Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 67: Proposing The Rainbow As An Abnormal Containment Object? Dr. Bright Is A Fucking Genius!

[Dr. Bright has the ability to transfer consciousness and abnormal containment object-963, but he does not have any of the following things or abilities: ]


[2, Cyclops]

[3, laser nostril]

[4,Laser mouth..]



After seeing this information.

All members of the investigation team responsible for the investigation were stunned for an instant.

What is Cyclops?

It's like being able to release two powerful lights from the eyes?

A mage's trick?


Even these powerful mages in Valoran wouldn't have such outrageous spells, right?

There are even more outrageous ones.

laser nostril

After a short analysis combined with the information that appeared earlier.

Swain probably understood.

Dr. Bright will trick new researchers into using rolls of paper to tame the Immortal Lizard.

So these things appear above.

It should be.

One piece of advice for those who have been deceived by Dr. Bright?

Let them not believe this.


This is really outrageous.

What is this so-called laser eye?

Laser mouth...

Will anyone really believe it?

But at this time.

Information in the light curtain.

Update again.

[The following items are not, and will never be, items in anomalous containment, regardless of Dr. Bright's request. ]


[2, double layer rainbow

[3, rainbow, no matter what form of rainbow it is]



After seeing this information.

All members of the investigation team involved in the investigation looked at each other momentarily.


He couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Hahaha, Dr. Bright is really funny. Could it be that he had previously submitted a request to the Foundation to list rainbows as anomalies?"

"Pfft~ I have to say, this Dr. Bright12 is really a fucking genius.

"It's quite interesting. A guy who wants to list rainbows as anomalies is really laughing his head off."

"Now I finally know what kind of existence Dr. Bright is. There is nothing he can't do except as you can't imagine!"

"A doctor like this at the foundation booth must have a big head!"


Even the always serious Swain.

He almost laughed.

This guy.

What kind of "genius" is he?


Swain at this moment.

I can already imagine that kind of picture.

Originally, Dr. Bright saw a rainbow in the sky and thought it was very interesting.


An application was submitted to the foundation.

I hope the Foundation can classify this rainbow as an anomaly.


Give number.


The foundation thought it was a bit absurd, so it rejected Dr. Bright's application.


Dr. Bright had no intention of giving up.


I simply applied directly to the foundation again.

The content of the application is to propose the double rainbow as an abnormality containment object.

no doubt.

Once again rejected by the Foundation.


Dr. Bright is particularly persistent.

Still wrote the application again.

This time the rainbow may be in another form.

at last.

The Foundation just couldn't take it anymore.


Just tell brig directly

No matter what form the rainbow takes, Dr. Bright will not be allowed to apply for ten more containment objects.


Swain could already imagine the headache that those foundation members responsible for approval had at that time.

Dr. Bright, such an uncompromising spirit.

It's really incredible.


More absurd.

Valoran continent.

Everyone saw this scene.

I couldn't hold it any longer.

"Hahahahaha, I can even imagine that scene now. I can already imagine the expressions of the foundation's special review and approval personnel when they see these applications submitted by Dr. Bright."

"It's really true. Ordinary rainbows can't be used, but they are only making a double-layered rainbow? In the end, the Foundation even banned all rainbows from being used as anomaly containment objects."

"Now, the image of Dr. Bright in my heart has completely changed."

"I thought the previous information was outrageous enough, but I didn't expect this information to be even more incredible."

"This doctor is really a genius. He has done so many outrageous things, even..."

"Pfft! I'm going to die laughing from this doctor!"

But then.

In the light curtain.

String after string of written information emerged once again.

A cursory glance.

There are thousands of them.

So much information was listed at the same time, which shocked everyone.

["Dr. Bright is not allowed to rent out Anomalous Containment Container-002, even (cross out and change to: especially) when he is responsible for purchasing the furniture."

[Dr. Bright is not allowed to challenge SCP076 again, an unwinnable game like three-in-a-row. ]

[Dr. bright is not allowed to use dr. bright, using scp914 to create items from Minecraft. ]


These numerous injunctions against Dr. Bright shocked everyone instantly.

They don't even know it now.

How powerful is this doctor's background?

Even so.

The Foundation would rather give him a ban.

I don't want him to disappear into the foundation forever.

Could it be that?

Is he just like the D-class personnel who was awarded the Foundation Star who appeared in the Gate of Death before?

Made a great contribution to the foundation?


The foundation's survival is at stake.

Is it closely related to Dr. Bright?

So even this one doctor did so many ridiculous things.

Why is the Foundation still willing to let him stay in the organization?


At this moment, Swain was unwilling to let go of any piece of information.


Immediately let the investigation team responsible for the investigation record it.


When the investigation team was recording these bans.

But while recording.

Shocked on one side.

He couldn't help laughing at the same time.

"I can't finish it. I can't finish it. There are too many. This Dr. Bright is so damn outrageous!"

