"No, Brother Weiwu plays games like this, is there really no one to control him?"

Guan Zeyuan felt uncomfortable again.

I don't know why, every time he said that he was optimistic about Gen.G, Shen Lang would always slap him in the face in various ways.

Irelia now directly ignored the defensive tower, and when her passive was fully stacked, she directly Qed the face of Qing Gangying and consumed his health. This simply didn't treat Cuvee or anyone in Gne.G as a human.

"With Qing Gangying's current health, it should be impossible to defend the tower. After Irelia's health is restored, she can directly destroy the inner tower of Gen.G."

Miller gloated.

Sure enough, after seeing Irelia reappear, Cuvee ignored the line of soldiers entering the defensive tower and directly controlled Qing Gangying to retreat back to the city.

Shen Lang controlled Irelia to go forward to the A tower and quickly took away the remaining health of the defensive tower.

"Tsk tsk, 20 minutes haven't even arrived yet, and the top lane has been directly broken. At this time, the middle and bottom lanes are still laning at the outer tower, and even the health of the defensive tower is still very healthy. The top lane has been pushed to the front of the high ground by the sword girl."

Wawa said with emotion.

It's hard to believe that the ten players on the field are playing a game.


After taking the opponent's top tower, Shen Lang first entered the jungle to clean up the upper half of Gen.G's jungle, leaving vision and controlling the sword girl to the middle lane.

Unfortunately, Brother Crown still didn't give her a chance.

This is the horror of the old players. He may not be able to play an advantage in the laning, but you can't expect to get too much advantage from him, especially when he takes out a hero like Lulu. Looking at Lulu who is determined to double-row with the defensive tower, even Shen Lang can only sigh in despair.

"Change lanes."

Unable to find an opportunity in the middle lane, Shen Lang did not force it, but continued to walk towards the bottom lane.

Taking the inner tower in the top lane is already the limit. No matter how big the advantage of Irelia is, it is still very difficult to get to the high ground at this point in time. In comparison, it is obviously more cost-effective for Irelia to switch to other lanes to continue to advance and take the tower.

Watching their top laner come to the bottom lane, the EDG bottom lane combination quickly returned to the city, and then went straight to the middle lane, and Xiaodi's Syndra went to the top lane to lead the line.

Faced with EDG's line switching operation, Gen.G immediately became embarrassed.

Should they switch or not?

If they don't switch, their bottom lane combination will not be able to play an advantage against Irelia, but EDG's bottom lane combination can control the line right in the middle lane and consume the health of the defensive tower.

If they switch, Qing Gangying can't defend the outer tower.

Not only can Qing Gangying not defend the tower, but he is also at risk of being killed by Irelia across the tower.

After much thought, they could only take a compromise:

Kai'Sa and Braum switched to the middle lane, but mid laner Lulu switched to the bottom lane to face Irelia, while Shen continued to face Syndra in the top lane.

"Syndra is good!"

When Cuvee heard Haru say this decision, he immediately agreed.

As long as he was not allowed to face Irelia, he would even dare to face EDG's bottom lane combination.

Looking at his top laner's appearance, Crown curled his lips in disdain: "Isn't he just a young player with slightly better operation? Is he scared like this?"

"There is never a shortage of talented players in this arena, but without exception, they can't take advantage of me."

Crown is very confident in his laning ability.

Isn't Faker also a talented player? What's the result?

Didn't he still lose to him last year? No matter how strong Wave is, can you be as strong as Faker?

Listening to the proud speech of his mid laner, Cuvee remained silent.

It's not that he thinks what Crown said is right, but he firmly believes that Shen Lang will teach Crown a lesson next.

Looking at Lulu who appeared in the bottom lane, Shen Lang was a little surprised. It was indeed a little surprising that the opponent changed the mid laner to fight against it.

Normally, it is not easy for Knife Girl to kill Lulu by crossing the tower.

However, their advantage is already very obvious now. If it doesn't work, he can still enter the opponent's jungle to expand the advantage. There is no need to take the risk to cross the tower to kill Lulu.

Thinking in his heart, Shen Lang controlled Knife Girl to move forward, wanting to quickly clear the line and invade the jungle.

However, to his surprise, just as he went forward to clear the soldiers, Lulu actually came over, first released the Q skill to slow down Knife Girl, and then chased and attacked Knife Girl.

Although the damage was not very high, it was extremely insulting in Shen Lang's view.

"Has he always been so brave?"

Shen Lang said in surprise.

He was unwilling to take the risk of crossing the tower to kill Lulu, but he didn't expect that Crown Brother would take the initiative to step forward to consume his blood.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Shen Lang took the damage from Lulu and used the Q skill to clear the line of soldiers, but after doing this, he did notInstead of roaming and invading the jungle as expected, he controlled Irelia to enter the bushes and wait for the next wave of soldiers to come.

When the next wave of soldiers came online, Crown became more arrogant and even crossed the line to attack Irelia.

"Aigu, how did you get beaten by this kind of Irelia?"

Seeing Irelia retreat, Crown's face was suddenly full of smiles, and he teased Cuvee in the voice chat.

"Be careful, Irelia's damage is very high."

Cuvee ignored him and warned him instead.

But from the expression on Crown's face, it can be seen that he didn't take it to heart at all.

Lulu was still chasing Irelia and attacking her. Seeing that the distance between the two was about to widen, Crown was still busy releasing the Q skill to slow her down.

However, at the moment of being slowed down, Shen Lang suddenly controlled Irelia to turn around.

His flash was already ready!

He was not a coward before, he just needed a little time to flash.

Seeing that Irelia turned around, Crown hurriedly controlled Lulu to turn around, but at this time, she had to cross the line of soldiers to retreat. After the distance was shortened, Shen Lang released the Q skill on the melee soldier and quickly approached Lulu by displacement.

Crown quickly handed over the W skill.

However, Lulu's W skill also has a trajectory, and the hand-raising action is very obvious.

With Shen Lang's reaction, he can completely hand over the W skill in time to avoid the control effect.


The W skill after charging is released, and it hits Lulu and takes away a lot of her health.

When Irelia's W skill hurts people very much, it means that the damage of its other skills will only be more exaggerated.

An ominous premonition surged into Crown's heart.

He hurriedly put on the E skill on himself and walked towards the direction of the defense tower without looking back.

However, Shen Lang let him A for so long and endured so much grievance, how could he let it go easily.

The Q skill was released again on the soldiers, the distance between the two was shortened, and the ultimate move was quickly handed over.

"Ionia, high and unyielding!"

The skill accurately hit Lulu, giving her a passive, and then released the Q skill on her.

"You like to attack people, right!"

Shen Lang said fiercely.

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