In this stalemate atmosphere, the game soon came to the 27th minute.

Taking advantage of the vision, IG quickly destroyed EDG's lower inner tower, and the economic gap between the two sides had reached 7000.

Although the previous team battle in which EDG prevented IG from attacking the dragon was very beautiful, which greatly boosted the confidence of the fans and the morale of the players, the situation was still not optimistic for EDG.

The main reason was that the development of Skateboard Shoes was too exaggerated, and Jayce was not an opponent at all. In the face of absolute equipment advantage, operation was not so important.

"We have to find a way to catch Skateboard Shoes, and then attack the dragon."

After such a long time of trial, the factory manager finally found the key to the problem.

As the game time passed, IG would definitely try to attack the dragon again with such a huge advantage.

Last time, IG failed because of the perfect ultimate of the junior brother Clockwork, and if they attacked the dragon again, the factory manager would not dare to guarantee that Scout could release the perfect ultimate again.

So before the opponent attacks the big dragon, they must take the initiative to attack.

During the communication, The shy quickly sent the bottom lane soldiers into the highland tower, and then, like before, controlled Skateboard Shoes to disappear from the sight of the EDG people.

"Skateboard Shoes should be brushing the jungle, can Luo go to the jungle?"

Zhaozhang quickly marked his lower half jungle.

Before, The shy would choose to go to the jungle to counter-jungle after pushing the line, and this time was no exception.

Fearing that the opponent would notice, the factory manager did not even call iboy, but just let the auxiliary follow him into the jungle.

Skateboard Shoes' current equipment is indeed luxurious, but The shy did not have any meat equipment. As long as he could deal full damage, Prince and Luo would be enough to kill him.

Listening to his jungler's words, Meiko immediately controlled Luo to retreat and enter the jungle from the passage in front of the highland.

After inserting a ward through the wall, the figure of Skateboard Shoes immediately appeared in the field of vision.

At this time, The shy was fighting three wolves.

Without any hesitation, Meiko decisively activated his ultimate skill, and then released his W skill at the feet of Skateboard Shoes.

The prince was right next to him. As long as he could control Skateboard Shoes first, the prince's EQ would hit, and the damage would naturally be enough to kill Skateboard Shoes.

But The shy's reaction was very quick.

The moment Luo appeared in his field of vision, he hurriedly handed over his Q skill and used his passive to move to the side.

Luo's [Grand Debut] was twisted away, and using the acceleration effect of the ultimate skill, Meiko continued to control Luo to rush towards Skateboard Shoes' face and successfully charmed him.

The factory manager hurriedly took action and released his EQ skill towards Skateboard Shoes.

At the critical moment, The shy quickly tapped the keyboard, and the mercury's belt removed the charm effect, and then handed over the flash to the side.

The prince's EQ was successfully avoided by the flash, and the factory manager and the two people's idea of ​​killing Skateboard Shoes also became a bubble.

Later, the prince followed up with the ultimate skill, but when the EQ skill did not hit, the damage was not enough to kill Skateboard Shoes.

The shy was very calm. He first released the active effect of Ruined King to slow down the prince, then counterattacked him with a general attack, and at the same time used the passive to slowly distance himself. The talent Deadly Rhythm was triggered, and the spears on the prince increased rapidly.

Fine sweat suddenly appeared on the forehead of the factory manager. He wanted to turn around and distance himself, but was quickly caught up by The shy using the passive.

With the prince's current equipment, he could not withstand the damage of Skateboard Shoes. Under its output, the prince's health dropped rapidly. Meiko handed over the E skill to put a shield on his jungler, and then released the Q skill to recover health.

However, under the explosive damage of Skateboard Shoes, this shield and blood recovery were undoubtedly a drop in the bucket.


The E skill was released, and the spear on the prince was instantly torn out, and the remaining health was actually taken away directly.

Wow! ! !

Skateboard Shoes killed the prince, and the audience instantly boiled.

If the Prince and Luo could kill Skateboard Shoes in this wave, it would undoubtedly be an opportunity for EDG, but the current result is that the Prince was killed in return, which is an opportunity for IG.

Not only that, just after the Prince was killed, The shy quickly pointed the spear at the Skateboard Shoes next to him.

Under the explosive damage of Skateboard Shoes, Luo was quickly forced to flash, but just as the two of them pulled away, The shy used the E skill to pull out the spear to slow down, and Skateboard Shoes quickly caught up. Luo didn't wait for the W skill to turn on, and still died under the output of Skateboard Shoes.

Double Kill!

The system prompt sounded, without any hesitation, The shy went straight toThe trinket eye in the grass on the upper river gave up the teleport.

The other IG players also quickly approached the Baron pit.

"Oh, this wave of the factory manager's idea is very good. He took the opportunity of Skateboard Shoes being alone and thought of opening a breakthrough, but Skateboard Shoes' development is indeed a bit good, and The shy's mercury was used very timely, resulting in the Prince's EQ skill not hitting, and was eventually killed by Skateboard Shoes."

Miller shook his head and sighed.

He didn't think that Meiko and the factory manager did anything wrong. For EDG, the situation itself was very difficult. Even if they didn't find an opportunity to lose this game, it was only a matter of time.

With the jungler and the support being killed, Wawa's heart finally died: "Without a jungler and a support, EDG has no way to compete for this Baron, and the economic gap between the two sides is so huge. After IG took the Baron, this game should also lose suspense."

While the two were talking, the IG players had gathered at the Baron pit and started to fight the Baron.

Seeing this, Shen Lang could only give up the teleport.

Just as Wawa analyzed, their economic disadvantage was too great. If IG got the dragon, the game would lose suspense.

The health of the dragon dropped rapidly, and the remaining three EDG players quickly entered the river.

Seeing the opponent appear, IG players instantly became alert. They could not make the same mistake twice.

Jayce released the QE skill from a distance.

The energy cannon hit Titan, taking away less than a quarter of his health.

Scout controlled Clockwork to move forward, wanting to release skills to consume the opponent's health.

But just as he approached, Pig Girl, who was fighting the dragon, suddenly stopped, and then threw out a big move.


A crisp sound rang out, and Clockwork was instantly frozen in place.


Ning Wang shouted in the voice chat, and the other IG players quickly stopped and rushed towards Clockwork.

Jackeylove used his ultimate skill directly, Kaisa came to Clockwork in an instant, A followed by Q skill, and Clockwork's half health disappeared instantly...

Under the concentrated fire of IG, Xiaoxuedi didn't even have the chance to use Flash, and Clockwork's health bar was instantly emptied.

When his teammates killed Clockwork, Baolan decisively used Flash to come to Xia's side and used Q skill.

iboy used his ultimate skill to dodge, but was locked by Titan's ultimate skill as soon as he landed, and the other IG players quickly switched targets.

Shen Lang also knew that running away would be useless, so he simply chose to stand and die, and also controlled Jayce to rush towards the IG team.


The system prompt sounded soon.

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