Alliance: The Foundation Was Exposed At The Beginning, Shocking The World

Chapter 68: Dr. Bright Angered The Monkey King? A New Inventory Begins!

In the light curtain screen.

That monkey suddenly lost its spirituality and became decadent.


He spread his hands out, showing a particularly helpless look.

"How come I'm alive again? Alas..."


When Dr. Bright looked in the direction of his body.

But I found yellow hair all over my body.

Dr. Bright.

He was immediately stunned.

"Here, how come my consciousness was copied on a monkey this time?"

Dr. Bright can think of it.

I will still resurrect my consciousness after someone else wears this damn pendant.

But what he never expected was.

This time.

The guy wearing this damn pendant turned out to be a monkey.

On the continent of Valoran.


I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, you never would have guessed. This time the anomaly was actually picked up by a monkey. The key is that after the monkey put on this pendant, it seemed to have the consciousness of Dr. Brih!"

"I'm laughing so hard, hahahahaha!"

"What? I originally thought that only when someone wears this pendant can the consciousness be resurrected, but I didn't expect...a monkey can do it too~"

"Yes, didn't we mention it in the previous information? Any ape can do it."


When I saw this scene.

Swain was stunned for a moment.

"Sure enough, as suggested in the information, not only humans, but also apes will trigger abnormal characteristics after wearing the pendant!"

"To be precise, it's Dr. Bright, who has now turned into a monkey."

However, those guys who were responsible for investigating the data quickly started analyzing it.

“The pendant is currently on the monkey, and as long as it does not exceed 30 days and then the pendant is taken off, there won’t be a big problem.

"But...if it exceeds 30 days, then Dr. Bright's consciousness will disappear and the consciousness sealed in the pendant will become the consciousness of this monkey?"

!!This is actually true!”

Swain soon filled the table with information about this pendant.

as well as.

The conclusions reached by the investigation team.

Swain's pupils suddenly shrank.

He immediately ordered: "Quick, have you found the forest?"

"Send out quickly, and no matter what, we must remove the pendant from the monkey's neck within 30 days.

Once it exceeds 30 days.


Swain's great plan.

It was completely shattered.

However, in the light curtain.


The monkey that possesses Dr. Bright's consciousness.

Came to the lake.

Through the reflection on the lake, I saw the appearance of the sharp-mouthed monkey's gills.

Dr. Bright wanted to jump into the lake and commit suicide on the spot.

But at this time.

not far away.

A group of monkeys rushed towards Dr. Bright.

I saw one of the monkeys shouting "Squeak!" to the monkeys behind him.


Countless monkeys rushed towards Dr. Bright.


The guy who took the lead.

Most likely the monkey king of this group of monkeys.

See here.

Dr. Bright ran away.

"Damn, what did this monkey do before he put on the pendant?"

"So much so pissed off the monkeys."


All the members of the investigation team responsible for investigating the information looked at each other.

Big eyes stared at small eyes.

Speak the truth.

I have seen so many anomalous containment objects.

The scene that appeared this time.

It was really the first time they met.

Picture of light curtain.

Dr. Bright, although said to be good at fighting techniques.

But at this moment.

Still somewhat outnumbered.

after all.

He was beaten directly to the lake by a large group of monkeys.

at no choice.

Dr. Bright could only jump onto a raft in the lake.

The expression on his face was extremely aggrieved.

"What the hell is going on? What on earth did this damn monkey do before he put on the pendant?"

The monkeys on the shore saw Dr. Bright and were chased directly to the raft.

Then he patrolled the shore directly.

There was a squeaking sound.

as if.


This group of monkeys has completely targeted Dr. Bright.

As long as it dares to come ashore.

Just break its ribs.


Valoran continent.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't hold back any longer.

He laughed out loud.

"Pfft~Hahahaha, I laughed so hard. I never thought that Dr. Bright would end up like this..."

"The monkey with the missing hand probably appeared before the scene and really angered the monkey group. Otherwise, how could it be chased and beaten by these monkeys?"

"It makes me laugh. Just like what was described in the previous information, this doctor's death depends on chance. Now, this doctor's consciousness was accidentally transferred to the body of a monkey. This is simply too unlucky. Bar..."

"Based on the current situation, it seems that the monkey king of the monkey group does not intend to let Dr. Bright leave the lake so easily..."

"Hiss~ Doctor, shouldn't he be isolated in the lake forever like this?"

At this moment in the light screen.

The monkey king chirped a few times, and then left a few monkeys behind and left the lake with most of the monkey group.

One of the monkeys.

It was arranged directly in the shallow water area of ​​​​the lake.

Staring at the lake all the time.

as if.

As soon as Dr. Bright leaves the lake, he will be notified immediately.


A large group of monkeys will come from all directions.

Chase Dr. Bright back into the lake again.


When everyone saw this scene.

There was an extremely strange look on their faces.


The abnormalities this time were beyond their imagination.

after all.

All anomalous containment objects previously inventoried by the Foundation.

Once it appears in the Valoran continent, it will inevitably cause a lot of damage and losses.

Take the previous Immortal Lizard as an example.

It almost destroyed a forest directly.

If not for the timely arrival of the foundation.

I am afraid.

The entire Valoran will be in crisis.

But what I didn't expect was the anomaly this time.

But it was an accident.

It did not cause any harm to this continent.


Being beaten by a group of monkeys...

It's almost dumbfounding.

Lux touched her nose, and the previous fear was no longer on her face.


