After destroying the enemy's top defense tower, Shen Lang quickly returned to the city to replenish his equipment.

When he walked out of the fountain, Olaf had already synthesized Black Cleaver, and was holding Tiamat and Vampire Scepter, and Greedy Hydra would soon be synthesized.

"I believe you if you say that Olaf can fight Baron with this equipment."

Guan Zeyuan was amazed.

Looking at the tree again, even Sunfire has not been synthesized yet. Just from the equipment, it is hard to believe that the two are playing the same game.

"Then the question is, is Olaf with this equipment useful in the late game?"

Rita looked at Guan Zeyuan teasingly.

If she remembered correctly, Guan Zeyuan had said before that Olaf was useless in the late game.

"It is indeed useless. With Olaf's current equipment, there may not be a late game in this game."

Remember to rush to answer.

There was a burst of laughter from the audience.

EDG fans were very happy. They had a sure win in this game. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the roaming support system that RW relied on for survival did not work very well after Shen Lang appeared on the stage. After winning this game, if RW could not come up with something new in the next game, the result of today's game would be fixed at 3:1.

At this stage of the playoffs, it is not easy to come up with something new.

RW is not EDG, and they don't have Shen Lang.

RNG fans were even happier. After the first game, most of the live broadcast room was scolding EDG, and even Shen Lang, who did not play, was dubbed the "cowardly lizard".

But after the second game, RNG fans changed their faces instantly. Shen Lang became "a rising star in the domestic top lane" and "the future of the LPL top lane" in their mouths, and even the matter of betraying RNG seemed to be written off.

From the third game to now, their evaluation of Shen Lang has been raised again-

The top top laner in the LPL!

I'm afraid even Zzitai and Letme haven't received such an evaluation.

From "Monster of Corsica" to "Supreme Emperor", the real change of face still depends on RNG fans.

Shen Lang quickly controlled Olaf to the bottom lane, but what he didn't expect was that it was not Maokai who came to the bottom lane to line up with him, but Xia and Minotaur.

Even with the advantage of long arms and the support still next to him, Sima Laozei still didn't dare to move forward, for fear that Olaf would suddenly activate his ultimate move and rush up to chop people.


Looking at the attitude of the opposite ADC, Shen Lang couldn't help laughing: "You're right to be afraid!"

It's really rare for the bottom lane combination to appear in such a scene against the top laner. Sima Laozei is very cautious. After leading the line of soldiers across the river, he took the support to the jungle to brush the jungle, leaving Shen Lang no chance at all.

If he plays like this, Shen Lang really can't do anything about it.

Although he has explosive damage now, he is not very tanky. The tolerance rate is actually not very high. It is easy to give the opponent a chance if he acts rashly.

Although there was no way to deal with the RW bottom lane combination, Shen Lang could open up the situation from other places.

After clearing the soldiers, Shen Lang controlled Olaf to disappear on the line.

At this time, the RW mid laner and EDG bottom lane combination were facing Ryze. Doinb's development in this game was okay, and he could at least clear the line against the EDG bottom lane combination.

But when Olaf roamed to the middle lane, the situation was immediately different.

Because the opponent's middle tower had been destroyed, the vision of the lower river was under EDG's control at this time. Doinb only knew that Olaf was roaming, but he didn't know Shen Lang's specific location.

To be cautious, he called Nightmare to the middle lane to counter-camp.

Flawless is now very idle. After Olaf switched to the bottom lane, his upper jungle area can finally be refreshed, but at this time the lower jungle area has to be given to the ADC, so when he heard what his mid laner said, he went to the middle lane happily.

It shouldn't be too much to steal some experience while counter-camping, right?

EDG's vision has been deployed to the RW jungle area, and Nightmare was discovered as soon as he entered the upper jungle area.

"The opposing jungler is here, it seems there is no chance."

Meiko said, pinning a retreat signal to Shen Lang's position.

"It's just a small fish, don't pay attention to it, it won't have much impact."

Shen Lang said calmly, with no intention of retreating at all, and began to command his teammates in the voice: "Vairus shoots Ryze with an arrow."

"Do you want me to make up for the damage?"

iboy was very obedient and immediately began to charge the Q skill.

At this time, his flash and ultimate skills were still in his hands. If Shen Lang needed it, he could even flash the ultimate skill first.

"No, I want you to get an assist!"

Shen Lang said, and directly started sprinting and rushed straight towards Ryze.

