
"Don't worry, I'm on my way."

Alex didn't know how to answer after hearing what GimGoon said.

GimGoon couldn't beat Ornn in the laning phase, and was suppressed by Ornn to the point where he had to call the jungler. For this result, everyone in FPX felt a strange feeling.

Is EDG's new top laner really that strong?

The silence in the voice made GimGoon feel uncomfortable. His teammates didn't say anything, but they seemed to say something.

"Wait until I replenish the equipment, I don't believe you dare to exchange blood like this."

GimGoon said fiercely in his heart.

In fact, not only FPX people were surprised, but the EDG players were also very surprised.

"You can actually suppress GimGoon."

Zizi couldn't believe his eyes.

He switched to the top lane and saw Ornn suppressing the line of soldiers in front of GimGoon's defensive tower. At this time, GimGoon's health was very dangerous. If the opponent's top laner didn't return to the city, he would go to the top lane to gank and even have a chance to cross the tower and kill.

Shen Lang smiled shyly: "Hehe, I'm just lucky."

This is not his modesty. If Gnar's talent is Grasp of the Undying, or if he chooses Doran's Shield as his starting equipment, it is unlikely that he can achieve this result in the top lane.

After observing the situation clearly, the factory manager controlled Sejuani to go straight to the top lane, and Shen Lang didn't even need to say it.

He really doesn't like to gank, but there is an obvious opportunity in front of him, and he can't just give up.

Looking at Sejuani's movements, Shen Lang smiled secretly.

Playing a game is like falling in love. Love is not begged. If the jungler doesn't want to gank, he won't come to the top no matter how much you beg, but if you show your value, he will naturally move to the top lane without you saying anything.

However, before Sejuani arrived at the top lane, Alex's Kindred arrived at the top lane first.

Originally, he just wanted to help Jin Gong untie the line, but when he entered the river grass, Ornn didn't react at all.

"I was not seen!"

"This is an opportunity!"

Alex's mind was instantly active.

Ornn did have a flash at this time, but the line of soldiers in the top lane was very deep. He could easily go around the river to the back of Ornn, and with the damage of Gnar, he would definitely have a chance to kill Ornn.

"Can Gnar lure him first? I think Ornn can be killed."

He said in the voice chat immediately.

Upon hearing this, Jin Gong frowned again, and he felt something was wrong again.

Kindred was not discovered in the grass in the river, which was suspicious.

You should know that Ornn's time on the line was not very short, and he disappeared during the period. In this case, it is impossible for the opponent's top laner not to look at the grass in the river.

No normal professional player would make such a mistake if he didn't look at the line.

The key to the problem is that Shen Lang is really not a normal player.

He is a newcomer!

While thinking, Alex urged again.

GimGon gritted his teeth, put aside his thoughts, and immediately controlled Nal to move forward.

EDG side.

Seeing Nal coming forward, Shen Lang showed a smile of conspiracy.

"Took the bait!"

Although he was a newcomer, he would not make such a low-level mistake.

He had already arranged vision in the river grass, so he could naturally see Kindred.

Otherwise, why do people say Shen Lang's acting is good.

Seeing the opponent's jungler coming to the top lane, he did not make any abnormal moves, and made a decision in a very short time-

It's almost level 6, and you can find a chance to kill Nal!

GimGon was acting, and Shen Lang followed suit. Since you took the initiative to move forward, I will take the initiative.

Q skill released, [Volcano Trench] hit Nal, slowing down the effect, and then walked towards Nal's face.

"Hurry up!"

Seeing his health drop again, GimGon urged.

Alex hurried out of the bushes.

Kindred appeared, and Shen Lang's performance was not over yet. He hurriedly controlled Ornn to turn around.

"Humph, you want to escape!"

GimGoon controlled Gnar to chase him, and after releasing the Q skill, he used crazy basic attacks to consume Ornn's health.

"As long as we can get Ornn's head this time, the situation in the top lane will be reversed instantly."

GimGoon instantly abandoned his doubts and turned them into a desire for heads.

Facing Gnar's pursuit, Shen Lang was not panicked at all, and did not even hand over the E skill, but just used the Corruption Potion to prepare for the upcoming battle.

Kindred released the Q skill and jumped to Ornn's face, and after hanging up the E skill, he opened the W skill to quickly attack...

But at this moment, Ornn suddenly lit up.

The soldier next to him died, and it upgraded!

The moment he reached level 6, Shen Lang quickly upgraded his ultimate move and released it directly towards Gnar.


The sound effect of Ornn's ultimate was like a bucket of cold water poured on GimGoon's head.

His health could not withstand the damage of Ornn's skills. If he handled this wave improperly, he would even be killed by Ornn.

Fortunately, he did not lose his mind when chasing. Although he did not flash, at least he still had the E skill in his hand.

"As long as you use the E skill to avoid the ultimate, there is still a chance!"

GimGoon's expression suddenly became serious, his eyes fixed on Ornn.

The goat quickly passed through Gnar's body and put a fragile effect on it. Just when GimGoon was about to hand over the E skill, Shen Lang took the lead.

Flash and attack.


A crisp sound rang out, and Ornn A removed the fragile effect on Gnar, knocking him away briefly. At this time, the goat happened to come to his side. Shen Lang clicked the mouse to knock the goat out. At this time, Gnar was in a knock-up state and had no way to hand over the skill.

Hit by Ornn's second stage of the ultimate, Gnar was knocked away again.

Shen Lang continued to attack, and used A again to trigger the fragile effect, and then connected with the W skill [Bellows]...

The third fragile effect did not need to be triggered, because Gnar's health had reached the bottom. Jin Gong did not use the E skill until his death. Under Ornn's continuous control, he had no chance to use skills at all.

"Kill it!"

Jin Gong did not have time to feel uncomfortable, and immediately shouted in the voice chat.

At this time, Ornn's skills were still on CD. As long as Kindred could kill him, at least he could get the assist money and let the jungler get the head, which was not a loss.

Alex hurriedly controlled Kindred to rush towards Ornn.

But at this time, the factory manager had already controlled Sejuani to come to the top lane.

When Sejuani's figure appeared in the top lane, Jin Gong suddenly looked ashen.

"Is this also in your calculation?"

With the appearance of Sejuani, Kindred's desire to kill Ornn has become a fantasy. Shen Lang uses his E skill against Kindred. Under the double team of him and Sejuani, Alex has to give up his flash.

First Blood!

When the system prompt sounded, the audience was instantly excited.

"Am I seeing this right? Ornn killed Gnar?"

"A set of skills instantly killed him. Who dares to believe this?"

"EDG's top laner is really brave. Seeing Kindred not only didn't run away, but also wanted to kill him back."

"You call this a tank hero?"

"Killing your top laner in front of the jungler, what a plot."


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