Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 63: The Immortal Evil Lizard Is Chased By A Rabbit? Start Counting The First Place!


Execution records of Taotie Rabbit and Fireless Lizard!

Valoran continent.

Everyone showed an extremely unbelievable look in their panic.

"That is to say, Bidietu was also forced to participate in thousands of execution experiments on the Unfire Evil Lizard?"

"Holy shit! The idea actually came true. The second and third-ranked anomalies were actually tested.'

"But... the Fireless Lizard still exists, and the current Taotie Rabbit has not been affected at all. What happened in the meantime?"

"Have there ever been a collision between two strong men?"

....Hiss~ It’s so terrifying!”


Swain shuddered.

Swain had witnessed with his own eyes just how terrifying the Fireless Lizard was.

In order to capture that fire-infernal lizard.

Noxus Empire.


Hence the loss of an ace army.

As for the loss of a strong void man, a hunter, and a dark descendant.

The deaths were all horrific.

Although this Taotie rabbit is said to be able to swallow all food.


That non-fire evil lizard.

He's not just an idle person either...

Swain immediately issued an order: "Quickly, gather all the information about the Fireless Lizard. I must study it 1



Everyone looked at each other.

There was a look of horror on his face, and a touch of expectation.

Karma: "The Taotie Rabbit, the immortal existence of the Fireless Lizard, can also swallow itself and then be reborn."

"Two monsters...."

Irelia nodded slightly: "Yeah, I don't know, what will happen if these two guys are put together for experiments?"

As for the other subordinates.

Didn't dare to make any remarks at all.

He could only stare closely at the light curtain.

In fear.

Looking forward to what happens next.

In the light curtain.

A line of text records slowly emerged.

[Introducing the containment object - Taotie Rabbit and the containment object - Immortal Lizard to the testing site. ]

[The non-fire evil lizard examines the Taotie rabbit suspiciously. ]

[At this time, the abnormal containment object - the Taotie rabbit began to bite the right forelimb of the Fireless Lizard, and the Fireless Lizard jumped back and roared. ]

As soon as the information comes out.



Immediately stunned.

It's like being frozen.


The information appearing in the light curtain was completely beyond her understanding.

This Taotie Rabbit.

So damn brave.

Something happened.

It's true!

Not to mention that the non-fire evil lizard being tested inside the light curtain has not yet evolved.

Just this difference in body shape.

And the terrifying fangs in the mouth of the non-fire evil lizard.

That's enough to be scary.

But that rabbit.

But he didn't feel any fear at all.

Instead, after being imprisoned in the test site, he directly launched an attack on the Unfire Lizard.

This... is too outrageous.


And directly gnawed the right forelimb of the Immortal Evil Lizard?

Valoran continent.

Everyone exclaimed.

"Damn it, this is too fierce, this Taotie rabbit is not afraid at all in the battle between the two big brothers!"

"Get on it directly?"

"Oh my god, this guy is number two on the list. Number two is so fierce. Now I'm already looking forward to number one!"

"That's an evil lizard, brother, why don't you think about it for a moment? Just go ahead and do it?"

"The right forelimb, the right forelimb of the Fireless Lizard, was eaten by that guy..."


at this time.

Everyone just felt a chill, rising from the soles of their feet to the sky.

A look of horror.

Cover the whole body.


Ryze just arrived.


He saw everything happening inside the light curtain.


I was instantly stunned.

"The Fireless Lizard, that thing is immortal, and this rabbit actually launched a direct attack on it~.?"

Riz looked more and more horrified.

This rabbit must not be kept.

It's still in Icacia now.


It is chewing on the soil of Icathia.

This thing....

It's really possible to eat all of Valoran.

The continent of Valoran has long been in panic and shock.

But at this time.

The text information in the light curtain is still emerging.

[Abnormal Contained Object - The Taotie Rabbit chased the Abnormal Contained Object - the Unfire Lizard for two full minutes. ]



The prince looked shocked: "Being chased by a rabbit for two minutes? You are a fucking lizard!"

[At this time, the non-fire lizard climbed along the wall of the testing room to a height of four meters that was out of reach of the Taotie rabbit. ]

[The Taotie Rabbit stopped chasing and began to wash its face with its paws. He continued this action for 15 minutes, during which time the Lizard remained on the wall at a speed of four meters out of reach of the Taotie Rabbit. ]


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, the immortal evil lizard was chased around by a rabbit, and in the end he had to hide in a high place to avoid being chased.

"Evil people must be punished by evil people. I believe everyone has seen how terrifying the fire-resistant lizard is. It takes a Taotie rabbit to treat it docilely.

"Damn it, no...are you worthy of your size? And the fangs in your mouth."


Swain stared at the light curtain and his body suddenly shook.

The immortal lizard.

Afraid of a rabbit?

even though.

The right forelimb of the immortal lizard that had been chewed off by a rabbit had been completely repaired in a short period of time.


That guy seemed to have a shadow cast over his heart.

Knowing that I only need to be in front of that rabbit.

It will be eaten mercilessly by rabbits.


That big guy.

He no longer dared to fall to the ground, having been cured by the rabbit.


at this time.

Swain was looking forward to it more and more.

The value of this rabbit to the empire.

It's just too big.

But soon.

Another problem appeared in Swain's mind that could not be solved at all.

That's it.

Even if the Imperial Army captured the rabbit.


So what?

That rabbit can use all substances as its food.

That is to say.

It is simply impossible to lock it in an ordinary cage.

The next second.

Siying only felt that his head was getting hot.

In the light curtain screen.

New words emerged.

[The Taotie rabbit found that he could no longer eat the fire-proof lizard, so he ran to the other side of the test site and directly began to destroy the containment device. ]

[The execution plan has been terminated!]