At this time, Ryze had alreadyThe troops crossed the river, the jungler was behind him, the bottom lane combination was farming in the lower half of the jungle, and Doinb was a little fearless because of his half-tank equipment.

This led to Olaf coming to Ryze quickly after starting sprint.

Q skill released.

[Reverse Throw] hit first, and Ryze was slowed down.

In Doinb's horrified eyes, Olaf quickly rushed to his side, and with just two basic attacks, Doinb immediately noticed something was wrong.

The damage was too explosive, and his half-tank equipment couldn't bear it.

"Save me!"

He hurriedly shouted in the voice chat.

Flawless heard it and hurriedly handed over his ultimate move, and the bottom lane combination also hurried to the middle lane.

Nightmare turned off the lights and flew towards Olaf, but when it landed, Ryze had been taken away by Olaf's outrageous damage. He was obviously playing a warrior hero, but because his equipment was too luxurious, he played the effect of an assassin hero.

Ryze was killed instantly, which made Flawless a little dumbfounded.


After the ultimate skill came to Olaf, he decisively gave up the flash to pull away, and quickly released the Q skill backwards, turned on the W skill and walked towards the jungle without looking back.

"What a fast hand speed."

Flawless's smooth R flash combo made Shen Lang's eyes light up. Putting aside other factors, at least it worked. The shield of the W skill successfully blocked Olaf's Q skill. Without the slowing effect, Olaf really couldn't catch up.

Ryze's head was a bit dry. Since the little dragon had not refreshed yet, and Xia and Minotaur returned to defense in time, EDG did not get other resources.

There were only a few dozen seconds left before the little dragon refreshed, and this was still an earth dragon. For EDG, this was undoubtedly good news.

"Although we can't take down the dragon while Ryze is dead, EDG can use this opportunity to set up vision around the dragon pit. In addition, the current economic advantage is very obvious, so it will be difficult for RW to compete for this dragon."

Guan Zeyuan analyzed.

Ji Ji nodded: "If we take down this earth dragon, EDG will have a great chance of winning. The vision and equipment advantages are obvious. They can rush the dragon after the Baron refreshes at 20 minutes."

While speaking, EDG has already taken action.

Zhu Mei and Braum started scanning and quickly cleared the vision around the dragon pit. They also invaded RW's lower jungle area and placed the trinket eye in a key position.

As long as RW enters the river from the lower jungle area, they will be discovered immediately. EDG is determined to get this earth dragon. Even though they have a clear advantage now, they still remain highly vigilant.

Not long after, RW entered the river together.

They also knew the importance of this little dragon, so they were naturally unwilling to give it to EDG so easily.

"If the opponent attacks the dragon, we will interfere. If the opponent does not attack, we will not attack. Delaying time is beneficial to us."

Flawless said in the voice.

It must be said that he is still very optimistic and can always consider things from a positive perspective.

The river vision slowly lit up, and seeing that EDG did not attack the little dragon, the RW team also felt relieved.


Seeing Nightmare and Minotaur appear in the field of vision, Shen Lang immediately showed his dog tags to the two.

"Everyone can show dog tags."

Flawless pouted and also showed his dog tags.

The two taunted each other, and the teammates were not to be outdone, and they all stepped forward to show their dog tags to taunt.

So the ridiculous scene of the two appeared on the field. Neither side took action, but just showed dog tags to each other in the river. After taunting, they returned to the line to clean up the soldiers, and then entered the river to taunt.

Seeing Olaf appear in his field of vision again, Flawless, like before, hurriedly flashed his dog tag, fearing that he would flash it later than Shen Lang.

However, this time...

Shen Lang did not flash his dog tag to fight back.

"I'm waiting for the ultimate move, what are you waiting for?"

As he said this, he directly activated the Glory of Justice he had just bought and rushed straight towards Nightmare.


"Are you serious?"

Flawless was a little dumbfounded. He agreed to just flash his dog tag, so why did you suddenly attack?

No martial ethics!

In the blink of an eye, Olaf had already rushed to his side.

Not only that, the other EDG members also quickly took action and rushed straight towards Nightmare.

"Save me!"

Flawless shouted in the voice chat.

However, facing Olaf who had activated his ultimate move, no one could stop him. With two axes swinging, Nightmare's health dropped rapidly.

RW's other members just rushed up, but Nightmare's health dropped sharply.It has reached the bottom.

Flawless released his ultimate before he died, and under the cover of the night, the other RW members who had just rushed up quickly retreated.