He even couldn't help but smile: "It would be great if every abnormality in the foundation would not cause widespread damage.

After comparison.

Lux felt Dr. Bright, including the pendant around his neck.

The sense of security is just too strong.

But at this moment.

in the screen.

Not far away, a guy with a gun on his shoulder walked towards the river.

He is walking in the forest.


I saw a monkey on the bamboo raft by the river.

The key is.

This monkey seemed to be surrounded by a group of monkeys.

at no choice.

That's why I couldn't get ashore.

for all this.

Graves was intrigued.

He walked towards the shore.

Immediately afterwards, several shots were fired in the direction of the group of monkeys on the shore.


Gunfire was heard.

Those monkeys.

Just ran away.

Graves looked at the lonely monkey standing on the bamboo raft on the lake.


His eyes fell on the ruby ​​necklace around the monkey's neck.

That ruby ​​necklace.

Under the sunshine.

It looks particularly dazzling.


On a monkey.

How come you are carrying such a beautiful ruby?

Graves smiled slightly.


He simply took out a pack of bananas from his pocket.

Immediately afterwards.

Extend a hand.

Passed the banana in his hand.

With his other hand, he pointed at the necklace around Dr. Bright's neck.


Swain stared closely at the light screen, his brows furrowed.

What is this damn guy doing?

He is prepared.

Trade a banana for the necklace around Dr. Bright's neck?

Damn it.

We can't let this guy succeed.


Swain cursed loudly: "Damn it, have you found the location of that forest?"

"Go to the lake...go to the lake immediately to stop this guy!"

But at this time.

Picture in the light curtain.

But there was an extremely joyous scene.

Fregus handed over the banana.

If it were an ordinary monkey, the pendant around his neck might not be as attractive as the banana.


The monkey standing on the bamboo raft now.

Not an ordinary monkey.

It's a monkey whose consciousness has been copied by Dr. Bright.


Dr. Bright was prepared to refuse.

But when he looked at the reflection in the lake again.

He is currently in the form of a monkey.

This is simply appalling.


This pendant can be worn by the person on the shore.

Then your own consciousness will be engraved in the brain of the gunman.


You can completely separate yourself from this monkey's body.


Dr. Bright particularly hates the fact that he is now resurrected.


It's better for your consciousness to appear in the mind of a human than in a monkey.

Figured it all out.


The corners of Dr. ght's mouth raised slightly.

Then he rowed the bamboo raft with his hands and came to the shore.

He happily took the banana.

after all.

My consciousness is about to leave the body of this damn monkey.

Leave it with a banana.

Help it and those monkeys to create hatred.

This is what Dr. Bright should do.


Dr. Bright took the pendant directly from his neck and used both hands to support the necklace and open it.

He looked like he wanted to put it on Graves.

Graves was stunned.

What the fuck...

Is this monkey a spirit?

He just felt something weird, but this weirdness couldn't be described in words.

at last.

Graves smiled happily.

Just put on that pendant.

Almost at the moment the monkey took off the pendant and put it on Graves' neck.

The monkey fainted suddenly.

Then he woke up again.

Then he held the banana in his mouth and ran towards the depths of the forest.

not far away.

A group of monkeys saw it.

He immediately chased after him.

But on Graves' side.

Basically the situation is the same.

There was a tremor all over his body.

There was a noticeable change in his eyes.

Graves looked in the direction of the escaped monkey deep in the forest.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly.

Show a smile...


When Swain saw this scene, his brows suddenly tightened.


What he didn't expect was.

This time.

Still let one guy get in first.

Be the first to get the pendant with Dr. Bright's consciousness.

But there's no rush.

Wait until Noxus' ace army finds this boy.

Then grab the pendant from him.

It doesn't seem to be that difficult.

Valoran continent.

When everyone saw this scene appearing inside the light curtain.

A heated discussion ensued.

"Hahaha, Dr. Bright is still as mean as ever. He even chose to copy his consciousness into a human body before giving it to the monkey.

It triggered a wave of hatred. "

"You're laughing so hard, that monkey is so unlucky!"

"Looking at it this way, Dr. Bright's consciousness should have been copied to this gunman.

"(What's wrong..."

But at this time.

Picture in the light curtain.

Suddenly it became dark,

Wait until the light curtain lights up again.

Inside the forest.

But it was completely deserted...

It seemed unusually quiet.

at the same time.

In a certain base.

[Congratulations to the host, you successfully contained the abnormal containment object-963 Immortality! ]


I heard this mechanical compound sound in my mind.

Ye Xi nodded with satisfaction.

Speak the truth.

Dr. Bright is a little crazy when it comes to doing things.


At least.

Dr. Bright is absolutely loyal to the Anomaly Containment Foundation.


Extremely simple.

It didn’t even take any effort at all.

at the same time.

Ye Xi thought of everything that had happened before.

Can't help but smile.

Dr. Bright, although a bit "naughty".


A guy with an immortal spirit.

It's not a big deal actually.


Swain stared closely at the light curtain.

Suddenly he looked confused.

What just happened?

The screen goes black and then lights up.

Is it all over?

It wasn't just the one wearing Dr. Bright's pendant that disappeared.


Even the gunman disappeared together.

Swain was unwilling.


He still missed the chance to get this pendant.


The scene in the light curtain suddenly ended.

It seems that the foundation should have taken action.

Otherwise, admire.

There should be no one who can contain that anomaly so easily!

But at this time.

The picture in the light curtain lit up again.


A new string of textual information emerged.

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