Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 1: Become a poor family

The baby's cries, faint sobbing, and lung-splitting curses were mixed together to create a mess that was comparable to a vegetable market. Shen Xiaoxiao was so noisy that her ears were ringing and she had a splitting headache. She opened her eyes with difficulty, she was so stupid! Wood and tile roof? what's the situation? Could it be that the car accident damaged her brain? Why didn't she know that there was a hospital with this design in City A? She had a car accident, so logically she should have woken up in the hospital! What is this place? She quietly looked at the surrounding environment: adobe walls, wooden lattice windows, the paper on the windows was yellowed and torn in some places, and there were adobe beds and broken straw mats! How poor this is! There was also a woman sitting next to the bed who was crying and breastfeeding a baby. The key point was the woman in ancient costume! She closed her eyes and opened them again. Is this a joke? Are you at the filming site?

She raised her hand to hit her head where she had a splitting headache, suspecting that she was hallucinating! Wait, why have my hands become so small? These are obviously the hands of a child! Look at my body now, my God! This small body is clearly what a five or six year old child should have! Could it be that I have traveled through time? This is a big joke!

The woman next to her noticed Xiaoxiao's movements and felt happy. She stopped crying and said in surprise: "Xiao'er, you're awake. That's great. You're finally awake. Thank God! My Xiao'er is finally awake!" The woman adjusted the position of the baby in her arms, and then freed up a hand to touch Shen Xiaoxiao's forehead, "Xiao'er, does your head still hurt? Is there any other discomfort on your body? If you feel uncomfortable anywhere, you must tell your mother. do you know?"

Shen Xiaoxiao quietly looked at the woman next to her. She called herself Xiaoer and claimed to be her mother. She was the mother of this body. The woman was wearing a cardigan of coarse cloth that had been washed white and had patches everywhere. Her hair was tied into a simple round bun behind her head with a wooden hairpin. She wore a pair of white fungus dings on her ears. Her skin was a bit dark and her skin texture was a bit dark. A bit dry, but the skin is still delicate, the facial features are exquisite, and the eyes are a little red and swollen, probably caused by crying for too long. The overall impression of this woman is very gentle and kind. If her skin were whiter and she had more flesh, she would definitely be a beauty. Now she can only be said to be a skinny refugee! Xiaoxiao evaluated it in her heart.

"Xiao'er, what's wrong with Xiao'er?" Seeing Shen Xiaoxiao staring at her intently without answering, the woman stretched out her hand and shook it in front of her eyes. She couldn't help but worry that her daughter might have broken her brain.

Shen Xiaoxiao came back to her senses, feeling that her throat was very dry, and she was about to ask for a glass of water. The door curtain was lifted, and an eighty-nine-year-old boy and a tall and burly man walked in one after another. The two people's eyebrows were very similar, and it was obvious at a glance that they were father and son.

When the woman saw them coming in, she happily greeted them and said, "Daddy, come here quickly. Xiao'er is awake." After saying this, her eyes could not help but fill with tears. Of course it was tears of joy.

"Xiao'er" they both said in unison, and then quickly squeezed to the bed together. The man gently stroked the top of Shen Xiaoxiao's hair with his hand and asked heartbreakingly: "Xiao'er, does your head still hurt?"

The boy held her hand and said in a tearful voice: "Xiao'er, you finally woke up. You have been sleeping for three days and two nights. If you don't wake up, I will eat all the eggs I took out and won't give them to you." Why don’t you say anything when you eat Xiao’er?”

Shen Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes in her heart, you didn't give me a chance to say anything. Finally finding a chance to speak, she hurriedly said, "I want to drink water." Her voice was hoarse and almost inaudible, but the people in front of the bed heard her because they were paying careful attention to her.

"I'll pour it right away!" The boy said and ran out quickly, and soon came in with a bowl full of water.

"Third daughter-in-law, why don't you hurry up and go cook? It's your turn to cook today. Dad and the others will be coming back from the field in a while. The whole family, old and young, are waiting!" A woman outside the house said in a loud voice: "Really, I'm still lying in bed in broad daylight, enjoying myself! I'm not afraid of losing my life! Unfortunately, I got up before dawn, cut the grass, feed the chickens, feed the pigs, pour vegetables, wash clothes, make breakfast, and now I haven't even had a sip of water!"

Several people in the room paused.

"Xiao'er, after you drink the water, lie down again. The lady will bring you lunch when the time comes." The woman glanced at the baby who had fallen asleep after being fed with milk, and then gently placed her on the bed. On the kang, he covered himself with quilt and got ready to get off the kang, "Rui'er, mom is going to cook. You feed Xiao'er some water and help mom take care of the sisters. If you need anything, just call mom, okay?"

The man stopped the woman with his hand, frowning with disapproval on his face, "What are you doing? Dad just said yesterday that you can only start working after you are in confinement. I'll go talk to my second sister-in-law!" Went out.

The boy also pulled the woman's sleeve tightly, looking at the woman with pleading and worried eyes, and shook his head, "Mom!"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the situation in front of him and couldn't understand it. This woman is going to cook while still in confinement. Are you kidding me? If a woman does not have a good confinement period, it is easy to get the root cause of the disease. In order to help the mother with this body, he could only let her feed him water, so he looked at the woman pitifully.

"Mom, I want you to feed me!"

Seeing this, the woman softened her heart. She really didn't have to work during confinement, not to mention that she usually helped her second sister-in-law to cook. If something happened to her daughter just after she woke up, she wouldn't have to live anymore.

"Okay, Mom, let me feed you." She carefully helped Xiaoer up, took the bowl, and fed her spoonful by spoonful.

After Shen Xiaoxiao drank a bowl of water, she felt much better. With the help of the woman, she lay back on the kang. She needed to think about the current situation quietly by herself, and she was so dizzy that she said, "I want to sleep again."

"Okay, go to sleep. Mom will be by your side." The woman covered her with the quilt and lay down on the kang herself. After all, she was still in confinement.

When the boy saw that both of them were asleep and had nothing to do with themselves, he said, "Mom, I'm going to Brother Zixuan's place."

"Okay, remember to come back early for dinner." The woman agreed.

Xiaoxiao closed her eyes and thought about things. She remembered that she had just attended the company's celebration banquet. The eldest brother sent his father, mother and pregnant sister-in-law back to their villa. The second brother rushed to the airport halfway through the banquet to take a night flight to the United States. The third brother wanted to send his girlfriend home. I had a meeting early tomorrow morning, so I drove back to my house near the company. Unexpectedly, I met a truck running a red light on the way. Because it was the middle of the night, there were few cars and people, my car was going very fast, and the other person's was also very fast, which was a tragedy. He knocked himself into this poor place.

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