In the commentary booth.

Guan Zeyuan and Changmao looked at each other, and both saw shock in each other's eyes.

They never thought that the top lane would be played like this.

"Isn't it that Wave is not afraid?"

Guan Zeyuan expressed his incomprehension: "Under normal circumstances, new players should be steady. When you see the opponent's jungler retreat to the defensive tower, he not only did not retreat, but also wanted to kill him."

Changmao nodded: "He chose Ornn, but played in the style of Noxus. This guy is really a waste of talent in EDG."

The development of this game seemed to be completely different from what they imagined.

What about the pressure resistance?

What about the military training?

They didn't know whether Shen Lang would be trained, but Jin Gong was very uncomfortable now.

After killing Gnar, Shen Lang quickly pushed the line of soldiers into the top lane defensive tower.

Even if there is a sports car in the line, it will be too late to go to the line after Gnar is resurrected. Alex can only go forward with tears in his eyes and eat the line pushed by Ornn.

In this way, Gnar directly eats two waves less.

The problem is that Kindred who eats the line does not make any profit. Taking this opportunity, the factory manager directly controls the Pig Girl to enter the upper jungle of FPX.

The red buff has just been refreshed, and Alex has not had time to clean up the upper jungle.

The factory manager smiled from ear to ear while eating the wild monsters on the opposite side.

It seems not bad to catch the bottom and top from time to time!

In the lounge.

Nofe and Abu looked at each other.

They were surprised and a little sad about Shen Lang's performance.

The surprise was that as a newcomer, Shen Lang's performance in his first appearance on EDG was far beyond their imagination. Not only did he successfully resist the pressure in the top lane, but he even got a kill in the line.

You have to know that before the game started, they were mentally prepared to be beaten in the top lane, and they thought that Shen Lang's Ornn could play a role in the mid-to-late team battles.

As for the sorrow.

It is obviously a tank pressure-resistant hero, but in Shen Lang's hands, he plays the feeling of a warrior offensive hero.

Comet Ornn.

He really dared to think.

What EDG needs in the top lane is a big tree, not Noxus.

"Anyway, at least the result is good. I just hope that Shen Lang can withstand the pressure from the opponent next."

Nofe comforted himself.

At this time, Ryze has reached level 6, and Gnar will soon reach level 6 after going online. FPX's strategy is to target the top lane. Shen Lang has an advantage at this time, and their targeting will only become more crazy.

Back to the game.

After pushing the line of soldiers into the opposite defense tower, Shen Lang returned to the city in the bushes.

When he walked out of the fountain again, the cloth shoes had been synthesized, and there was even extra money to buy red crystals, and he was just short of money to synthesize the small sunfire.

At this time, Gnar hadn't even synthesized the small wooden hammer. Even if he had the advantage of long arms, it was not so easy to fight when Ornn took out the cloth shoes.

After going online, Shen Lang directly released the Q skill to the soldiers, and then connected the W skill to spit fire. Under the AOE damage, the ranged soldiers were directly killed, and the remaining melee soldiers' health was also suppressed, and they were attached with the fragile effect, and they could be cleared up with a few A.

Jin Gong wanted to use the advantage of long arms to consume blood.

But until Ornn cleared the soldiers, Gnar didn't consume too much blood, and Shen Lang didn't even need to use the corruption potion to replenish his status.

After clearing the soldiers, Shen Lang disappeared directly on the line.

Aren't you going to target the top lane? I'm not here, let's see how you target me.

This is Shen Lang's response.

After disappearing in the top lane, Shen Lang did not go to the middle lane to support his teammates, but went straight to the opposite jungle.

The true eye was placed in the bushes behind the red buff pit, and the trinket eye was placed in the bushes next to the red buff.

With wards placed at these two positions, as long as Kindred enters the upper jungle, no matter if he is ganking top or mid, he will be seen in advance.

"The new top laner is great!"

The younger brother was secretly touched.

Even though it is just a ward, if he goes there to put it, the opponent will definitely be alert, and either it will be eliminated soon, or Kindred will not go this way.

But Ornn is different.

FPX has no vision of him at all, so naturally they don't know where he puts the ward.

With the defensive wards above, the younger brother only needs to keep an eye on the opponent's jungler coming from below, and the pressure is greatly reduced.

