Fortunately, Shen Lang did not control the line after he came online, but used Tiamat and Q skills to quickly send the soldiers into the RW top lane defense tower.

Push the line, then roam.

He still remembered the revenge that Nightmare caught at the beginning!

With Olaf's current equipment, it would not be a big problem to invade the opponent's jungle even if Sejuani was not there.

Listening to the Miss signal of his own top laner, Flawless's heart was bleeding. As long as Olaf was there, he would never be able to develop at ease.

Under Shen Lang's interference, Nightmare did not successfully reach level 6 until just after 9 minutes.

You must know that Sejuani is about to reach level 8 at this time, so you can imagine how big the gap between the junglers of both sides is.

"Nightmare has finally reached level 6, but I don't know what RW will choose."

Guan Zeyuan was a little excited.

Nightmare must look for opportunities when he reaches level 6. The current situation of RW is not optimistic. If the mid laner and jungler do not actively look for opportunities, EDG will soon be able to snowball their advantage.

After returning to the city to replenish equipment, Flawless controlled Nightmare to go straight to the bottom lane.

"Looking at this posture, it should be to gank the bottom, but if so, it is equivalent to giving the Rift Herald directly to EDG."

Looking at Nightmare's movements, remember to analyze it.

At this time, RW's top lane defense tower has little health left. If EDG gets the Rift Herald, it is only a matter of time to destroy the top lane first blood tower. If Olaf gets the bounty of the first blood tower, then its advantage will undoubtedly become more exaggerated.

Nightmare quickly came to the bushes behind the bottom lane defense tower. At the same time, Doinb in the middle lane quickly released skills to push the line.

However, surprisingly, Sima Laozei and the two in the bottom lane also started to clear the line, and after clearing the line of soldiers, they both went up at the same time.


Rita was a little confused.

Normally speaking, if the jungler and the mid laner want to gank the bottom lane, shouldn't the bottom lane let the soldiers come over? And why did Xia and Minotaur go directly up?

After a short silence, Guan Zeyuan's eyes suddenly lit up: "RW is acting!"

"They deliberately showed EDG that they wanted to fight for the Rift Herald, and when EDG's attention was focused on it, they would gank the bottom."

At this time, RW's disadvantage was very obvious. The chances of winning the Rift Herald were not very high. Instead, it was possible that EDG would further widen the gap. Instead of doing so, it would be better to give up the Rift Herald and gank the bottom for exchange.

As expected, it was just as Guan Zeyuan guessed.

Xayah and Minotaur quickly entered EDG's lower jungle area, and Ryze also walked towards their positions. With the big tree ready to teleport in the top lane, EDG's bottom lane combination was already surrounded by five RW players.

Seeing RW's bottom lane combination disappear from sight, the factory manager said indignantly: "Still want to fight for the Rift Herald, how dare the opponent?"

In his opinion, RW's behavior was no different from giving away.

iboy and Meiko in the bottom lane quickly cleared the line. Although they have a huge advantage now, they are not at the point where they can win the teamfight with fewer people. If the opponent goes up to the bottom lane, they will naturally follow.

Seeing Zhu Mei go up to the river, Ji De immediately shook his head: "This wave is going to be troubled!"

Varus and Braum quickly entered the jungle. iboy was very cautious and chose to go through his own jungle instead of the river.

However, Xia and Minotaur were squatting in the bushes next to the blue buff.

Seeing the EDG bottom lane combination appear in the field of vision, Flawless showed an excited expression on his face.

Without hesitation, he decisively activated his ultimate move.


A terrifying sound rang out, and the vision of the EDG people instantly became dark.

The factory manager was shocked. He thought the opponent was squatting in the river and was about to retreat to the middle lane, but he didn't see Nightmare flying over.

At the same time,

iboy exclaimed in the voice: "Nightmare flew me!"

When Nightmare activated his ultimate, Doinb also released his ultimate towards EDG's jungle, and Xia and Minotaur, who were squatting in the bushes in the bottom lane, suddenly attacked.

Because EDG's bottom lane combination took the initiative to walk out of the defensive tower, the top lane's Maokai didn't need to give up the teleport.

Minotaur knocked Varus and the other two flying, and Nightmare released his ultimate again and flew over, quickly releasing skills at Varus...

When Xiaodi recovered his vision and saw this scene, the idea of ​​TP support in his heart was instantly dispelled.

Even if he teleported over, the opposite Maokai could also teleport.

