Shen Chengyao stopped the bullock cart and opened his hands, trying to protect his wife and children. This was just the instinctive reaction of a person to open his hands to protect the most important person when he was in danger. In fact, this action was not acceptable in front of so many people. What effect will it have.

"There are so many brothers, I wonder what's wrong with you?"

"Are you Shen Chengyao? We are from Victory Gambling House, and we are here to collect gambling debts." The man standing in the middle shook a money bag in one hand and blew on a piece of paper in the other.

"My name is Shen Chengyao, yes, but I don't owe you any gambling debts. You have found the wrong person." Shen Chengyao was relieved that he was from a gambling shop and not a robber.

"Is she Mrs. Liu?" The man's hand holding the money bag stretched out and pointed at Mrs. Liu and asked.

"Yes, but no one in our family gambles, how can we owe gambling debts." Although people in gambling houses will beat people to collect debts, they will not hurt innocent people.

"This debt is owed by Liu Minjie, five hundred taels. He said that Mrs. Liu is his sister and asked me to ask you to get it. If you are sensible, please take out the money quickly, otherwise we sticks will be blind!"

"We broke off our relationship a few years ago." Mrs. Liu hurriedly explained after hearing this.

"She's not born from the same mother! What kind of girl are you! Go find the rightful owner quickly, otherwise you won't regret it!" Xiaoer said coldly.

Then Mrs. Liu Ma couldn't take advantage of it, so she put the gambling debt on others. Unfortunately, these people had to have the ability to get them to come up with money!

"Regret, we only regret not getting the money. We don't take it out, right? The old woman said, if you don't take it, then beat it. If you get scared, take it! Old Hei! Hit me!"

A dark-skinned man came up and started beating the things on their bullock cart.

Yun'er shouted in fright, and Mrs. Liu immediately hugged her in her arms, and everyone quickly jumped out of the bullock cart.

"Don't fight. Let my wife and children leave first, and then I will give you the banknotes!" Shen Chengyao stopped him quickly, then turned back to Liu and the others and said, "Quickly leave!"

"Go? No, you have to keep the banknote! Brothers, beat him until he takes it out!" the man holding the money bag ordered.

Those people began to surround him and even began to beat Shen Chengyao.

"If you dare to touch a hair of my wife and children, you won't even get a penny!" Still beating! Shen Chengyao was also angry and kicked away the person approaching him!

When a person wasn't paying attention, Xiaoer snatched the stick from his hand, then raised his hand and knocked the man unconscious with the stick. Then he held the stick again and moved forward bravely as if he was not afraid of death! When you see one, hit him with a hammer, and those people will wailing, hugging their feet, and covering their heads!

Jing Rui, Fang Wenri and Jing Hao surrounded Liu and Yun'er behind them, nervously retreating and looking down at those people.

"Be careful." Xiaoer grabbed two sticks and threw them to Jingrui and Wen Richu.

"Haoer, help me pick up the rocks, make them bigger!" Xiaoer threw the stick and hit one person on the head!

After hearing this, Mrs. Liu, Yun'er, and Jing Hao all hurriedly picked up stones from the ground. There was nothing good about the roads in ancient times. There was just a lot of grass and stones. There were stones and dead grass on both sides of the road! Xiaoer hits the heads of people who are far away from her with a stone, one hit at a time!

A black figure fell from the sky, and with a flash of sword light, he chopped off the hand that was holding a stick and hitting Xiaoer!



The black figure flashed, and the sword was placed on the neck of the man who was swinging the money bag leisurely.

The man was immediately frightened so much that his legs were shaking like an electric shock. He raised his hands and dropped his money bag to the ground. "Hero, spare your life!"

"Stop! Don't let me say it a third time!"

"Stop, stop quickly, didn't you hear what this hero said?"

Those people stopped. Some people looked at Xiao'er with a little fear. This little girl could hit better than her father, and the place she hit was really painful!

The man in black inserted his sword into the arm and raised it in front of the man with the severed hand. He looked at the leader and said, "Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner. Next time, remember not to find the wrong person! Some people are not You can mess with it! Take it back and pick it up!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I know, there will be no next time!" The man who threw the money bag nodded and bowed in agreement.

The man stretched out his remaining hand tremblingly, and the pain in his body was forgotten by the fear. He wanted to take his arm back, but the man in black shook the hand with his internal force and dropped it to the ground.

"Don't cut off my hand!" He was so frightened that he subconsciously wanted to hold the remaining hand with his other hand, only to realize that the hand was gone!

"Get out!" The group of people dispersed, ignoring their fainted companion on the ground.

"Thank you, hero, for the rescue." Shen Chengyao bowed to the man in black.

"It takes a little effort." After saying this, the man in black jumped again, returned to the mountain on the roadside, and disappeared.

Xiaoer looked thoughtfully at the direction in which the man in black was leaving. Why is this person helping my family? Moreover, this person has been following my family secretly since this morning. What's the origin? What is the purpose? Has something about space been discovered?

Shen Chengyao turned around, pulled Xiaoer and looked up and down, left and right, "Is Xiaoer injured? What about you, are any of you injured?"

Xiaoer shook her head, "I'm fine. Dad, does your shoulder hurt?"

"We are all fine." Ms. Liu shook her head.

"I'm fine." Everyone also expressed that they were fine.

Shen Chengyao was hit on the shoulder and was in severe pain now, but he still shook his head, "It's okay, let's go home."

Xiaoer took a pill to Shen Chengyao. After Shen Chengyao took it, the pain disappeared instantly. Only then did he really feel that Master Xiaoer's medicine was magical!

The people from the gambling house returned to the gambling house and reported the incident to the leader of the gambling house. The leader of the gambling house knocked on the table and said, "Send someone to find out where that family is from!"

The leader was filled with fear and anger. Damn it, he was deceived by that stinking old godly woman. Now he was kicked to pieces! The blame must be placed on Liu Minjie no matter what!

After the people sent out came back, they told the story of Shen Chengyao's family, and then said: "Some time ago, their family was imprisoned. They were arrested in the morning and released in the afternoon. They went home on the front foot and beat the gong on the back foot. The drummer came to apologize.”

"It's unheard of for an officer to arrest the wrong person and come to apologize while beating gongs and drums!" The boss of the gambling shop used the cup lid to stir up the tea leaves in the cup, and then took a sip of the tea.

"That family has friendship with the Marquis Mansion, the Young Master of the Li Mansion, and the Young Master of the Ming Mansion."

"He's just an ordinary farmer, but he has friendships with people from the Hou Mansion, Li Mansion, and Ming Mansion?" The leader of the gambling house thought for a while and then said, "Old Li, tomorrow you bring a gift and go apologize!"

"Here, our people have been beaten to death, with limbs and limbs broken, and we still have to come to apologize?" So what if they have friendship with the Hou Mansion, they still have a backing.

"The officials came to apologize when they arrested the wrong person. If you beat the wrong person and don't apologize, are you still bigger than the officials?"

"Uh, yes!"

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