"Hahaha, what kind of ban is this? If others don't agree with him... he will ask the foundation to list this woman as an anomaly for containment?"

"Damn it! This doctor is so talented. I don't even know how the Dao Foundation felt when faced with his proposals."

"Abnormal Containment Item-002, what is this? It was rented directly by the doctor.

But Swain at this moment.

Just stared at the light curtain tightly.

Looking at countless pieces of information.

he thinks.

All these ridiculous and uninhibited things that Bright did.

Maybe it's all just to hide your lonely heart?

after all.

It was mentioned in the previous information about Ph.D.

When he's bored.

I will always devote myself to the work of the foundation.

When he has nothing to do.

Will drink heavily.

So connected.

All these things he did were just to calm his lonely heart?

Think of this.

Swain's eyes froze for an instant.

But at this time.

The data in the light curtain began to slowly disappear.


A set of screens appeared.

inside the screen.

In a certain forest.

There is a tree.

A ruby ​​pendant hangs in the middle of the tree.

In the light of the afterglow.

It appears more translucent and dazzling.

Seeing this thing, the continent of Valoran exploded instantly.

"Look, that pendant, is it the abnormal containment object 963 Immortality?"

"What a beautiful pendant. Under the sunshine, it is even more desirable. I really want to own it."

"This beautiful pendant contains Dr. Bright's consciousness. Are you sure you want it? Have you remembered the previous ban?"

"Is this the anomaly contained object - Immortal? It's almost exactly the same as the description. It's indeed a gem pendant. It looks sparkling and extremely alluring from a distance!"

"It's so beautiful, but when I think about the consciousness of a neurologist sealed inside, I can't help but tremble!"

"Hahaha, I want to laugh when I mention this!"

But at this moment.

See this scene.


Swain frowned suddenly.


The order was immediately issued: "The abnormal containment object 963 Immortality has appeared!"

In Swain's opinion.

this pendant.

There is no indication of its danger from the data.

It's just that Dr. Bright's consciousness is sealed inside.

But that's exactly what happened.

Swain instantly became interested.

For those abnormal containment objects.

Swain is even more interested in the organization behind these anomalies—the Anomaly Containment Foundation.

If you can get this pendant.

Then rely on Dr. Bright's consciousness inside.

It is very possible to establish a relationship with the Anomaly Containment Foundation.

This is for Noxus.

All benefit and no harm.


They have no hesitation.

The order was given again: "Quick, immediately investigate the location of this forest for me?"

"As long as it's the continent of Valoran, no matter where it ends, I must get this pendant."

The order was given.

Noxian Investigation Jr.

The team quickly began to take action.


The light of Karma's gaze.

When she saw the crystal clear pendant.

There was a look of excitement on his face.

"Is this anomaly containment object - immortal?"

"It looks so crystal clear. It is indeed a treasure, even if it is an anomaly..."

As the guardian of Ionia.


Karma also thought about the pendant.

after all.

This thing contains the consciousness of a Foundation doctor sealed inside.

That one Ph.D.

He has a high status in the foundation.

So, Dr. Bright should know a lot about the Anomaly Containment Foundation.

If Ionia could obtain this pendant.

Followed by 517.

Just find someone to wear it.

This guy wearing the pendant can become the next Dr. Bright.


Ionia is absolutely able to control most of the Foundation's information.

This is important for Ionia's future survival.

plays an extremely important role.


Karma had almost no hesitation.

He looked at Irelia next to him.

The two simply looked at each other.

Then he understood what the other person was thinking.


Irelia immediately ordered: "Send an army and search for this forest immediately!"


It's not just Noxus and Ionia.

Including the current Freljord.

And Demacia.

All these city-states.

They all started to act quickly.

In short, there is only one reason.

That is.

This pendant is extremely powerful for any cost.

A doctor with an extremely important position in the Foundation is sealed inside.

They want to learn about this foundation, and this is definitely the best opportunity.

Got the pendant.

Dr. Bright's consciousness can be resurrected.

You can take advantage of all this.

Seek the best interests for their respective city-states!

But at this time.

In the light curtain.

The silhouette of a monkey fell from the tree.

Bathed in sunshine.

That extraordinarily sparkling pendant sparkled.

The monkey took a look.

Instant interest arose.


A swinger came to the pendant.

Pick up the pendant.

Immediately afterwards.

Just bring the pendant directly to your neck.

The appearance of this scene.


Everyone in Valoran was shocked.

"Is it... next?"

"Damn it, this monkey actually brought that abnormal containment object - immortality, is it possible for Dr. Bright?"

"What? A monkey actually brought immortality directly to his neck. What will happen next? I can't even think about it..."

"Oh my God, the development of this plot is too outrageous. Now I can't help but want to laugh..."

But the next moment.

Almost the moment the monkey put on the pendant.

The monkey's eyes suddenly changed.

at the same time.

An extremely annoyed voice suddenly came from the monkey's body.

"Damn it! No! How the hell am I alive again?"

in the sound.

There is even a hint of despair....

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