Zhu Mei was in the upper river, Olaf had no TP, three against five, it was almost a losing situation, and teleporting over would only be a kill.

"Go vanguard."

Realizing that he was deceived, the factory manager's face was very ugly.

From the very beginning, the opponent's target was not the Rift Herald. Xia and Minotaur went up just to lure the snake out of the hole.

Even if iboy and the other two were not fooled, the result would not change. It was nothing more than a five-man over-the-tower killing instead of a four-man jungle ganking.

"Let me tell you, RW actually doesn't need to worry about Olaf in the top lane. Brother Weiwu didn't bring teleport in this game. This is the best opportunity. No matter how powerful Olaf is, can he run from the top lane to the bottom lane to hit me in an instant?"

Guan Zeyuan said proudly.

The system prompt sounded soon.

Under the four-man double team of RW, the EDG bottom lane combination had no room to fight back. Under the chain control, iboy didn't even have the chance to use flash.

The heads were taken by Xia and Ryze respectively.

For EDG, this is undoubtedly bad news.

But soon, the wailing of the Rift Herald also sounded. With the cooperation of Olaf, Pig Girl quickly killed the Rift Herald.

"It's not a big loss to get the top tower of the opponent. Olaf, pick up the Eye of the Vanguard."

The factory manager comforted himself.

Normally, exchanging two heads for the bounty of the first blood tower is indeed not a loss, but they are now in the advantage. For the advantaged side, this exchange is obviously a loss.

"You pick it up."

This time Shen Lang chose to refuse: "Do you need the Rift Herald to take the top tower of the opponent?"

The reason why RW's top tower is still there is not because he can't get it, but because he doesn't want to take it.

Before, Shen Lang always chose to push the line and then roam to target Nightmare. If he focused on the line, with his current advantage, the tree would have no chance to play.

"So confident?"

The factory manager was a little surprised, but still picked up the Eye of the Vanguard.

Although Shen Lang likes to show off, he has never boasted.


After getting the heads of the EDG bottom lane combination, the RW team took down the little dragon, and then the jungler and the bottom lane combination returned to the bottom lane to push the line.

When EDG got the Rift Herald, although they could not fight for the first blood tower, they could also use this opportunity to destroy EDG's bottom lane defense tower, which was worth some money.

However, to the surprise of the RW people, EDG did not summon the Rift Herald in the top lane.

"The opponent should not make such a low-level mistake, right?"

Flawless was a little unsure.

If they were allowed to get the bottom lane defense tower first, EDG would undoubtedly lose both the lady and the soldiers.

Cutting the screen to the top, it was really only Olaf who returned to the top lane, and he had not picked up the Eye of the Herald.

"Could it be..."

A touch of ecstasy surged into Flawless's heart.

Controlling Olaf back to the top lane, Shen Lang quickly pushed the soldiers into the defense tower.

Mouse was already accustomed to this rhythm, waiting for Olaf to push the line into the tower under the defense tower, and then he would make up for the tower knife and develop.

However, unlike before, this time Olaf did not leave after pushing the line into the tower.

"What's wrong? My jungle monsters aren't good?"

Mouse was a little confused.

Just when he didn't know what Shen Lang wanted to do, Olaf suddenly threw out his Q skill.

【Reverse Throw】passes through the body of the tree and slows it down.



In Mouse's horrified eyes, Olaf actually directly activated his ultimate and sprinted towards the defense tower.

"He wants to kill me!"

Until this time, Mouse finally reacted and hurriedly released his Q skill towards Olaf.

At first, he wanted to hold his W skill, wait until the duration of Olaf's ultimate was over, and then release his W skill to imprison him under the defense tower, and use the defense tower to kill him.

However, when he saw Olaf's damage, this idea disappeared instantly.



Olaf's damage was so exaggerated that he couldn't bear it at all. According to this posture, he couldn't support until the duration of Olaf's ultimate ended.


Mouse quickly used Flash to distance himself, but just as he moved out, Olaf's axe followed.

Slow down.

Using the acceleration effect of Sprint, Olaf quickly came to his side, ignited, and continued to attack crazily.

Mouse released all his skills, but Olaf, who activated his ultimate, was like a mad dog, and there was no way to stop him.

With the E skill, Olaf summoned thunder with two axes in hand, directly taking away the remaining health of the tree, and then used the last duration of Sprint to walk out of the attack range of the defense tower.

Over the tower to kill alone, and still get away unscathed.

