Before the Gen.G team came to support, Shen Lang and his team had already destroyed the middle lane defense tower.

The economic gap between the two sides widened again.

In the lounge.

Looking at the situation on the field, Abu breathed a sigh of relief: "It has to be Xiao Lang again!"

After Shen Lang came on the field, not only was the top lane able to crush the opponent, but the state of the entire team also changed dramatically.

Others in the room nodded.

Although the game was not over yet, seeing Alchemist with leading equipment, everyone felt inexplicably relieved.

Is the opposite Sivir very fat?

Shen Lang will find a way!

After destroying the Gen.G middle lane tower, the EDG team left quickly, leaving Gen.G no chance to keep anyone.

Shen Lang returned to the top lane, used the Q skill to quickly clear the line of soldiers, and then disappeared from sight again.

Compared with Zhao Xin, Alchemist at this time is more like a jungler.

At this point in the game, the Gen.G players also felt that they were gradually losing the initiative.

Fortunately, the bottom lane is still advantageous.

Now they can only pin their hopes on Chidi, expecting Sivir to deal explosive damage in the subsequent team battles, thus turning the situation around.

"It's okay, it's okay. Anyway, the outcome of this game doesn't affect us much."

Seeing that his teammate was a little depressed, CoreJJ comforted him.

Chidi rolled his eyes when he heard this: "Shit, you know how to comfort people."

Although this was not pleasant to hear, everyone in Gen.G gradually relaxed.

"Since it doesn't have much impact, let's play harder."

Chidi said.

CoreJJ understood and decisively gave up the flash, and quickly released the WQ skills towards Ashe.


Not only iboy didn't expect it, but even Chidi was also surprised. He said to play harder, just thinking about suppressing the opponent, but he didn't expect the support to flash directly to start a team fight.

The arrow is on the string, and it has to be shot.

After a brief surprise, he quickly gave up the ultimate move and controlled Sivir to rush towards Ashe's face.

iboy and Meiko were still thinking about switching to the middle lane after clearing this wave of soldiers, but they didn't expect that the opponent's support would suddenly flash and start a team fight at this time. They were caught off guard and had no time to react.

Meiko quickly released the W skill on Ashe, first releasing the ultimate skill on Minotaur and Sivir, and then using the E skill to block in front of Ashe.

However, the pre-swing of Braum's ultimate skill was very obvious. Chidi used the E skill to easily avoid the control effect, and used the acceleration effect of the ultimate skill to come to the side and output crazy damage to Ashe.

Seeing the fight in the bottom lane, Cuvee on the top didn't think much and hurriedly used the ultimate skill on Minotaur.

Ashe gave up the flash, and then gave up the ultimate skill on Sivir.

Chidi reacted very quickly, gave up the flash in time, avoided [Magic Crystal Arrow] and moved to Ashe's side, and continued to attack and output.

Shen's ultimate skill landed quickly, and for safety reasons, Cuvee directly gave up the E flash.

Ashe was ridiculed, and iboy was full of despair.

Under Sivir's output, Ashe's remaining health was quickly taken away, and Braum next to him was not spared either, and soon fell under the concentrated fire of three Gen.G players.

Double Kill!

The system prompt sounded, and Sivir got a double kill again.

"Well done!"

Chidi's face suddenly showed a surprised expression. This is really unpredictable, the bottom lane actually got a double kill so easily.

On the commentary seat.

Seeing Sivir get a double kill again, Guan Zeyuan became more and more worried.

"Sivir is now 4-0, and the development is very good. Gen.G chose a four-protect-one system in this game. When the mid-term team battle comes, Chidi will be very difficult to deal with."

Although he is a die-hard fan of Gen.G, he still hopes that EDG can win this game when Gen.G is sure that it will not advance.

"Gen.G just needs to play steadily, not let EDG find opportunities, and then delay the game until the Baron refreshes..."

Guan Zeyuan wanted to continue his analysis, but before he finished speaking, the director quickly switched the camera to the jungle above.

After clearing the top lane soldiers, Shen Lang controlled Alchemist to the middle lane, but Crown was very vigilant and controlled the middle lane soldiers before the inner tower, which was not easy to find opportunities.

Just as Shen Lang was about to turn back to the top lane, the vision that was previously arranged in the upper jungle of Gen.G suddenly saw the figure of Taliyah.

Without any hesitation, he decisively activated the Predator and rushed straight into the Gen.G jungle.

Haru was stillSivir in the bottom lane was happy to get a double kill, but suddenly found a scarlet wolf head above his head, and the smile froze on his face instantly.

When he reacted, Alchemist had already appeared in his field of vision.

With the blessing of the talent "Predator", Alchemist moved very fast, and the distance between the two quickly narrowed.

Haru hurriedly released his skills.

With the blessing of high movement speed, Alchemist easily moved to turn away Taliyah's [Rock Spike] and quickly came to its side.

The Q skill was activated, and then the E skill was connected to carry Taliyah on his back.

Haru decisively gave up the flash, but as soon as Taliyah moved out, he was immediately caught up by Alchemist who started sprinting.

Galio in the middle lane hurriedly gave his ultimate.

However, at this time, Alchemist had already combined the mask and ice staff, and its damage was very exaggerated. The fragile skin of Taliyah could not bear it at all. Before [Hero Appearance] landed, the remaining blood of Taliyah had been taken away.

As for Galio.

Seeing the exaggerated damage of Alchemist, Crown didn't think twice. The moment the ultimate skill landed, he quickly used the E skill to distance himself. The main point is that he who knows the situation is a hero. If he doesn't run away quickly, it will be useless to use flash if he is stuck by Alchemist!

For Gen.G players, happy times are always short.

Just when they felt the dawn of hope because Sivir got a double kill, Alchemist killed Taliyah and poured cold water on their heads.

Fortunately, the Baron almost refreshed at this time, otherwise if Taliyah was killed, EDG would even have a chance to take the dragon.

"Be careful, don't give Wave another chance!"

Ruler said seriously.

Haru opened his mouth, wanting to explain, but didn't know what to say.

Wasn't he careful enough? It's just that the Alchemist on the opposite side is a bit unreasonable now.

As long as it appears in the field of vision, drive the Predator to rush to its face. It is not realistic to kill it instantly, but with the dual acceleration of sprint and Predator, it seems unrealistic to distance yourself from it.

The key is that its damage is still ridiculously high at this time. Even Galio, who has a high magic resistance, can't stand it, not to mention Taliyah, who has no magic resistance equipment on his body. He was stuck by Alchemy and couldn't even hold on until Galio's ultimate skill landed.

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