Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 62: Taotie Rabbit Eats Itself? It's A Ruthless Rabbit!


Swain stared at the light curtain.

The pupils suddenly shrank.

The expression on his face seemed a bit scary.

This is fucking outrageous!

Although Swain didn't know what the giant mountain-like beast was.


With this guy's physique.

To trample a rabbit to death is as simple as trampling an ant to death.


What he never expected was.

That Taotie rabbit.

that's all.

One bite at a time.

It completely swallowed up such a huge beast.


He was completely frightened.


After calming down for a while.

Swain's eyes.

A feeling of possession revealed.


He quickly issued an order: "Come here, have you determined the exact location of the rabbit?"

"Commander! It has been confirmed, it is in Icacia!"

Hear this.

Swain had almost no hesitation.

"Quick, lead the empire's most elite soldiers, and no matter what... you must catch this rabbit for me!"

The strength of that rabbit.

Swain saw it.

It didn't take long.

It actually swallowed a giant beast that was as big as a small mountain.


Haven't felt any discomfort yet.

If this thing can be used for oneself.

So on the battlefield.

It will definitely have an earth-shattering effect.

this opportunity.


I won't let it go no matter what...


Prince Jarvan IV of Demacia was completely stunned.

Let’s talk about the most powerful legion in Valoran.

Those 12 must belong to Noxus.


Let’s talk about the most terrifying boss in Valoran.

That must belong to the void.

That void of fear.

So huge in stature.

There is a strong coercion exuding around the body at all times.


The prince guessed.

This thing was tearing apart the cracks in the Shattering Void before it came to the continent of Valoran.

It has already devoured many void monsters.


To be able to become so huge.


What the prince didn't expect at all was.

This time the Anomaly Containment Foundation took stock of the Taotie rabbit.

it turns out.

Let it be swallowed alive...


In his eyes.

Full of panic.

There was a look of horror on Lux's face.

At the beginning, when the picture of Taotie rabbit appeared on the light screen.

Lux thinks this rabbit is very cute.

But at this time.

When the rabbit he saw swallowed alive a fear of the void that was tens of thousands of times larger than its body.


She was immediately confused.


I don’t think this is a cute little rabbit anymore.

Ryze let out a long sigh of relief.

Those monsters from the void.

It was finally solved.

But the next second.

His eyes became frightened again.

Although the giant void beast was solved by Taotie Rabbit.

but now.

Taotie rabbit.

But it became the continent of Valoran.

The biggest threat.

Follow the behavior of this rabbit.

It can completely swallow up this giant void beast in a very short time.


Didn't seem to feel any discomfort.

If it is really the same as what is described in the information.

Taotie rabbits can use all substances as food.

Then everything visible to the naked eye in the entire continent of Valoran.

will become its food.

As long as there is enough time.

Isn't that right?

Directly swallowing the entire continent of Valoran?

Think of this.

Ryze was covered in blood.

Can't stop trembling.


The Winter's Claw tribe.

Sejuani looked at what was happening inside the light curtain with a horrified look on her face.

That moment.

It was as if the whole body was frozen.

There was a slight tremor on her face.

This Taotie rabbit is really so outrageous.

That is nothingness!

Monsters from the void are not just ordinary people.

not to mention.

That guy who looks like a big mountain has such a huge figure.

One kick down.

Enough to level mountains and rivers.


That void monster, while devouring the creatures of Icacia, its body will also expand rapidly.

Such a terrifying void beast.

it turns out....

It was directly devoured by that rabbit.

Valoran continent.

Until the giant void beast disappeared completely, everyone's voices of fear and shock never stopped.

"Damn it, this Taotie is so terrifying, can he really devour that giant void beast?"

"Hahaha, those monsters from the void, I'm afraid I still can't figure out how they are so powerful, how could they be swallowed by a little rabbit?"

"What should we do next? It seems that this rabbit has been proven to be able to eat everything as food. If it continues, wouldn't the whole of Valoran be doomed?"

"A huge giant beast in the void was slowly eaten by a little rabbit..."


In the light curtain.

Just when everyone was shocked and horrified.

inside the screen.

Once again, a shocking scene occurred.

I saw.

That rabbit.

After eating the void monster that appeared near the void crack in Icacia.

Start slowly.

He put his tail into his mouth and started chewing it.


It is its own hind legs.

