"It was a beautiful teamfight, IG was finally eliminated. So we can congratulate EDG in advance for winning the third game and taking the match point first..."

As IG was wiped out, the commentary was heard in the venue.

Miller and others were not surprised by this result.

With an absolute economic advantage, it would be difficult for IG to turn the tables as long as EDG did not make a major mistake.

In the final teamfight, Teemo did not play a big role, but with the help of Shen Lang, the equipment advantages of the other EDG players were also very obvious, and they could completely ignore the highland tower to start a teamfight.

"EDG is awesome!"

"Brother Weiwu is awesome!"

"Is it really that outrageous? He can carry even when playing Teemo."

"Even if he can use Teemo on the field, I won't be surprised at what hero Brother Weiwu chooses in the future."

"Let's see who dares to look down on King Teemo in the future."

"I'll see who dares to criticize me when I choose Teemo in the rank in the future. Brother Weiwu can choose him on the world stage, so why can't I?"

"No, buddy, are you still confident? If you are at Brother Weiwu's level, then choose him."


In the live broadcast room of the event, the comments quickly scrolled.

On the field.

After winning the final team battle, everyone in EDG was very happy, only iboy was beating his chest:

"Pentakill, my pentakill!"

"Is it easy to get a pentakill, I am a beast!"

In this team battle, he maxed out his output under his teammates, but after the team battle, iboy found that he got a quad kill. If someone hadn't killed him, he could easily get a pentakill in this wave.

"Who? Who is it?"

Meiko was immediately filled with righteous indignation: "Whoever did such an excessive thing, stand up!"

In the team battle just now, he released his ultimate skill on Sejuani, and the team battle was over when he landed, so Meiko was sure that it was not him who stole the head, so he could feel at ease to add fuel to the fire.

"Well, it seems that I stole it, and the mask burned to death. I can't do anything. If it makes you feel better, I can apologize..."

Shen Lang whispered in the voice.

Meiko's words stopped abruptly, and his excitement calmed down: "Ahem, well, the team battle was too chaotic, and it is understandable to accidentally take a head. The ultimate goal of the game is to win. As professional players, we can't be blinded by things like pentakills..."

iboy: "???"

This face-changing speed is too fast.

"No, such a green tea speech, can't you feel it? Brother Lang can steal a pentakill? Is there still a king's law, is there still law?"

iboy thinks the attitude of his own support is disgusting.

Meiko felt a little ashamed and angry when he heard this, and then he said seriously: "What kills are you trying to steal? Brother Lang, what kills are you trying to steal? It's obviously you who stole other people's kills! You stole four of the five kills, and you still have the nerve to say that."


Listening to Meiko's speech, the other EDG members were shocked. Even Shen Lang himself didn't expect that Meiko could say such shameless words without changing his expression. iboy was speechless. At this time, he was already in a state of doubting his life.


While chatting and laughing, IG's main crystal base was quickly destroyed.

The score between the two sides came to 2:1, and EDG temporarily took the lead.

The player took off his headphones and walked towards the player channel with a water cup. Seeing the IG people coming over, Shen Lang couldn't help but tease: "A Shui, how is my Teemo?"

"Playing such a disgusting hero, are you a pervert?"

Jackeylove retorted.

He is still upset about that key dragon team battle. If he hadn't stepped on Teemo's mushroom, he might be the one pretending to be cool here at this time.

"Ah, so playing Teemo can also give you pressure, how about I choose a simpler one in the next game?"

Shen Lang continued to tease.

The factory manager next to him also joined in: "How about you don't turn on the monitor in the next game."


Everyone laughed.

Back in the lounge, Nofe and Abu were very excited.

Not only because they won this game, but also because they found a way to effectively limit IG's marksman top single system.

"You said the opponent will not ban Teemo in the next game?"

The more Nofe thought about it, the more likely it was.

Although banning Teemo is a bit embarrassing, the game is not shabby. If you can win, what's the big deal about losing face.

But Shen Lang didn't care: "Ban it, if it doesn't work, I'll follow the marksman top single in the top lane. In the next game, we are on the red side, and there is a counter position in the top lane. I will use whatever system The shy uses for the top single."

I want toThere is no such thing as limiting him in the BP phase.

With Shen Lang's current hero pool, let alone giving all five bans to the top lane, even if the opponent gives five more, he can't ban all the heroes he is good at.

Nofe nodded: "If the opponent bans Teemo, the top lane may still be under great pressure, so other people should move in the early stage and do as much as possible to share some pressure for the top lane."

iboy patted his chest and said confidently: "Don't worry, coach, I'm in hot form now. I just got a quad kill in the last game. If it weren't for Brother Lang's head kill, I would definitely get a pentakill. It won't be a problem to blow up the opponent's bottom lane in the next game."


Nofe's face was calm.

Compared to the players getting a pentakill, as a coach, he still values ​​winning the game more.

Looking at the coach's indifferent reaction, iboy, who was full of passion, suddenly lost his temper.

It shouldn't be!

When Shen Lang got a quad kill and a penta kill, the coach and teammates were so arrogant. How could he get a quad kill and almost get a penta kill, but his teammates and coach didn't react.

Something is wrong, very wrong.

Shen Lang walked over and put his arm around iboy's shoulders, saying earnestly: "Xiao Zhao, I tell you, penta kills and other honors are equivalent to zero, and carrying the game is equivalent to one. If one is in the front, the more zeros the better, but if there is no one, the more zeros in the back are still zeros, understand?"

iboy nodded thoughtfully after hearing this.

IG side.

Jin Jingzhu was very uncomfortable.

Compared to losing the game, it is more uncomfortable to lose the game when the opponent chooses to play Teemo in the top lane.

But he had to admit that in Shen Lang's hands, this Teemo did successfully limit the shooter top lane system.

Teemo has an advantage against most ADCs in the early stage, and the existence of mushrooms can effectively prevent the mid and jungle from wandering and ganking the top lane.

The hero's early-game suppression and the mid-jungle's crazy roaming against the top lane are exactly the two points that IG found to defeat EDG.

The method to target Shen Lang that was finally found was easily resolved by a little Teemo, which made Jin Jingzhu unacceptable.

"How about... ban Teemo in the next game."

Manager Su Xiaolu suggested.

"Ban Teemo?"

Jin Jingzhu was a little surprised: "No, banning Teemo is too..."

The words didn't finish, but stopped abruptly.

Jin Jingzhu suddenly realized that apart from banning him, they really didn't have a good way now.

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