the surrounding vision, IG decisively hit the Baron. Since Kaisa and the nurse were still clearing the line in the middle, they naturally thought that EDG was going to give up the little dragon.

Shen Lang quickly came to the Baron pit and released the E skill directly at the Baron.

[Falcon Dance] hit, and released again.

Seeing Akali appear in the field of vision, IG was instantly nervous.

Without waiting for the opponent to react, Shen Lang quickly shot and handed over the ultimate move directly to the Ashe next to him.

Release the Q skill, and then release the active effect of the tech gun.

"What damage?"

Jackeylove was stunned.

With only Akali's ultimate, Q skill and the damage from the Tech Gun, his Ashe was left with less than half of his health.

"Quickly become a big one!"

In a hurry, Rookie quickly used his ultimate, and Baolan next to him also quickly used his W skill to eat Ashe.

Lulu turned into a sheep and attacked.

Akali was immediately restricted in place, and Ning Wang and The shy hurriedly output, trying to take the opportunity to kill Akali instantly.

"Give me the ultimate!"

Shen Lang remained calm and shouted in the voice chat.

Hearing this, Meiko hurriedly used his ultimate, and Akali's health suddenly increased a lot.

But under the output of Aatrox and Zhao Xin, the health that had just recovered was quickly suppressed.


The duration of Lulu's transformation into a sheep finally passed, and Shen Lang hurriedly pressed the stopwatch.

Akali became unselectable.

When the duration of the stopwatch passed, the time of Tam's W skill had also arrived.

The moment Ashe appeared in the field of vision, Shen Lang decisively used flash to close the distance, and used QR skills at the same time. Jackeylove didn't even have time to use flash before the screen became dark.

Akali successfully killed Ashe in one second, and also used the displacement of the ultimate skill to move closer to the middle lane.

Meiko and iboy both leaned towards the river at the same time and provided timely support. With the ADC killed in one second, IG could no longer continue to fight the dragon.

"Oh my God——"

In the commentary booth, Wawa didn't even know how to describe it.

"Taken in the time of defeat, ordered in the midst of danger, with the jungler killed, Weiwu brother actually succeeded in killing Ashe in one second, taking the head of the enemy general in the midst of thousands of troops, and even escaping safely, killing people in the world, escaping from the blade..."

Accompanied by the excited voice of the commentator, the scene of the game instantly exploded。

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