Immediately afterwards.

It's the back half.

that's all.

In the eyes of everyone who were shocked to the point of incomprehension.

Taotie rabbit.

Turn yourself from tail to head, and turn the last mouth outward

Take your whole body.

They were all eaten up.

Valoran continent.

There was silence for a moment.


There was a violent cry of panic.

"This rabbit... actually ate his entire body just as described."

"What the hell... you are eating yourself, even leaving nothing behind, this is too exaggerated!"

"Sure enough, the guy who ranks second in the list of abnormal contained objects is not just an ordinary person!"

"Fuck! Did you eat yourself? This meow is like a freak!"

Everyone's eyes were horrified to the point of exaggeration.


Swain stared closely at the light curtain.

The pupils suddenly shrank.

A look of horror.

appeared on his face.

This is exactly the same as what is described in the information.

At the end.

This is a rabbit.

He actually ate up his entire body from tail to head.

A chill.

Hit directly.


Jarvan IV, the prince of Demacia, looked at this scene.

His body suddenly trembled.


He was ready to send soldiers to snatch this rabbit.

The devouring ability of this rabbit.

Enough for Demacia to use.

At least.

It can be regarded as a powerful weapon.


The rabbit actually ate itself alive in the end.


And grab a ball?


Karma watched everything happening inside the light curtain.

He murmured softly: "What a freak!"

Taotie rabbit ate itself?

This feeling...

It seems like it is.

An extremely weird guy holding his own hair.


Start with your feet first.

One bite at a time.

Devouring his entire body.

Even to the end.

The head just flipped over.

Eat yourself whole.

This seems extremely absurd and impossible.

at present.

It happens inside the light curtain.

Irelia next to her was shocked: "This... this is completely illogical. How did it do it?"

Even if you have already seen it all with your own eyes.

But at this moment, Irelia still couldn't believe it at all.

This even.

It has subverted her three views.

that's all.

Irelia, including all the subordinates beside her, were completely stunned.

He was silent for a long time.


Winter's Claw Tribe.

Sejuani and all her subordinates looked at each other.

The Taotie rabbit just disappeared.

Eat yourself?

It's like a dream.

This completely impossible thing just appeared inside the light curtain.


Except for the look of horror on his face.

There is no other look.

Thirty minutes later.

On the light curtain.

In the place where the rabbit disappeared.

A faint shadow slowly emerged.


Something shocking again.


The Taotie rabbit that had completely devoured him just now appeared again!


There is no damage on the body...

"How can this be?"

Winter's Claw part 007 fell.

A group of strong men stared closely at the light curtain.

The moment he saw the rabbit that had completely devoured him reappeared.

These guys.

Completely shrouded in fear.

"Damn it, didn't that thing swallow me up? A thing that had completely disappeared actually appeared again!"

Even Sejuani couldn't help but be stunned.


He was completely enveloped in panic for an instant.

"This damn thing is a complete monster, no less than that immortal evil lizard!"

"Where did these monsters counted by the foundation come from?"


That feeling of fear

It's like a haze.

The entire tribe was instantly wiped out.

Totally enveloped.


Swain was shocked at the same time.

This rabbit actually appeared again?

Exactly the same as described in the information.

After Taotie avoids swallowing himself, he will regenerate again after 30 minutes.


where it appears.

That's where it devours itself completely.

This outrageous rabbit...


The entire continent of Valoran.

There was a stir.

"Oh my god, this rabbit is so weird. After completely disappearing, it can still appear out of thin air!"

"I finally understand why it is ranked second. From this point of view, when this rabbit is facing a life-and-death situation, it just devours itself.

That’s all right, you can regenerate anyway and live forever!”

"What? Reborn again, this Taotie too weird!"

"What is it? After you eat yourself, you can be resurrected again? And your body recovers without any damage..."

"Haha, now I have a bold idea. If we let the Taotie rabbit and the non-fire lizard fight to the death, who will be the final winner...?"

"It's a joke, it must be a fire-inferior lizard. No matter how strong this rabbit is, it can only take one claw..."

The entire continent of Valoran.

Already completely immersed in a panic and heated discussion.

However, it was at this time.

The picture gradually dimmed.


A new set of data files has appeared.

[Appendix: Contained Object-524, Taotie Rabbit versus Abnormal Contained Object-682, Immortal Lizard Execution Report! ]

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