Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 100 Equal Wife

Shen Chengyao drove his wife and children to Guishu Village with a cartload of new year's gifts. Along the way, he met many people who were also carrying large and small bags back to their parents' homes.

Except for Mrs. Liu who returned to her parents' home on the second day of the new year in the first year of her marriage, she has always returned to her parents' home after the first month of the year for so many years. In recent years, due to the bad times, she has not even given her anything to go back to her parents' home to visit relatives. You If you want to go back, go back empty-handed. The family was not separated, she didn't have a penny in her hand, and there were so many people in the village watching. She didn't want to embarrass Shen Chengyao and make her mother unable to hold her head up, so she didn't return. No matter how poor this family is, the daughter-in-law will not refuse to give her something when she returns to her parents' home.

Not long after the Xiaoer family entered Guishu Village, the villagers passing by saw Mrs. Liu dressed in silk and satin, and everyone in the oxcart had dazzlingly new clothes, as well as the oxcart full of things. They were filled with envy. .

It has long been said that Mrs. Liu married into a wealthy family and built a big house at the head of Lianxi Village. The house could not be built without a thousand or a hundred taels. Many people did not believe it. After all, during the autumn harvest, Mrs. Liu When I returned to my parents' home, I still looked sallow and thin. There was no patch on the clothes on my body, and they were washed white. You could tell that they had been worn for many years.

Now it seems to be true. Look at Mrs. Liu now, with a rosy complexion. The clothes on her body, the hairpin on her head, and the bracelets on her hands all show her wealth.

When you are poor in the busy city, no one cares about you; when you are rich in the mountains, you have distant relatives.

Many people greeted their family in a friendly way. Some people heard that when their family hired workers to build a house, they were given a lot of wages and good food. They even joked that they should remember to call them when they hire day laborers next time.

Watching Mr. Liu walking towards the village, an old man sighed, "So this person can't be looked down upon to death. Don't bully young people into being poor. Look at him, he has managed to get ahead now!"

She was familiar with Tan's mother and knew that the Liu family bought a shop in the county and opened a furniture shop in partnership with Liu Minhong, which opened after the year.

"I'm talking about Mrs. Fang, you know she's getting ahead of herself, maybe she's trying to show off her fatness!" A woman who was also visiting relatives said sourly.

"They really built a big house. The Tan family just went to have a wedding banquet some time ago. Also, his family also bought a shop in the county, the same shop where Minhong worked before. Now he is planning to marry Minhong Let’s open a furniture store together!”

"Really or not, why haven't I heard of it? The price of a shop in the county must be a few hundred taels at least!"

"You know Tan Fangshi, she said it herself." Tan Fangshi is Tan's mother. She is warm-hearted and kind-hearted. She is a capable and sharp woman, but she can't keep her mouth shut and can't hide anything. But she is not someone who makes trouble out of nothing, and everything she says is credible. Everyone in the village knows her character. ,

"Oh, this is true. Mrs. Tan Fang must be happy now. At that time, so many people wanted to marry Mrs. Tan, but she insisted on marrying her daughter to Liu Minhong, who didn't even have a house, and even offered the house to her son-in-law. Living together as a family, it turns out they are really discerning!"

"No wonder I see Mr. Tan Fang smiling happily every day. It turns out that's the case." People in the village were envious.

In the crowd, an old woman didn't know what she thought after hearing this. The expression on her face was ghastly. Liu Lin, the person she had bullied for most of her life, gave birth to such a good child. Think about her own children. , the eldest son was fond of gambling, and when he lost money he would go home and ask her for it. The younger son was addicted to alcohol, and would hit his wife when he was drunk. Even his own daughter-in-law ran away with others. My daughter married a husband-in-law. Although the family was a bit poor in income, he was lustful and always visited brothels. He made his daughter mad to death. Although she is an equal wife, Mrs. Liu Lin has been begging for food from her hands.

Such a person who has been bullied by her for half her life is now starting to live a good life. How can she bear it!

Since Mrs. Liu got married, she has never visited her second mother and her eldest and third brothers. How can that be okay? She has to ask her once to get back the annual gifts she has received over the years!

Mr. Liu Ma patted his dirty clothes and went to the dilapidated room.

"Ms. Liu Li, that stinky girl Minling, come out!" Mrs. Liu Ma shouted into the yard through the wooden door.

Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Liu had not heard such a cry for many years. When they suddenly heard the voice, the fear they had hidden in their hearts for many years came out, and their expressions changed.

Xiao'er noticed something strange between the two of them, and was surprised as to who could make her mother and grandmother so afraid.

"Mom, who is that outside?"

"Mad dog, barking!"

Mrs. Tan has a much more violent temper, and she is not afraid of Mrs. Liu Ma. After speaking, she immediately yelled back: "That mad dog is barking in front of my door. If you don't leave, don't blame me for throwing a basin of foot-washing water at him!"

"Ms. Liu Li, this is how you discipline your daughter-in-law. After all, I am also her second mother-in-law. I don't have the filial piety that I should have. What does it look like? Hurry up and open the door. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Bah, my second mother-in-law, with the blessing of Bodhisattva, we have broken off our relationship a long time ago. I have to read the divorce document every night before going to bed. I only have one mother-in-law in my life. You crazy dog, don't go around identifying your daughter-in-law. , your daughter-in-law has run away with someone else! And you’re welcome, just come over here! I want to see what you dare to do!"

Mr. Liu Ma really didn't dare to do anything. Mr. Tan's brothers were not easy to bully.

"Ms. Liu, you haven't given me a New Year's gift for my mother for so many years. It just so happens that we can make up for the past New Year's gifts this year, right?"

"I said, that aunt outside, are you not sick? If you are sick, go to the hospital and get some medicine. There are no children of yours in this house. Are you crazy about New Year's gifts? You married a rich man Didn’t the daughter of a rich man’s husband give you a New Year’s gift? All this came to my house begging for money.”

Xiaoer expressed that she really wanted to praise Ms. Tan, "My aunt is so powerful!" She never knew that Tan's fighting power was so strong!

Mrs. Liu Li also came to her senses. Now it is different from before. Mr. Liu is no longer here. They have also broken off their relationship and been kicked out. Why are they afraid of her!

"Don't worry about her. Let her scold her. After scolding her, she will leave on her own."

Ms. Liu Ma scolded her outside for a long time and no one paid any attention to her. She stamped her feet bitterly and prepared to leave. When Mrs. Liu returned home, she stopped her family halfway.

When the people in the village saw Mrs. Liu Ma was about to leave, they laughed and said, "Mrs. Liu Ma, you have the nerve to come and ask Mr. Liu for a New Year gift? Now you see that people are starting to get rich, and you feel unbalanced, right? You don't want to think about yourself either." I let Jing Sheng leave home without a penny, and now I want to get a New Year's gift. If I were you, I wouldn't dare to show up!"

"My family's affairs are none of your business. When will it be your turn to interrupt?" After saying this, Mr. Liu Ma left.

"Bah, it's just a broken house, why are you dragging it!"

Xiaoer's family went home after dinner, but they never expected to encounter a group of people blocking the way. They all held sticks and looked fierce.

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