Ryze has already synthesized the Tear of the Goddess, and as the level increases, the speed of pushing the line gradually exceeds that of Rock Bird.

Just like before, Flawless controlled Nightmare to come to the middle lane first to put pressure, and assisted Ryze to send the line of soldiers into the defensive tower, and then the two disappeared from the field of vision at the same time.

"Miss Ryze!"

Xiaoxuedi hurriedly reminded his teammates in the voice chat.

While speaking, he also quickly released skills to clear the line of soldiers under the tower, and walked straight to the bottom lane.

Listening to Scout's words, Shen Lang acted very calm: "Do you think they will go to the top lane or the bottom lane?"

"I guess the bottom lane."

Zhanzhang began to analyze: "With Doinb's nature, he will definitely go half-tank. In this case, the output of the mid-term team battle is very dependent on Xia, and RW will definitely want to help the bottom lane establish an advantage."

"It must be the top lane. If he doesn't catch it, Nightmare will never have food in the upper half of the jungle."

Shen Lang disagreed.

However, whether it is catching the top or bottom, the impact is not big, they have already prepared countermeasures.

Taliyah cleared the line and followed down, while Sejuani came to the top lane to counter-camp.

The bottom lane soldiers were controlled by iboy and two people in front of the defensive tower. Taliyah leaned down and did not have to worry about the opponent's tower crossing and killing.

As for the top lane, Shen Lang played very aggressively, and the soldiers pressed in front of the tree's defensive tower.

"He is really arrogant!"

Olaf's behavior made Flawless very unhappy.

The top laner dared to push the line like this, was it insulting the tree?

No, it was insulting him as a jungler!

Nightmare and Ryze quickly came to the top lane, and Doinb directly released his ultimate move behind Olaf, and [Zigzag] took Nightmare around.

At the same time, Mouse controlled the tree to move forward.

The three quickly formed a siege, and Mouse released his ultimate move first, and the twisted tree roots rolled towards Olaf.

Shen Lang was not in a hurry to hand over his ultimate move.

If he wanted to run, he could just use sprint and ultimate, and the three RW players couldn't stop him at all.

But Shen Lang wanted to counter-kill, so it was especially important to take the damage first and lower his health.

The twisted tree roots hit Olaf, and Doinb thought Shen Lang would run, so he released his ultimate a little bit later. When the two approached, the control time of the tree's ultimate had passed, but Mouse used the W skill in time to connect the control and delay until the two midfielders came over.

Ryze and Nightmare quickly stepped forward to use their skills, and Olaf's health dropped rapidly.

"Do it!"

Seeing that he only had half of his health left and Nightmare's E skill was about to take effect, Shen Lang shouted in the voice chat.

The ultimate was activated.


Olaf turned red all over, gained movement speed bonus and attack power, and was immune to control effects.

Sprint was activated, and he released the Q skill towards Nightmare next to him.

"He won't want to kill me, will he?"

This thought quickly emerged in Flawless' mind.

At this time, Olaf had already synthesized Tiamat, and after activating the W skill, he quickly attacked with explosive damage.

Seeing this, Doinb hurriedly released his skills, wanting to kill Olaf first before his jungler was killed.

However, at this moment, the factory manager in the bush made a move.


A crisp sound rang out, and Sejuani threw out his ultimate skill, accurately hitting Ryze.

"Why is Sejuani in the top lane?"

"Why is she level 6?"

Doinb's eyes widened. You know, it was only 7 minutes later, and Nightmare had just reached level 5 by gaining experience, but Sejuani had already reached level 6.

Surprise was quickly replaced by despair.

The level 6 Sejuani instantly disrupted their plan. Originally, they thought that even if they couldn't kill Olaf in this wave, they could force him to use his ultimate and sprint. In this way, when Nightmare reaches level 6, they can continue to catch him. Facing Olaf without sprint and ultimate, they have a high probability of killing Olaf with the control of the tree.

With the appearance of Sejuani, the identities of hunter and prey changed instantly.

Ryze was frozen, and the damage of the tree and Nightmare was not enough to kill Olaf instantly. Shen Lang picked up the axe while attacking, and when he released the Q skill again, the talent Conqueror was fully stacked.

Continue to attack normally, and Nightmare will soon be left with little health.

Release the E skill, Olaf chops with both hands holding the axe, and thunder falls from the sky, instantly taking away Nightmare's remaining health.

The sprint duration has not ended yet, and he turns and rushes towards Ryze. Sejuani also releases the Q skill at this time, pouring her damage on Ryze.

Double Kill!

The system prompt sounded soon, and with the help of Sejuani, Olaf successfully got Ryze's head.


Shen Lang quickly typed in the chat box.

Seeing the question mark of Olaf, Doinb and Flawless's faces turned pale instantly.

Although it was just a small question mark, it was extremely insulting.

"This wave is so hurtful!"

Ji Ji shook his head and analyzed: "Not only did he not kill Olaf, but he let him get two kills. When Olaf updates his equipment, I feel that he can hit three."

"I can only say that Qijiang counter-camped well. Sejuani developed too comfortably in the early stage, so she quickly reached level 6. RW probably didn't know it yet, otherwise at least Ryze wouldn't have to die."

Guan Zeyuan added.

In fact, when he saw Ryze and Nightmare going up, he had already foreseen this result.

Although there was an advantage in numbers, RW's Nightmare developed too poorly, Ryze's equipment was not yet complete, and Maokai had no damage. Facing Sejuani and Olaf with big moves, there was no chance of winning.

"Two kills, Weiwu is developing again, what should RW do?"

Rita thought about it, but couldn't figure out how RW's mid, top and jungle should deal with such a developing Olaf.

If Nightmare or Ryze is fat, it's easy to deal with. Olaf is not very tanky now, just use hard damage to kill him.

But in this game, Doinb's Ryze's development can only be said to be average. As for Flawless's Nightmare, although he got a kill, it's not even normal development. How can such a mid and jungle kill Olaf instantly?

"Let's ignore Olaf. Continuing to target the top lane will only make things worse. I think RW should turn around in time. Olaf doesn't have a teleport, so we can use this to find a way to help Xia in the bottom lane develop. This game is still worth fighting."

Guan Zeyuan began to make plans.

RW voice.

Mouse is a little autistic.

He was quite clever. In the team battle just now, he saw that the situation was not right and controlled the tree to distance himself in time, so he was not left behind by the crazy Olaf.

But he was not the one who died, but he was the one who felt uncomfortable.

After Nightmare and Ryze gave away the kills, one returned to the middle lane to develop, and the other returned to the jungle to farm, but he had to fight Olaf who had three kills in the top lane.

After the key wave, the teammates said that Olaf was not to be trifled with and would not be ganked.

How could they reason with this.

"Olaf is not a strong hero in the late game, and Weiwu didn't bring flash. Xia can poke it in the team battle, so don't worry too much. Raise Xia, and we can still play this game."

Seemingly sensing A Guang's resentment, Flawless comforted him in the voice.

At this point, what can A Guang do? He can only accept it.

As he was talking, Olaf, who had returned to the city to replenish his equipment, soon appeared in the top lane. He opened the scoreboard and looked at the equipment of the opponent's top laner. A Guang felt a pain in his balls.

Tiamat + Hammer.

In less than 10 minutes, Olaf had already taken out this kind of equipment.

It's a bit painful to hit someone!

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