The audience instantly boiled.

Although Olaf was already at low health, in Shen Lang's opinion, this was a good thing.thing.

The lower the health, the faster the attack speed. Using the soldiers under the tower, he began to attack the top lane defense tower.

On the commentary seat.

Guan Zeyuan thought it was a bit outrageous, but looking at Olaf's equipment, he suddenly felt it was very reasonable.

"According to this situation, Olaf could have crossed the tower and killed the tree, but Brother Weiwu did not do so. Instead, he chose to push the line and roam to target Nightmare. Compared with the tree, Nightmare is indeed more worthy of targeting. From this, it can be seen that Brother Weiwu is not only good at operation, but also has a very clear mind."

Guan Zeyuan's analysis is very reasonable.

Fortunately, Shen Lang couldn't hear it, otherwise he would definitely laugh out loud.

Nightmare is more worthy of targeting?

He didn't think so much at all. The reason why he targeted Nightmare was entirely because Flawless caught the top at the beginning.

There is no way, he just holds a grudge.

Although RW had many people in the bottom lane, EDG's bottom lane tower had a healthy amount of health. In comparison, although there was only one person in the top lane, Olaf had very low health in the top lane tower of RW, and the low-health Olaf was able to destroy the tower very quickly.

The system prompt sounded again soon. Using the soldiers under the tower, Shen Lang quickly destroyed the top lane tower of RW and took the bounty of the first blood tower.

"It's not a big problem. The first blood tower didn't belong to us in the first place."

Flawle comforted himself.

However, at this moment, an accident happened again.

When Shen Lang crossed the tower to kill the tree, the factory manager was not idle either. After picking up the Eye of the Vanguard, he directly controlled the Pig Girl to the middle lane.

The top lane didn't need the Eye of the Vanguard, so he put it in the middle lane.

However, he didn't release it directly, but first controlled the Pig Girl to squat in the bushes on the side.

After killing the little dragon, the bottom lane combination of RW and the jungler went to the bottom lane, and Doinb controlled Ryze to return to the middle lane to clear the line.

When he cleared the soldiers under the tower and moved forward, Pig Girl, who was squatting in the bush, suddenly took action.

He released his ultimate skill directly, and the skill accurately hit Ryze, freezing him in place.

Junior flashed forward and used his QWE skills at the same time.

At this time, Taliyah had already synthesized Luden, and Ryze's health quickly disappeared under the burst damage.

Kill the opponent's mid laner and summon the Rift Herald.

"No wonder they didn't summon the Rift Herald in the top lane. It turns out that EDG wanted to be greedy."

Rita explained excitedly.

Top lane tower, middle lane tower, all of them!

Guan Zeyuan was also surprised: "If we only get the bounty of the top lane defense tower, then EDG will undoubtedly lose this wave, but now Taliyah has got Ryze's head, if we can destroy RW's middle lane tower, it will be a big profit."

Trek and Ryze have teleports, but both of them have been killed. The others are destroying the tower in the bottom lane and cannot support the middle lane in time. With the help of the Rift Herald, Taliyah and Sejuani can completely get the middle lane defense tower.


"How could this happen?"

Flawless was a little confused. EDG's combination punch caught him off guard.

They obviously found a very good opportunity to kill the opponent's bottom lane combination, but in the end, not only did they not narrow the economic gap, but the rhythm was a bit collapsed.

"Olaf can kill me now, I have no way."

Mouse said bluntly.

He got too many heads in the early stage, and he kept brushing the wild monsters of Nightmare, so Olaf's development was very abnormal.

If it was any other hero, it would be fine. Tree could still do it by hiding under the defensive tower, but Shen Lang played Olaf in this game.

Facing Olaf who activated his ultimate, Tree's full control had no effect.

"Switch lanes."

After a long time, Killua sighed in the voice chat: "Let's go against Olaf."

This was also a helpless solution. With Olaf's current equipment, neither Tree nor Ryze could go against him. Even if Doinb's Ryze still synthesized a meat suit first in this game, it was still not good enough in front of Olaf who developed so well.

"Now we can only protect Xia. After Xia's equipment is formed, there will still be some team battles."

Doinb followed.

Hearing this, Sima Laozei felt a lot of pressure in his heart.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of the scene in the last game where Shen Lang's Lee Sin killed him.

"Xayah, who I played in this game, should not be so easy to be killed."

Sima Laozei thought to himself.

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