As time passed, the Baron quickly refreshed, and the situation quickly became tense.

Sivir's development on the Gen.G side was very good, but the equipment lead of Alchemist and Zhao Xin on the EDG side was also very obvious, so that neither side dared to move the dragon first.

At this time, the bottom lane combination of both sides had switched to the middle lane, and because there was no teleport in this game, Shen Lang was still laning on the top lane, letting Ryze with teleport go to the bottom lane and line up with Shen.

For EDG, the good news is that they control the initiative of vision.

Since the upper, middle and outer towers of Gen.G were destroyed, Shen Lang and others could easily arrange the vision to the upper jungle of Gen.G.

"Looking at this situation, both sides are determined to win this dragon, and team battles are inevitable. The key to the victory of team battles lies in whether Sivir can survive. Alchemist's development is indeed very good, but Weiwu chose to make output equipment first. If Sivir is not dealt with first, EDG can't bear its damage..."

While the two sides are pulling, remember to start analyzing.

Guan Zeyuan beside him shook his head: "First of all, Sivir's flash and healing are already cooled down, and she still has the E skill and ultimate in her hand. Finally, Shen and Galio can provide support. It will be very difficult for EDG to kill Sivir first in a team fight."

As they were testing each other, the game soon came to the 27th minute.

"Find an opportunity to attack the dragon."

Shen Lang suddenly said in the voice chat.

Continuing to delay is obviously not a solution. Gen.G is now in a defensive posture. It is not realistic to expect them to take the first move. Moreover, Haru and others are very vigilant. Shen Lang and the factory manager have tried many times but have not found a suitable opportunity. Continuing to delay the game will only make Sivir's equipment better.

Haru knows very well that the most important thing for him now is not to find opportunities, but not to be found by the opponent. He would rather do nothing and not make mistakes. Sivir will only become stronger and stronger. The game time is on their side.

Zhao Xin and Braum quickly cleared the vision around the dragon pit.

But this time, the two did not leave after clearing the vision. Not only that, Shen Lang and iboy also controlled their respective heroes to walk towards the dragon pit.

"EDG can't hold back and want to take the initiative to speed up the pace!"

I remember getting excited instantly.

Watching the EDG team disappear from the field of vision, Haru quickly realized that something was wrong.

But he was not too anxious. The speed of EDG's lineup to attack the dragon was not very fast. If he was too anxious to go, he might be found by the opponent.

After Sivir dealt with the soldiers in the middle lane, Haru led his teammates to the upper river.

The head of the bull was at the front, and the others used skills to test the bushes, giving EDG no chance to start a team fight.

"Then just attack the dragon directly."

Shen Lang said.

The opponent neither gave a chance nor took the initiative to attack, shrinking in the turtle shell, and it was necessary to use some means to make Gen.G stick its head out.

Upon hearing this, the factory manager and others attacked the dragon directly.

Shen Lang quickly cleared the soldiers on the top lane, and then controlled Alchemist to disappear from sight.

Watching EDG fight the Baron, Gen.G and others didn't care at first, but as the health of the Baron gradually decreased, they realized that the opponent seemed to be serious.

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't fight for punishment!"

Haru shouted excitedly in the voice chat.

Because Alchemist invaded the jungle at the beginning, and Zhao Xin got a lot of heads in the mid-term and developed very well, Zhao Xin's level was ahead of Taliyah at this time, Haru felt that he couldn't fight for punishment.

Hearing this, Corejj quickly controlled Minotaur to press forward.

"Ashe goes up and sells it!"

Shen Lang continued to command.

iboy suddenly had an urge to hit someone.

Although he was very reluctant, his body was still very honest. While dealing damage to the Baron, he controlled Alchemist to move towards the direction of the Gen.G people.

The distance was shortened, and Corejj did not hesitate at all.

Flash WQ.

Alistar immediately started a team fight, but iboy was prepared. When Alistar used flash, he also used flash.

Meiko used Q skill to activate passive skill on Alistar. Under the focus of EDG, Corejj hurriedly used his ultimate skill.

The team fight broke out instantly.

Ryze and Shen in the bottom lane quickly used teleport.

Seeing Sivir coming, Zz1tai ignored Alistar next to him, flashed decisively to close the distance, and then used E skill to come to Sivir's side.

In this game, Xin Zhao also developed very well, and Chidi did not dare to resistIts damage, can only be quickly used to flash away.

"Alchemist, Alchemist!"

At this moment, Haru's horrified voice sounded in the voice chat.

It turned out that before Gen.G started the team fight, Shen Lang had already entered the upper jungle area with vision, and activated the Predator at the moment of the fight.

Alchemist quickly approached Sivir.

For Gen.G, all their economy is basically concentrated on Sivir. If Sivir is killed instantly, there is no chance of winning the team fight.

Chidi hurriedly used his ultimate move, trying to use the acceleration effect to increase the distance.

But at this time, Shen Lang had already activated his ultimate move and sprint. In front of Alchemist's exaggerated movement speed, the acceleration effect provided by Sivir's ultimate move was not enough.

The distance between the two quickly shortened.

Shen Lang raised his mouth slightly: "Brother, you can't run as fast as me!"

Seeing Alchemist approaching, Chidi hurriedly shouted in the voice: "Save me, save me!"

After Cuvee landed, he quickly used his ultimate on Sivir, and Crown brother not far away also quickly used his ultimate.

Shen Lang came to Sivir, activated the Q skill, and then released the W skill when Chidi used the E skill. After breaking the shield, he used the E skill to carry Sivir back...


After this set of output, Sivir's health has been suppressed to less than half.

Galio [Hero Appearance] successfully knocked Alchemist away, and after Shen's ultimate landed, he also quickly used the E skill to taunt Alchemist.


At this time, the EDG team had come to support.

Shen Lang was not worried that he would be killed instantly. After activating the ultimate, Alchemist could get a high double resistance bonus, while Gen.G only had Sivir who could deal damage. As long as the teammates cooperated well, the ruler without life-saving skills would have no room for output.

Just as the ruler was thinking about counterattacking Alchemist, the junior brother used his ultimate directly next to Sivir.

Seeing this, the ruler hurriedly retreated.

[Warp] brought Braum and Xin Zhao into the battlefield, and the junior brother decisively used flash to get close to Sivir.

The EW skill was released, and Sivir was imprisoned in place.

On the commentary stand, remember shouting excitedly:

"Kill the ruler! Kill the ruler!"

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