Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 40: No Grass Can Grow Within Twenty Meters? This Is Cain!


"What? The inventory of new abnormal lineup objects has actually begun? So the abnormal contained object-2521 that just appeared, is it not ready to be contained?"

"Damn it, what is the Anomaly Containment Foundation doing? Isn't there another one outside? Are you not afraid that this guy will directly destroy the universe?"

"Hi~ Good guy, one after another, I can't stop at all!"

"As for 2521, as long as you don't describe him in any way, it will not cause harm, so... I personally feel that it doesn't make any difference whether he is contained or not!"



Karma saw the screen change, and the inventory of new abnormal containment objects began.

She was slightly startled at first.


Then I figured something out.

"Although it is said that Abnormal Contained Object-2521 is extremely harmful, as long as it is not described or spoken in any way!"

"Then this thing is as if it doesn't exist!"

Thinking of this, she once again ordered the Ionians: "Issue a ban. From now on, no one can talk about any information about the abnormal containment object-2521!"



But at this time.

The data in the light curtain reappeared.

[Abnormal Containment Object-Cain! ]

[Project level: Eu]


Somewhere in Runeterra.

When you see the item level is Eu.

Ryze let out a long sigh of relief.

Compared to K-level anomaly containment objects, Eu-level anomaly containment objects are already particularly friendly.

As the patron saint of Runeterra.

His only need.

That’s it.

We must not allow any alien creatures from other worlds to invade Rune Continent.


This damn foundation.

The abnormal contained objects that were inventoried were each more abnormal than the last.

Especially K-level occupying masks and indescribable things.



The moment the information emerges.

Swain quickly ordered to his men: "Come here, gather all the information on this abnormal containment object!"


Speaking of which.

Swain suddenly paused again.

Thinking of the indescribable person who just finished counting.

He felt a little scared and angry.

That indescribable person only needs someone to describe his appearance orally or record it in writing.

will quickly pull the person into darkness.

Until it disappears completely.

Cain thing.

Although I don’t know what the triggering conditions are.


Based on past experience.

Eu-level abnormal containment objects are not simple.

If the characteristics of this thing are quite different from those of the Indescribable Man.


I'm afraid that I will lose another elite team that collects information.


Swain quickly issued a new order: "Wait, wait for the light curtain information to be announced, don't act rashly yet!"


In the light curtain.

The scene changes.

A picture of a dark-skinned young man appeared.

and new text messages.

"Abnormal Containment Object - Cain, he looks like a male of Middle Eastern descent, with dark skin, estimated to be about 20 to 35 years old, with blue pupils and black hair!"

"The abnormal containment object-Cain's spine and other important bones that support the body were replaced with metal and substances of unknown materials!"

"There is a symbol on the subject's forehead. The specific meaning of this symbol has not been deciphered yet!"

"When questioned about the symbol content of the anomalous containment object-Cain, the subject will fall into a high degree of pain and refuse to answer any relevant questions!"


This moment.

The entire continent of Valoran exploded in an instant.

"What? The abnormal containment object this time is actually a male? Is it a normal human being? If so, then it is too ordinary!"

"In short, I think this thing is not that powerful, just like the magicians on the Valoran continent? No matter how powerful the spell is, can it be stronger than those unclean ones?"

"Look carefully, brother, he is not a normal human being. The supporting bones of his body are made of a new type of metal. To be precise, he is a robot!"

"I only accept the Foundation's anomalous containment objects from those who cannot be described!"


Then when countless people were discussing Cain.

New information emerged in the light curtain.

"The subject calls himself Cain and has a friendly tone towards everyone, but the interlocutors all say that the subject feels robotic and alienated!"

“And Cain is very enthusiastic about helping others and said that he really enjoys the process of helping others!”

"Cain is extremely knowledgeable about every aspect of Earth's history, even some extinct languages!"

"What's more, Cain also has the ability to remember photographs, and it has been confirmed to be true by multiple experiments!"


Karma was slightly startled: "The ability to have photographic memory? High IQ?"

Saw this information.

Karma's mind immediately thought of the K-level abnormal containment object that had appeared before - the occupying mask.

That thing.

Able to occupy people's psychology through extremely confusing language and high IQ.


As long as there is enough time.

Can occupy everyone's heart.

Could it be.

Is Cain, the abnormal containment object that appears this time, as terrifying as the occupying mask?


Everyone was shocked.

"Kind? I remember the last anomaly contained object was described as this, but it transformed the entire Bilgewater!"

"The ability to have photographic memory? Is it the same as the possession mask? It's so terrifying~"

"This thing instantly reminded me of some bad memories!"


In the light curtain.

The information is still coming.

"The existence of the abnormal containment object Cain will cause all creatures that rely on the soil to survive within a radius of 20 meters to die and wither. The specific reason is not yet known!"

"The soil and objects within a 20-meter radius of the abnormal containment object will become barren. The specific reason is analyzed to be caused by the death of anaerobic bacteria!"

"Any items made by organisms that grow in the soil will also trigger the abnormal effect of the abnormal containment object - Cain. For example, paper and floors will immediately rot and disintegrate within a 20-meter radius of the object! "


On the continent of Valoran.

Everyone saw this scene.

I just felt that my whole body was invaded by a terrifying aura.

It exploded instantly....

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