On the continent of Valoran.

When everyone saw this scene, they all felt horrified.

"Isn't this too outrageous? If you pass through this corridor, you will be imprisoned?"

"I thought that as long as I passed through this fear induction corridor, I would be able to gain the ability to avoid fear. It seems that I was overthinking it!"

"Holy shit! Inside the door at the end of this corridor is a cage..."

"Damn it, whoever goes there dies!"



Swain stared closely at the light curtain.

Look at the bright fonts on the light screen.

He had some speculations.

That is to say.

Pass through this fear-sensing corridor.

Open the door at the end.


Will he be imprisoned by Abnormal Containment Object-2521?


It was replaced with Abnormal Containment Object-2521 and was imprisoned inside it forever.


Swain felt his scalp numb.

Think about this.

A flash of light flashed before Swain's eyes.

Is there a possibility?

In other words, Abnormal Containment Object-2521 was originally a normal human being.

At least.


After passing through this corridor of fear, it was created.


Abnormal Containment Object-2521 is most likely the product of this Corridor of Fear.

They were locked in the cage behind the corridor door forever.

Until someone comes to replace it.

Only then can it go out.


When Swain thought of that sentence, he could probably support all his inferences and guesses.

"I became it!"


He understood it all.

Abnormal Containment Object-2521 is actually the product of this ordinary-looking corridor of fear.


Somewhere in Runeterra.

Ryze suppressed the shock in his heart.

"I didn't expect that Abnormal Containment Object-2521 was actually created by the Corridor of Fear!"

He just felt it.

A chill.

Coming at you.

If this Corridor of Fear appeared in the continent of Valoran.


Think of this.

Ryze shuddered.

A chill hit my face!


A village in Valoran.

Kaiying, who was holding a giant scythe, slowly came back from his fear at this time.

He just.

While looking at the light curtain.

A most horrifying fantasy appeared before my eyes.

But inside that fantasy.

It is the fear that I least want to face directly in my life.


They are the unclean ones that were previously encountered in the mirror world created by the Red Sea objects.

That rotten head.

It exudes a foul smell.

Facing those unclean people, he had no choice at all.

even though.

I have a lot of courage in my heart.


Even Thain was torn into pieces and then devoured by the foul-smelling unclean ones.

Those guys.

This must be the most terrifying thing I have ever encountered in my life.

I saw.

He held the sickle tightly in his hand.

Take a long breath.

"It's too scary, but... all this should be in the past!"


"I never want to recall those horrific pasts again!"

Catalina looked at the scar on her face in the mirror.


Then he quickly looked away.

She just said that she recalled the scene that frightened her.

To her heart.

It caused great trauma.

The order his father gave him was to assassinate a pioneer officer on the opposite side.


But she herself felt that she was overqualified and a small pioneer was not worthy of assassination.


She directly assassinated the commander opposite.

Just when she felt that she would definitely gain her father's recognition and supreme glory.

My father was furious!


And his action of disobeying the order did indeed pay heavy consequences.

The forerunner led his men directly into the Noxian military camp.

Let Noxus.

lost heavily.


Catalina saw Tyrone in the picture before her eyes.

In your own direction.

A fatal murderous intention was sent.


All his actions were arranged by his father...

Everything in this past.

It has become the past that Catalina least wants to recall...

"As the best assassin in the empire, the most important thing is not honor and recognition from others, but unconditional obedience to orders!"

Catalina's eyes revealed a firm look.


some where.

Lucian had just come out of his fantasy.

In illusion.

The fatal hook in Thresh's hand hit his own.

Just when he thought he was about to die in Thresh's Revenant Lamp.


A figure.

passed in front of him.

Immediately afterwards.

Hugging his neck tightly.


Blocked Thresh's fatal blow for himself.

His most beloved lover Senna.

that's all.

Died for myself....

The thing that Lucian least wanted to recall had just appeared in front of him with incomparable clarity.

When Lucian came out of this memory.

There were already crystal tears in the corners of his eyes.


Within the continent of Valoran.


Everyone came out of the illusion that frightened them the most.

They are meditating...

In fear...

In shock....

Another sigh followed.



Swain's eyes were determined.

He, you have just come out of that fear.


What made him feel a little curious was.

Follow the previous inventory of abnormal contained objects.

at this time.

That damn anomaly containment foundation should have appeared.


I haven't seen them until now.

Could it be that?

Aren't they planning to contain Abnormal Containment Object-2521?

Staring at the light curtain.


Then I thought of something again.

If the Anomaly Containment Foundation is not prepared to contain the Abnormal Containment Object-2521.

That makes sense.

After all, Abnormal Containment Object-2521 does not seem to have any weaknesses so far.

Containment should be extremely difficult.

The only way to avoid them.

Just don't describe them in any way...

Think of this.

Swain looked at the sky and sighed deeply.

Then at this time.

Within the light curtain.

Suddenly it flickered.

Swain's attention.

Once again, it was transferred to the light curtain.

next moment.

New text message.


[Inventory of the top ten abnormal containment objects! ]

[the fifth place! ]

Saw this information.

Swain understood.

His guess was correct.

Internment meeting.

We are indeed not prepared to take any action against anomaly containment object 2521.

He let out a long sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards.

Staring at the light curtain intently.

New information.

Slowly emerge.

[Abnormal Containment Object-Cain! ]


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