In fact, Shen Lang didn't really think that much.

His purpose of going to the opposite jungle to get vision is very simple, just to find Kindred's position.

In fact, it is not easy to kill Gnar now. With the defense tower behind him and the help of his teammates, it is not realistic for Ornn to kill Gnar even if he has an equipment advantage, unless Zz1tai comes to the top lane.

But this is a false proposition in itself.The factory manager doesn't like to gank.

It is precisely because of this that Shen Lang shifted his target to Kindred.

Kindred is easy to kill!

This hero is relatively fragile. If Ornn's damage is full, he can be killed without even a big move.

In addition, killing the jungler at this time is very cost-effective.

The Rift Herald is about to refresh, and the little dragon is still alive, and it is still a very critical earth attribute.

As long as Kindred can be killed, EDG can take the opportunity to take the Rift Herald or the little dragon.

After arranging the vision, Shen Lang quickly returned to the top lane.

He didn't pay any attention to Gnar at all. Just like before, he directly released skills to clear the line and then disappeared in the top lane.

Such a common behavior, but in Jin Gong's eyes, it is insulting.

Is there anything more insulting than being ignored?

"You bastard, come back to the line, don't roam!"

Jin Gong was furious in the voice chat.

Shen Lang naturally couldn't hear what FPX was saying, but even if he did, he wouldn't care.

Kindred was already visible in the upper jungle.

Kindred was seen walking down from the red buff bush. Shen Lang quickly judged that the opposing jungler should have just finished brushing the stone beetle.

Now that the red buff hasn't refreshed yet, the opposing jungler's next move is self-evident -


After Shen Lang controlled Ornn to enter the opposing jungle, he walked straight into the bush behind the red buff.

After entering the bush, he saw Kindred brushing F6.

Since Alex wanted to go to the river after brushing the jungle, he had to pull towards the river while killing monsters, which just gave Shen Lang an opportunity.

Seizing the opportunity when Kindred released the Q skill, Shen Lang decisively handed over the E skill.

Ornn crashed into the wall next to F6 and easily knocked Kindred flying. While the opponent was controlled, Shen Lang hurriedly used his Q skill and connected with his W skill to spit fire...

Although Ornn was wearing a tank suit, he was two levels ahead of Kindred and had very high basic damage. Coupled with the damage of the comet, by the time A produced the fragile effect, Kindred's health had become dangerous.

Almost as a reflex, Alex quickly used his ultimate.

Alex regretted the moment he used the skill.

He should have used flash.

At this time, Ornn had his ultimate in hand and no flash. Kindred used flash to distance himself. If Ornn used his ultimate to make up for the damage later, he could still use his ultimate to avoid the damage.

However, now Alex directly released his ultimate. Kindred must not leave the range of the ultimate before the ultimate ended. Ornn could have waited until Kindred's ultimate ended before releasing his ultimate.

Seeing the opponent's jungler use his ultimate, Shen Lang had a smile on his face.

Cloth shoes can not only limit Gnar, but also Kindred. The opposing jungler cannot kill it instantly within the duration of [Sheep Spirit Renewal].

There is only one advantage of Alex releasing his ultimate, that is, he can wait for Ryze to come to support.

But the problem is that it is not just Ryze who comes.

Taliyah and Ryze enter the battlefield almost at the same time.


Before Kindred's ultimate ends, Shen Lang releases his ultimate in advance.

After arriving at the battlefield, the junior brother directly targets Kindred with low health, and Alex is forced to give up flash at the moment when the ultimate disappears.


Kindred is given the fragile effect by the first stage of the ultimate, and Ornn's second stage of the ultimate hits it, triggering the fragile effect, and the remaining health is immediately taken away.

"Hey, a kill!"

The junior brother is a little excited. He still wants to use his ultimate to chase Kindred and take its head, but who knows that Ornn's two stages of the ultimate directly take away the remaining Kindred.

He could only shift his target to Ryze next to him.

Seeing Ornn and Taliyah approaching him, Cool was very decisive and quickly used his flash to return to the middle lane defense tower.

The jungler died, and the mid laner forced a flash.

EDG made a lot of money this time.

"Take the little dragon, we can take the little dragon this time!"

The excited voice of the factory manager sounded in his ears.

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