Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 2 The cause of death of the original owner

Xiaoxiao opened her eyes again and looked at the house. It had a roof made of wooden beams and tiles. Only the lower half of the walls were painted, while the upper half was made of adobe bricks. The windows were wooden lattice windows, and the window paper had turned yellow. He slept on an earthen kang, and there was a kang cabinet on top of the kang. There was an Eight Immortals table on the ground, both of which were half new. Looking at these things, sleep slowly came over me, and I really fell asleep.

While sleeping, I had a dream, and what I dreamed about was the original owner's life in the first half of his life. It turns out that the original owner of this body is named Shen Xiaoer, which is only one character different from his own name. He is only seven years old this year. His father's name is Shen Chengyao, and his mother's name is Liu Minling. Now everyone only calls her Liu. The Shen family has not yet been divided, so Mr. Shen, Shen Rengui, and the Shen Zhuang family are in charge. The two parents gave birth to a total of four sons, one daughter, and another daughter who was not raised yet. Therefore, the old couple were afraid of holding the little girl in their mouths. In short, she was like a jewel.

Shen Chengyao is the third eldest in the family. He is twenty-five years old this year, while Liu is only twenty-three years old. Although he looks so young, he is already the father and mother of five children. The original owner has a nine-year-old brother Shen Jingrui, a five-year-old brother Shen Jinghao, and a younger sister who was just a few days old. The relationship between the brothers and sisters is very good.

The original owner was pushed by his second cousin Shen Beier when he went to wash clothes by the stream three days ago. He slipped and fell, hitting his head on a stone and died.

This second cousin is eleven years old, with beautiful appearance and fierce personality. The mother of the original owner of Qian'er, Ms. Liu, had just given birth to her little girl four days ago, and it happened to be Ms. Liu's turn to wash clothes and feed livestock. Originally, postpartum women didn't have to work, but Mrs. Shen Zhuang didn't say anything, so the second aunt asked Mrs. Liu to do the laundry. During the third bath, the original owner heard her grandma repeatedly telling Mrs. Liu not to touch cold water, not to do heavy work, not to do embroidery work and to stay in bed more during confinement, otherwise the root cause of the disease would be caused. The original owner was worried that his mother would suffer from the disease, so he took the initiative to take over the job. Usually when Mr. Liu washes clothes, the original owner will be there to help, and he has already learned how to wash clothes.

The original owner took the wooden basin and first went to the east wing where Mr. Shen lived to collect the clothes that the two elders and sister-in-law had changed, and then went to collect the clothes from the second uncle's family in the west wing. The door of the second aunt Li's room was closed. Just as the original owner was about to knock on the door, she heard the second aunt and her second uncle talking.

"Sending that stinky girl Xiaoer to the Hu Mansion to be a maid, we have fifty taels of silver, fifty taels! How can we get it now? It took us more than ten years to save twenty-three taels, and now we only need If you send that girl over, you'll get 50 taels for free. It'll make you laugh in your dreams."

"I heard that the Yang family recruits maids to train them well and then send them to Juhualou to become flower girls. The third family will not agree, right?!" Shen Chengzong's eyes lit up when he heard that there were 50 taels of silver, but what he said was a bit... hesitate.

"This is what everyone spreads. Even if you believe even 30% of this gossip, you will be tricked to death! Besides, do you think everyone can be a ****? Then you have to pay attention to appearance and figure, just like that girl fucking green beans Who would fall in love with people with the same figure! If you can be a maid who can wash your hands, that’s pretty good!" What Li said was a bit contrary to her will. Although Xiaoer is as skinny as a stick, her facial features are exquisite. Even though her skin is tanned now, people in the village think that the girl is pretty and smart. Of course, she is not as good as her own daughter. Although she is only 11 years old, her skin is white and supple, and her figure is much better than the girls of the same age in the village.

"The third child will not let his daughter become a maid! Our father will not agree, right?" Although he said this, Shen Chengzong was already thinking of ways to persuade them.

"The third son and his wife are so honest. They can make up any excuses to fool them. Why don't we hide it from dad? He won't be able to change anything after it happens. Let's tell mom that she can hide it from dad, and the money will say The Hu family buys maids for 20 taels each, so we can keep the 30 taels hidden!" When Li heard what Shen Chengzong said, she knew he agreed.

"Okay! Then let's put it all together. We have to think of a perfect way, ten million." The voices of the two of them became weaker and weaker.

"What are you doing here?" As soon as Shen Beier walked into the house, she saw the original owner standing outside her door, eavesdropping, and shouted loudly, reminding her parents.

The original owner was startled and stood up straight, pretending to be calm. "I came to collect the clothes for washing. I thought the door was closed and I thought no one was there! Is Second Aunt there? Second Aunt, are you in the house? Take out the dirty clothes." , I'm going to wash up!" After shouting, he pretended to knock on the door, and called "Second Aunt" again.

The people inside were startled when they heard the movement outside. Mrs. Li hurriedly opened the door and walked out. The original owner reiterated that she was here to collect the dirty clothes and wash them. Mrs. Li took out the dirty clothes and handed them to the original owner.

"Girl Xiao'er is diligent and does all the housework very well. It's not like your sister Beier who only knows how to embroider all day long!" Girls have to be pampered. They spend all day doing laundry, cooking, and feeding chickens and pigs. Isn't it just a matter of getting married in the future? It's better to sell the life of a mud-legged person and get dozens of taels, which is considered to be of good use.

"Second Aunt, I have to go wash the clothes quickly. My mother is still waiting for me to come back and take care of her." The original owner was not in the mood to pay attention to her overt and sarcastic words. He quickly took the clothes and hurriedly put them under the suspicious eyes of the two people. Ran out. She had to wash her clothes quickly, then go home and tell her parents what they had just overheard.

Because the original owner was young and had little energy, it took him a long time to wash the clothes. All the other people washing clothes by the stream had gone home, and she was the only one left. She struggled to hold up a tub full of clothes and stood up straight. As soon as she turned around, she saw Shen Beier walking towards her angrily and pushed her hard without saying a word. The original owner fell back gorgeously and hit her head on a stone by the stream. The blood immediately stained the nearby stream red, and she fainted.

After the dream was over, Shen Xiaoxiao woke up.

Shen Xiaoxiao restrained the memory of the original owner and thought about her future. I have already traveled through time. It is probably impossible to commit suicide and go back. After all, the chance of traveling back through time is probably not even one in ten thousand. Since you can't go back, just live well here. And maybe this body has the original owner's feelings for her parents, siblings, so she feels they are kind and feels family affection, so it is quite easy to accept them as her current parents. In modern times, one of the Shen family's family mottos is to work hard to live a good life no matter what environment you are in. Because only in this way can your family feel at ease. Dad, mom, grandpa, grandma, eldest brother, second brother, third brother, sister-in-law, please rest assured. Xiaoxiao is still alive, but she has become another person in another time and space. Shen Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, an action she had not done for many years.

I am Shen Xiaoer, from this moment on, from this room.

In modern times, Shen Xiaoxiao has passed away for half a year. That night, several people in the Shen family's old house all had the same dream. They dreamed that Hou Xiaoxiao was kidnapped when he was a child. After he was rescued, he woke up and saw everyone's faces with heartache and worry, so he deliberately made everyone happy: "You guys Don't look so bitter, Xiaoxiao is so smart, I can live well no matter what environment I am in. I have already thought of a way to escape, but you don't give me a chance to use it!" Everyone was stunned. She laughed at her pretentious look. As the scene turned, I saw a thin little girl wearing ancient clothes who had just opened her eyes, with a familiar brilliance in her eyes.

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