"EDG finally lost!"

Seeing Jayce and Xia being killed, IG fans at the scene were relieved.

IG had a huge advantage, but due to EDG's extremely tenacious performance on the field, they could not calm down and were always worried about new accidents as the game progressed.

When The shy's skateboard shoes were double-teamed by Prince and Luo in the jungle, many IG fans' hearts were instantly raised to their throats, fearing that EDG would find an opportunity to reverse the situation.

Fortunately, The shy's personal ability is still very strong, and he successfully killed Prince and two people. Now EDG was wiped out again, and IG quickly got the big dragon. The game finally stopped having any suspense, and fans dared to completely let go.

On the commentary seat.

Wawa sighed and shook his head, saying, "Although EDG played very tenaciously in this game, they were at a huge economic disadvantage and were ultimately powerless to turn the tide. After IG got the Baron, they should have been able to directly end the game by advancing from the middle lane."

Miller nodded slightly and analyzed, "The reason why EDG played so passively in this game was mainly because Weiwu's Jayce did not play the role he should have. IG started targeting the top lane from the BP stage. Although Skateboard Shoes was killed by EDG's top and jungle at the beginning, the advantage of the hero's long arm was there. With the help of the mid laner and jungler, The shy still successfully suppressed Weiwu..."

While analyzing, IG quickly climbed to the high ground.

At this time, the prince and Luo who were killed first had been resurrected, but facing the five IG players, these two people obviously had difficulty defending the base.

After resurrection, the factory manager and Meiko quickly stepped forward to release skills, trying to stop the opponent from advancing, but as soon as they entered the field, they were quickly focused by IG and their health bars disappeared instantly.

The two front tooth towers were broken, and then the main crystal base.

"Congratulations to IG for winning the second game. Now the score is 1:1. The two teams are back to the same starting line. Let's take a break and look forward to the two teams bringing us more exciting performances next time..."

Accompanied by the commentary, the IG players took off their headphones with excitement.

It's not just because they caught up with the score, but more because they felt that they had successfully found a way to defeat EDG.

"We should have played like this a long time ago!"

Ning Wang patted the e-sports chair and said excitedly: "If we had targeted Weiwu brother in the last game, maybe it would be 2:0 now."

"Haha, it's mainly because my brother is steady, and Qijiang is obsessed with the bottom lane, but he can't do anything to me."

Jackeylove added quite proudly.

The two teams soon met in the player channel. Seeing Shen Lang's depressed expression, Jackeylove could not hide his excitement and immediately teased: "Isn't this my brother Lang? It's been a long time since we last met, why are you so depressed?"

"Okay, okay, you are optimistic now, right? You know how to change your face. If you like to laugh, laugh more. I hope you can still laugh after the next game."

Shen Lang immediately complained back.

He has a strong psychological quality, so he will not be broken by Jackeylove's two words. The Bo5 game has only played two games, and he likes this behavior of opening champagne in the first half.

Listening to Shen Lang's words, Jackeylove suddenly calmed down.

When the two players separated, he whispered to Ning Wang and others: "Continue to target the top lane in the next game, and try to catch it to death. The jungler and mid laner don't need to come to the bottom lane. If it doesn't work, I will directly use EZ to resist the pressure."

Don't look at his words lightly, but he is still very afraid of Shen Lang in his heart.

Back to the lounge.

As the score was tied by the opponent, the expressions on Nofe and Abu's faces were a little ugly.

"It was my fault in the last game. The BP was not done well. In fact, I should not have let the opponent continue to pick Lissandra mid lane after the first game."

Nofe did not say it stubbornly, but actively admitted his mistakes.

Seeing this, Abu also stood up to comfort everyone: "It's not a big problem to lose a small game. Just treat today's game as Bo3. Since we can easily win the first game, we will play well in the next game and it will be no problem to beat IG."

Hearing the words of the coach and manager, the players also put the last game behind them and began to discuss how to play the next game.

"In the next game, the opponent should still choose the shooter top lane system, and even if Lissandra is sent to the ban position, IG can still take the mid lane hero with strong roaming gank ability. If nothing unexpected happens, the opponent will still focus on the top lane."

Meiko analyzed and said.

Everyone said that Shen Lang was EDG's victoryThe key is that in fact, it is true. The reason why the previous games were played very easily was entirely because Shen Lang could quickly gain an advantage in the top lane and drive the rhythm in the mid-term.

Shen Lang was targeted by the opponent in the laning phase, and it was difficult for others to drive the rhythm of the game.

"I'll still use the herbivore jungler in the next game, so that at least I will be more capable of finding opportunities, and if the opponent does not ban it, I feel that I can continue to use Galio in the middle lane."

The factory manager suggested.

In the last game, Scout's Clockwork did play a perfect ultimate in the key team battle, but it cannot be denied that he bound the spirit in the middle lane in the early stage.

Scout nodded slightly after hearing this.

He was not sure that he could suppress Rookie in the laning phase, so it was better for the player Galio to keep the top lane.

Shen Lang thought for a while, and then gave a suggestion: "If the opponent continues to use the ADC top laner in the next game, I think there is a hero that is very good..."

Hearing the hero mentioned by Shen Lang, Nofe's face suddenly showed a surprised expression.

While the two teams were resting on the field, the analysts of other teams who were paying attention to the game became busy.

As the top seed of LPL, EDG is the focus of other regions.

Through analyzing the previous games, everyone knows that if you want to beat EDG, the key point is Shen Lang in the top lane.

This game is a vivid example. As long as the top laner can be restricted, the overall rhythm of EDG will also be restricted.

But it is clear, the real question is, how to restrict Shen Lang?

It is useless to resist pressure.

There are many top laners in LPL who are good at resisting pressure, but basically no one can withstand the pressure of Shen Lang in the line. On the contrary, due to the disadvantage of the hero, it is easier to be beaten in the line.

It is useless to use a warrior hero to fight head-on.

Shen Lang's laning strength is obvious to all. Even KT top laner Smeb dare not say that he can beat Shen Lang in the line. Shen Lang's black fans have many angles to black him, but at this stage of the world game, it is rare to see someone black his laning ability.

After the game between IG and EDG, the problems that troubled these teams seemed to be solved.

"As long as you choose a shooter in the top lane, and the jungler and mid laner keep roaming the top lane, you can limit the Wave players to a certain extent, and as long as the bottom lane can be stabilized and not become a breakthrough point, it will be very easy to defeat EDG..."

Many team analysts said excitedly.

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