The emergence of this scene.

Everyone couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

"This is indeed an Apex Level foodie. After he couldn't eat the fire-infernal lizard, he started chewing on the containment device. This is too strong."

"Although it is said that the Fire-Free Lizard cannot be executed, I have no doubt that this Taotie Rabbit can subdue the Fire-Free Lizard, ranking second.

"Hiss! The foundation was forced to stop the experiment. It seems that the threat of this rabbit is indeed not something ordinary people can bear."

"Hey, brothers, I have a doubt now. This rabbit can actually eat all materials as food. Doesn't that mean that even the Anomaly Containment Society cannot contain it?"

All the information on the light curtain has been revealed.


Everyone looked at each other.

He was silent for a long time.

Karma looked horrified.

After it found that it could no longer eat the fire-infernal lizards, it came up with the idea of ​​​​a containment room for the abnormality containment society.

Start destroying the containment device directly.

This thing.

Shouldn't even the Anomaly Containment Foundation be able to contain it?

If that's the case.

So next.

This thing will take its time.

First, chew up Icasia completely.


It is spreading and extending.

Gradually spread to various city-states.

Until Ionia...

Think of this.

Karma couldn't help but tremble all over, and then immediately issued an order: "It seems that this time we have to take action!"

Irelia composed herself.


Still can't get over the fear.

"Then the only option is to send troops."


Ryze stared at the Taotie rabbit in the distance.

The rabbit was gnawing at the soil of Icacia crazily.

Those trees.


Even dirt.

Without exception.

All became his food.


Action must begin.

A powerful magic surged in Ryze's body, and then he stood as the King of the Sky.

In the palm of his hand.

A huge magic ball was formed.

The magic ball clicked in the air.

Like bolts of lightning, it has a powerful deterrent effect.

Ryze abandoned concentration.

Staring closely at the Taotie rabbit not far away.


everything's ready.

He threw the magic ball in his hand in the direction of the Taotie rabbit....


There was a loud noise.

The magic ball hit the rabbit steadily.

Ryze let out a long sigh of relief.

"it's all over!"


The next second.

The dust dispersed.

That rabbit... actually caught his own magic ball.

The key is.

It seemed to be full of interest in the magic ball.

Two paws hold a magic orb.


Started chewing...

Damn it!

Ryze looked horrified.

His body couldn't stop shaking.

This is my own fucking magic ball.

Take a look at the entire continent of Valoran.

Who can take it?


Such a powerful magic ball.

Surprisingly... he was caught by a rabbit.


That rabbit... is still gnawing at this magic ball mercilessly.

Could it be that...

This Taotie rabbit really has no

Is there any way to kill it?

In the light curtain.

Just when Ryze was frightened and shocked.

A well-equipped army.

Appear suddenly.

See this army.


A moment of relief.

'."Look, agents from the Anomaly Containment Foundation are here, and they are here to take care of this rabbit." 1

"How will the shelter contain a Taotie rabbit that can use all substances as food?"

"Don't worry, even the terrifying Fire-Free Lizard, the shelter can easily contain it. This Taotie Rabbit, no matter how defiant it is, they should be able to do something about it.

"It's so scary... I'm even afraid of using Taotie to avoid eating these agents..."

Immediately afterwards.

In the light curtain.

The leading agent issued orders to all the agents.

"Okay, the Taotie Rabbit Plan to contain the anomaly contained object, start taking action!"

The order was given.


Agents of the Anomaly Containment Foundation, act quickly.

The rabbit was surrounded as quickly as possible.


The arrests began at the same time.

That rabbit was particularly docile.

It doesn't seem to have any offensive characteristics.


Members of the foundation caught this rabbit.


They put the rabbit into the huge pen placed on the carriage.

above the fence.

There are several small boxes for testing.

Can see clearly.

After the little rabbit enters the fence, just stay close to the fence.

The box will immediately flash red.

Then sound the alarm.


The Foundation's agents immediately stopped him.

Prevent Taotie from eating the containment device directly.

Does this directly mean that the containment was successful?

Everyone was shocked.


Swain couldn't help being stunned, his face showing an extremely incredible body.

Another missed opportunity.

The reason why he didn't order the Noxian army to capture the rabbit immediately.

It was because he thought that even if he caught this rabbit, there would be no way to imprison this rabbit.


In the end, I really wanted to bring this rabbit to Noxus.

All of Noxus.

It may become food in its mouth.


Swain was prepared to wait.

But I didn't expect it.

This wait.

The people from the foundation came directly.

Even if people from the foundation come, Swain believes that they will definitely spend a lot of trouble.

At least enough.


Another scene that was unbelievable to him happened again.

The Foundation agents took in this rabbit so easily.


The only way they could contain the rabbit.


Just imprison this rabbit.

And looked after with the utmost care.

As long as the Taotie rabbit doesn't destroy the containment device.

Then there is no problem....

Valoran continent.

There was a look of disbelief on everyone's faces.

"Damn it! Is it that simple? Just kill this rabbit right away?"

"It's not a big deal at all, and the rabbit seems to be particularly docile when facing humans.

"As expected, it's still the Anomaly Containment Foundation. Every time we take care of it, it seems so easy."

"Oh my god, I seem to understand a little bit. The levels of these abnormal items should be divided according to the difficulty of containment, right?"

"Shocked! Brother, you are such a fucking genius!"


But just when everyone was shocked.

In the light curtain.

A new line of text appeared.

[Inventory of the Top Ten Abnormal Containment Objects of the Abnormal Containment Foundation! ]

[First place, Contained Object-963. Immortal! ]

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