Irelia's damage was very exaggerated, and now Lulu had no armor at all, so she couldn't take its damage at all. In just a blink of an eye, Lulu's health was suppressed to less than half.

"Get bigger quickly!"

Crown hurriedly used his ultimate skill, and used the short knock-up effect of his ultimate skill to distance himself from Irelia.

After landing, Shen Lang quickly used his E skill.

[Double Blades] was very fast and at a very tricky angle, so Crown was forced to use Flash.

However, at the moment when Lulu moved out, Shen Lang flashed directly.

Q skill [Blade Impact] was released again, and Irelia quickly closed the distance, and then continued to attack Lulu.

After a few attacks, Lulu's remaining health was taken away directly.

Single kill!


The audience was boiling again.

"It's a real pleasure to watch Weiwu's Irelia operation. It can be described as flowing like water. This is the real 'Blade Dancer'."

Miller said with emotion.

After the rework, the difficulty of operating the hero Irelia has increased greatly, which makes this hero two different heroes in the hands of those who know how to play and those who don't.

Some people also played Irelia in previous games, but in comparison, Shen Lang's Irelia has a more "elegant" feeling than other players' Irelia, and it has an inexplicable sense of fit with Irelia's new name "Blade Dancer".

Guan Zeyuan doesn't care whether Shen Lang's Irelia operation is beautiful or not. He only knows that Lulu was killed by Irelia, and the possibility of Gen.G's comeback in this game will be even slimmer.

"No, why give him a chance like this? Why do you provoke him?"

He said with some regret.

Normally, if Lulu doesn't go to play a few tricks, but only last-hit under the defensive tower, what can Irelia use to kill Lulu with all her skills?

Gen.G voice chat.

Seeing his screen turn gray, Crown's face turned red.

How good was his equipment before, how uncomfortable was it to be hit in the face now.

If he could, he wanted to dig a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

"Why is Irelia's damage so exaggerated?"

Afraid that Cuvee would taunt him, he decided to take the initiative.

Cuvee just smiled and shook his head when he heard it. He really didn't taunt Crown's idea, but he felt a little sorry that his teammates didn't listen to him. This game was accompanied by Irelia getting another kill and gradually going away.

In fact, at this time, everyone in Gen.G could feel that if nothing unexpected happened in this game, their chances of winning were very slim.

To put it bluntly, at this time, the only one who still believed that Gen.G had a chance to win was probably Guan Zeyuan on the commentary seat.

"Brother Lang, stop killing. I'm scared!"

Iboy laughed and teased as he heard the sound of Irelia getting a kill again.

He really killed wherever he went. He destroyed the opponent's top laner during the laning phase and destroyed the opponent's mid laner after the lane change. Iboy was still thinking whether he should also switch lanes with Irelia, so that the opponent's bottom lane combination might also be destroyed.

Shen Lang smiled and said nothing when he heard this.

This is the effect he wanted. He killed the opponent randomly in this game. He didn't believe that his teammates would be worried when they met Gen.G next time.

After overcoming the fear of Gen.G, the next one was KT, and then the entire LCK region.

While talking, Irelia quickly pushed the soldiers into the defense tower.

Using this wave of soldiers entering the tower, the Gen.G bottom lane defense tower was quickly destroyed by Shen Lang.

At this time, the third little dragon had also refreshed.

This is a soil dragon.

Obviously, Gen.G will not fight with EDG at this time just because of its very important earth attribute. Zz1t controlled Olaf to come to the lower river, and cooperated with Irelia who came over after destroying the tower, and the two easily took the little dragon.

19 minutes.

Irelia roamed the middle lane after pushing the lower lane.

Due to the lack of vision, Chidi and the others did not realize that Irelia had gone behind the defensive tower.

After the middle lane soldiers entered the tower, Meiko decisively started a team fight.

Luo's ultimate skill connected with W skill [Grand Debut] entered the field, Xia activated W skill to move forward and followed up with output...

Just when Gen.G's bottom lane combination Cang Queen retreated, Irelia came out from the bushes behind her.

When [Double Blade] hit Kaisa, everyone on the scene knew that this wave of team battle had lost suspense.

Shen Lang controlled Irelia to move forward, and two Q skills directly took away Kaisa's remaining health, and the auxiliary Braum next to him was not spared and soon fell under the concentrated fire of EDG.

After killing the opponent's bottom lane combination, EDG quicklyGen.G's middle tower was destroyed.

When the sound effect of the tower being destroyed sounded, the game time was exactly 20 minutes.

The dragon refreshed.

"Go back to the city to replenish equipment, and then force a team fight at the dragon. This game is boring."

The factory manager said boredly.

"Oh, you are so pretentious. If you don't know, you would think you are C."

iboy complained mercilessly.

His jungler didn't learn Shen Lang's operation and awareness, but he learned to pretend clearly.

After coming out of the fountain, Olaf and Luo quickly cleared the vision around the upper river, and successfully placed the trinket eye in the Gen.G jungle.

At this time, all the outer towers of Gen.G were destroyed, and even the inner tower on the top lane no longer existed. Under this situation, EDG could easily arrange the vision to the opposite jungle.

Shen Lang still controlled the sword girl to lead the line in the bottom lane.

Anyway, he had teleport in his hand, and the Gen.G jungle was full of vision, and there were perfect flanking positions everywhere.

Seeing the vision above turn dark, and only Irelia appeared in the vision on EDG's side, the Gen.G players instantly became nervous.

The Rift Herald can be given up, the defensive tower can be given up, and the little dragon can be given up...

But this Baron can't be given up, if it is given up again, the game will really end.

In fact, whether or not to give up this Baron, Gen.G has little chance of turning the tables, and their chances of winning the Baron are also very slim.

But they have to lose the game decently.

If they can't win the team battle, it's because they are not as skilled as their opponents, and if they don't resist at all and let the opponent push forward, Korean fans will spray shit on them.

Gen.G still replaced the Blue Steel Shadow to the bottom lane to lead the line, and the others walked towards the upper river in a group.

Fortunately, there was a Braum who could stand in the front, and he used his skills to explore the bush from time to time, so he didn't give EDG a chance to hide in the bush.

However, when everyone entered the river and the vision around the Baron pit lit up, they immediately became nervous.

EDG was actually already fighting the Baron.

"Let's start a fight!"

Haru shouted anxiously in the voice chat.

Support CoreJJ could only push forward, thinking about how to start a fight.

At this moment, Cuvee's excited voice rang out in the voice chat: "Irelia! Be careful of Irelia!"

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