The short break passed quickly, and under the guidance of the staff, the players from both sides took the water cups to the stage again.

Under the camera of the director, the IG players looked very serious.

The score has reached 2:1. For them, there can be no mistakes in the next game.

The more critical the game is, the more it tests the mentality of the players. Many times, the players played very well in the beginning of the game, but the operation was very poor in the match point game, which looked like a fake game. It was not that the players were bought at the last minute, but under great pressure, the players' operations were deformed, resulting in constant mistakes.

"Even if Teemo is sent to the ban position, this game will not be as easy as the second game. If you want to defeat the opponent, it still depends on everyone's performance. I hope everyone can cheer up..."

While the BP has not started yet, Jin Jingzhu encouraged the players in the voice.

As a coach, this is all he can do now. He has thought about the way he should think of before, and he has taken out the things he should take out. In this case, if he wants to win the game, he can only rely on the performance of the players.

"Don't worry, coach. No matter what the final result is, it's definitely not that easy for EDG to advance to the semifinals from us."

Ning Wang responded.

Compared to IG, the atmosphere in EDG's voice chat was obviously more relaxed.

"We have two match points now, but it's best not to drag the game to the final round. IG should have nothing to hide now. As long as everyone doesn't make mistakes in this game, it's very easy to win."

Nofe said with a relaxed face.

In fact, for EDG, this game is also very critical. They have a higher tolerance rate than IG with two match points, but if they lose the fourth game, he really can't guarantee that the mentality of the players will not be affected in the final round.

So if possible, Nofe still hopes to end the battle in this game.

While talking, BP started quickly.

EDG is on the red side, IG is on the blue side.

Unlike the previous game, Kim Jeong-soo sent Rakan to the ban position at the beginning of this game, obviously not wanting EDG to use the Xia and Rakan combination.

In response, Nofe also banned Kaisa.

"Xayah is a hero with a high tolerance rate in laning due to her ultimate. In comparison, IG's bottom lane combination has stronger laning ability. Kim Jung-soo banned Xayah so that Jackeylove can easily gain an advantage in laning."

Miller quickly analyzed.

If both Xayah and Rakan are released, the bottom lane can basically only farm soldiers and develop each other in the early stage without the interference of the jungler, and the top lane becomes the key factor in determining the outcome of the game.

Kim Jung-soo wanted to make the game more uncertain and reduce the tolerance rate of the bottom lanes of both sides.

After the three bans, the hero selection began.

IG first locked in the Blue Steel Shadow. Although they can swing between the top and jungle, everyone knows that this Blue Steel Shadow is a jungler.

It's EDG's turn.

Nofe made a decision without hesitation: "Take Xayah and Alistar."

Kim Jeong-soo only sent Rakan to the ban position, but did not ban Xayah. His idea was that if he could not get the combination of Xayah and Rakan, the strength of only taking Xayah was not very high.

But Nofe's idea was that compared with the strength of the line, he still valued the fault tolerance rate more. Even if there was no Rakan, as long as Xayah had the ultimate skill in hand, it would be difficult for the opponent to find an opportunity. What Kim Jeong-soo wanted was uncertainty, but what he wanted was certainty.

Play steadily in the bottom lane, and decide the outcome in the top lane.

Seeing the hero Xayah, Kim Jeong-soo showed a stunned expression on his face.

Obviously, Nofe's move was a bit beyond his expectations, but he quickly came to his senses. Under his instructions, IG quickly locked in the bottom lane combination:

Tricky and Braum.

"In this game, the bottom lane can be more aggressive. The mid laner and jungler should still focus on the top lane in the early stage. But if the bottom lane has an advantage, you can change your mindset and play around the bottom lane."

Kim Jeong-soo instructed in the voice chat.

It was EDG's turn again. Without any hesitation, the jungler directly locked on Sejuani.

After the third pick, continue to ban heroes.

IG sent Galio and Teemo to the ban position, while EDG banned Ryze and Lissandra.

"No, IG really banned Teemo?"

Wawa didn't know what to say. Before Shen Lang, Teemo had also appeared on the field, but this was the first time that Teemo was banned.

"It has to be Brother Weiwu who forced IG to ban this kind of hero."

Miller shook his head and sighed.

Event Live RoomIn the middle, as IG sent Teemo to the ban position, the barrage quickly rolled up.

"Really ban Teemo? I can't accept it!"

"I don't know what IG is afraid of. You release Teemo and see if Brother Weiwu dares to take it."

"Brother in front, you are a fan of EDG, you know how to provoke others. I don't know about others, but Brother Weiwu definitely dares to take it."

"What's wrong with banning Teemo? What's the problem with wanting to win the game? Just wait for Brother Weiwu to be caught."

"Banning Teemo makes you climax? You are so sensitive!"


Although IG fans are also very uncomfortable, they still speak frantically in the live broadcast room to defend their favorite team.

On the court.

After the double ban, EDG continued to choose heroes.

The counter position should naturally be left to the top lane. As for the choice of the mid-lane hero, Nofe hesitated for a long time, and finally signaled the team members to lock on Taliyah.

"Let's keep taking Lucian in the top lane."

Kim Jeong-soo quickly said in the voice chat: "As for the mid lane, how about Card?"

Galio and Ryze were both banned, and Taliyah was taken by the opponent. It seems that the only hero with strong support ability in the mid lane is Card.

Although he is not very strong in the laning phase, he can use his ultimate to quickly support after reaching level 6, and his W skill yellow card can provide effective control, which can effectively target the top lane.

Rookie doesn't play Card very much, but for the sake of the team, he nodded and agreed.

Heroes locked, Card and Lucian.

Looking at the hero chosen by the opponent, Nofe immediately asked in the voice chat: "Which ADC to choose?"

According to Shen Lang's plan, the opponent chose a marksman top laner, and he also responded with a marksman top laner.

Hearing the coach's words, Shen Lang began to browse the marksman heroes.

"How about Rat?"

He made a decision quickly.

Rat is definitely not a match for Lucian in the early laning phase, but due to the existence of the Q skill, this hero can also be played as a jungler.

Even if he can't gain an advantage in the laning phase, Shen Lang can still go invisible to other lanes to look for opportunities.

Nofe's eyes lit up slightly: "That's it!"

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