Xia did not follow his teammates to EDG's upper jungle to kill Varus.

This resulted in RW's formation being split when the three midfielders, junglers and support double-teamed Varus.

If they killed Varus first, RW would have a chance to win this teamfight.

But if Xia was also killed, then killing Varus first would not be very meaningful.

Looking at Olaf rushing towards him, Sima Laozei was horrified: "Look at me, look at me!"

Under Olaf's threat, the cold image in his heart was instantly thrown out of his mind. Sima Laozei also knew very well that if he was killed by Olaf, his teammates' efforts would be in vain.

However, the only one who could respond to him at this time was Mouse.

At the moment the jungle battle started, Mouse quickly handed over the teleport to the middle lane soldiers.

Hearing Sima Laozei's words, he hurriedly handed over his ultimate move and then quickly walked towards Xia's position.

"Come to my side!"

Mouse shouted in the voice chat.

Facing Olaf who activated his ultimate, the big tree's ultimate was completely useless.

Shen Lang activated sprint and Glory of Justice, and Olaf's speed increased dramatically, and he soon came to Xia's side.

With only two axes, Sima Laozei had to give up his ultimate.

In the face of absolute equipment advantage, Olaf's damage was very exaggerated, and even the big tree could not withstand it, not to mention Xia who had no armor on her body.

The ultimate landed, and quickly connected with [Hook].

The duration of Olaf's ultimate has not passed, Xia's E skill cannot control him, and Mouse, who came to support, hurriedly gave up WQ skills, trying to deal out his own damage as much as possible, trying to cooperate with Xia to quickly kill Olaf.

But it is obvious that the damage of the two is not enough.

As his health dropped, Olaf's damage became more and more terrifying. Xia gave up flash and healing, but was quickly closed by Olaf who activated sprint and ultimate. The health provided by the healing only made him take more normal attacks.

Xia's health bar was quickly emptied.

Seeing this, Mouse felt a little helpless. Olaf developed too well, so that he and Sima Laozei didn't even have any room to operate.

Not to mention professional players, Olaf had such a big advantage that even if a silver player came up to operate, he could still kill Xia.

After killing Xia, Shen Lang quickly pointed his spearhead at the big tree next to him.

The other EDG members quickly came to their senses. They ignored the RW people in the jungle and quickly approached Olaf's position.

Xia and the big tree were killed by Shen Lang one after another, and they could already start to fight the dragon.

As for the remaining three people in RW, there was nothing to be afraid of!

"Be careful of the opposing jungler trying to steal the dragon. This guy is just unlucky."

Shen Lang warned his teammates in the voice chat while dealing damage to the dragon.

"Nightmare doesn't have a big move or flash, so what can he use to steal the dragon? You look down on me."

Zhaozhang curled his lips.

But he was still very cautious. When he was fighting the dragon, he didn't forget to place a trinket eye on the river to ensure that he could find Nightmare as soon as he approached.

In fact, Flawless didn't even think about stealing the dragon.

He couldn't even get into the dragon pit, and he didn't have the chance to punish. How could he steal the dragon?

Could he just use his Q skill and expect to steal the dragon?

"What a pity! What a good opportunity."

Killua sighed in the voice chat while returning to the city.

For them, this wave might really be the best chance to turn the tables, or perhaps the last chance to turn the tables.

Doinb also sighed: "Alas, Olaf is too fat, there's nothing we can do."

On the commentary seat.

Seeing EDG start to attack the Baron, Guan Zeyuan finally relaxed.

Almost another bad healer!

"I have to say that RW's decision was indeed decisive. Sima Laozei was very sensitive to the fact that Varus might be attacking the red buff, and used Vision to transform the upper vision in time, and the teammates also acted very quickly."

"Unfortunately, the damage of Weiwu's Olaf was too exaggerated. Xia, who had the ultimate and double summons, was killed instantly, and the teammates in the jungle had no time to support him."

While speaking, the wailing of the Baron sounded.

The EDG team successfully killed the Baron and quickly returned to the fountain with the buff.

After getting the Baron, the game basically lost suspense.

Netizens who followed the game in the forum no longer discussed how RW would turn the game around, but the final match point game, how RW could beat this new EDG.

"The key is still in the top lane. Weiwu's laning ability is obviously much stronger than A Guang, so he must not be allowed to get it in the early stage.Any advantage, otherwise even if A Guang chooses a hero like Maokai, it is still difficult to guarantee that he will not be beaten by Weiwu. "

"So my suggestion is that RW should switch lanes at the beginning."

This suggestion was quickly refuted by other netizens: "What era is it now? Still switching lanes? Do you really think that the other EDG players are four people?"

This reply pointed out the problem right away-

Shen Lang is indeed very strong, but the other EDG players are not clay. Just thinking about targeting the top lane is definitely not enough.


After replenishing equipment and status, the EDG players quickly walked out of the fountain and began to advance.

The economic disadvantage was too great, and RW was unable to defend. They could only abandon all the outer towers and retreat to the highland tower for defense.

Xayah and Ryze have good line clearing abilities. With the highland tower behind them, they cleared the line and delayed time to wait for opportunities. This was the only choice for RW.

However, the EDG players were very decisive.

The moment the dragon line entered the highland tower, the factory manager was Then he threw his ultimate at the tower.

The ice shackle hit the tree in the front. Although it didn't hit the C position, it still started the team fight.

Shen Lang stepped forward and released the Q skill, rushing directly to the defense tower.

Xiaoxuedi and iboy made up for the damage, and the tree that was frozen in place was killed instantly without using any skills.

RW was defeated instantly.

Everyone decisively abandoned the highland tower in the middle lane and retreated to the front tower.

At this moment, Shen Lang activated the glory of justice.

Olaf's movement speed increased sharply, and he chased the fleeing RW people directly.

"Brother Weiwu is too fierce, he actually chased the four people on the opposite side! ”

Remember to shout and explain: "Killua released the skill in the backhand, but the reaction of the mighty brother was very fast. Olaf activated the ultimate skill to be immune to control and quickly chased Nightmare. Such exaggerated damage..."

Olaf, who activated the ultimate skill, was like a wolf into a flock of sheep. He quickly killed Nightmare with a few basic attacks, and then continued to chase Ryze and Xayah under the front tower.

"Feathers flying all over the sky! ! "

Xayah surrendered the ultimate skill, but when she landed and released the E skill, the duration of Olaf's ultimate skill had not passed.

Xayah also quickly fell under Olaf's double axes.

Shen Lang continued to chase Ryze, completely ignoring the front tower that attacked him, and came to Ryze like a mad dog.

At this time, Ryze had returned to the fountain. While killing Ryze, Olaf was also killed instantly by the damage of the fountain.

Holding two mountain axes, slashing from the highland tower to the fountain, this is Olaf!

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