Although only Nightmare was left, the goal of this wave had been achieved. The EDG team quickly turned around and soon killed the Earth Dragon.


"Is Xiaofu here to make fun of me?"

Thinking of the scene just now, the factory manager couldn't help laughing. He never thought that bright expressions could have such an effect.

Most of their economic advantages are concentrated on Olaf, and this hero is very dependent on the ultimate. To be honest, when Olaf's ultimate CD is on, he is really not sure to win the team battle.

"The Earth Dragon is in hand, and the game seems to have no suspense."

Seeing EDG successfully take the little dragon, Guan Zeyuan shook his head.

He is really not afraid of his own poisonous milk. If EDG can still be reversed in this situation, it can only be said that they don't deserve to win.

After killing the little dragon, the EDG team took the opportunity to clean up the RW jungle. In the next period of time, they only need to wait quietly for the big dragon to refresh.

The game time soon came to 20 minutes.

During this period, Shen Lang successfully destroyed the outer tower of RW's bottom lane.

Olaf's deterrence was extremely strong. Shen Lang only needed to call Zhu Mei to the bottom lane, and then release skills to quickly push the line, and RW's bottom lane combination would naturally release the bottom lane defense tower.

"Set up vision first and see how the opponent reacts."

The factory manager said, controlling Zhu Mei to walk towards the upper jungle area.

Hearing this, Shen Lang directly controlled Olaf to go up. Since there was no teleport, he could only come to the front and let the rock bird with TP go to the bottom lane to lead the line.

With the combined efforts of Zhu Mei and Braum, the vision of the upper river was quickly cleared.

RW also had little vision in the upper river. As long as Olaf disappeared from the vision, except for Ryze who was leading the line in the top lane, no one dared to walk out of the defense tower, let alone set up vision.

"EDG is very decisive. They want to use this big dragon to end the game."

Remember to shout excitedly.

The two people beside him also cheered up. If nothing unexpected happened, this might be the final team battle.

"RW's vision is too poor, and the team battle will be very difficult to fight."

Guan Zeyuan shook his head and said.

In fact, there is no need to analyze at all. The audience can see that RW is at a great disadvantage. Unless a miracle happens, it will be difficult to compete for this dragon.

As they spoke, the RW team had already walked towards the upper river.

Their bottom lane combination had already switched to the middle lane, and even Maokai and Ryze followed to the front. After all, there was a lack of vision in the jungle, and they had no chance to teleport around.

Entering the river, the vision lit up, and EDG did not fight the dragon.

Although Zhu Mei and Braum were squatting in the grass in the river, RW was very vigilant. Maokai released the E skill to explore the vision first, and Meiko and the others did not squat on anyone.

Seeing that only the jungler and the auxiliary appeared in the field of vision, Sima Laoze suddenly thought of something, and then very cleverly inserted a blue trinket eye in the air towards the red buff position in the upper jungle of EDG.

The vision lit up, and Varus was hitting the red buff.

"Catch Varus!"

Instantly, even the usually calm Sima Laozei became excited.

There is no doubt that this is definitely a great opportunity.

In a flash, the other RW players reacted quickly.


Nightmare's ultimate turned off the lights, and Ryze quickly released his ultimate towards the EDG jungle.

In the shocked eyes of the audience and the commentator, Nightmare rushed straight towards Varus, and Ryze and Minotaur also landed quickly.

"They want to kill Varus!"

Guan Zeyuan shouted excitedly.

You must know that at this time, the other EDG players are in the river, and Taliyah is leading the line below. It takes time to teleport over, and no one can help Varus.

When the blue trinket eye lit up next to him, iboy realized something was wrong. He didn't even care about the red buff, and decisively controlled Varus to walk towards the river, wanting to meet up with his teammates.

But the RW players had already seized the opportunity.

Nightmare's ultimate skill landed, and he quickly released the QE skill. iboy hurriedly gave up the flash, but just as he pulled away, Alistar and Ryze appeared in the field of vision again.


Alistar flashed WQ and controlled the upper body, and Doinb controlled Ryze to go forward to make up for the output...

With the combined efforts of the two, Varus's remaining health was quickly taken away.


The audience was in an uproar. No one expected that Varus would be killed at the critical moment.

"Is there a reversal in the game?"

Guan Zeyuan's heartbeat accelerated.

On the court.

Hearing the news that his ADC was killed, Shen Lang frowned slightly, butThen it quickly stretched out.


No reversal!

Olaf activated his ultimate and rushed straight towards the lone Xia.

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