Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 99 Shen Baoer’s Regret

Mr. Shen just walked in from outside. All the men in the village went to help people whose houses collapsed. He stayed up all night last night and couldn't stand it anymore. Shen Chengyao saw him and asked him to go home and sleep. The collapse of the east wing was not serious. Before dawn, Shen Chengyao, Shen Chengzu, Youfu and Dashi worked together to repair the collapsed part! For those broken tiles, Shen Chengyao repaired the rest of the house he built. He saw Mrs. Shen Zhuang walking out angrily and hurriedly stopped her, "What's wrong? Where do you want to go in such an angry manner?"

"The third brother's family, the one who can kill thousands of swords, can't turn his arms in or out. His eldest brother's family doesn't care, and they just let them live in the west wing room. In this cold day, the kang is not burning, just in case Wen'er is frozen. What should I do? Forget it, Mrs. Liu actually let a Sangmenxing star live in my son's house! I'm going to scold those two shameless people and ask Mrs. Liu if she wants to ruin our old Shen family. I'll rush there by the way. Get rid of that shameless Sangmenxing!" Mrs. Shen Zhuang pushed away Mr. Shen's blocking hand.

After hearing this, Mr. Shen hurriedly stopped Mr. Shen Zhuang. It would be okay if Mr. Shen Zhuang really went to make a scene in front of the third son's house.

Today is the first day of the new year. Someone scolded him early in the morning. If he himself would have hated this person for a whole year. During this period, he would wait for the third child to come back from time to time at the head of the village. After a few words and a closer relationship, he made him agree to have the New Year's Eve dinner together. Yesterday's New Year's Eve dinner was barely considered a happy one, but he didn't want to indulge in it. Mr. Zhuang has stirred things up again! Moreover, everyone in every household is busy at home today. When Shen Zhuang goes to make trouble, the whole village should come out to watch the fun! Everyone in the village knew that if Shen Zhuang drove away a homeless and helpless person, their family would definitely wear the label of being so cold-blooded and ruthless!

"Okay, if you make a fuss like this, everyone in the village will know that you drove her away, and you will end up with a reputation of being mean and ruthless! You don't even have to think about it! Besides, now everyone is helping the people whose houses collapsed. Repair the house and we can move out tonight, one more thing is worse than one small thing!"

"With her reputation living in my house, I'm worried about affecting Yuzhu's reputation! Whoever thinks I'm mean and heartless should take her home. I don't want the reputation. My family can't afford this giant Buddha!"

"You don't want it. Wen'er still has it. Do you still want to be Mrs. Gaoming?"

After saying this, Mrs. Shen Zhuang was speechless after hearing this. Mrs. Lan secretly resented that none of this could cause any trouble for Ms. Liu.

Mrs. Shen Zhuang stayed in the room for a while, but the anger in her heart still couldn't go away. Since she couldn't go to the third son's house to cause trouble, she went to find someone to talk to him. She didn't believe there was no room for reasoning in the world.

Mrs. Shen Zhuang decided to go to Mrs. Wang. Mrs. Wang's big mouth would definitely make the whole village know that Sangmen Xing was shamelessly staying at her son's house and refused to leave. I'd like to see how she would still have the face. Stay!

As a result, people in the village came up with two theories about this matter. One group of people said that Xu Wenhui couldn't stand the emptiness and loneliness, and seeing that Shen Chengyao was rich, she wanted to take advantage of the collapsed house to get close to the big tree. And this also led to the fact that there were always some particularly poor families who wanted to give their daughters to Shen Chengyao as concubines.

Another group of people said that Shen Chengyao had become rich and wanted to imitate the people in the city, who had three wives and four concubines. They had long been thinking about Xu Wenhui's youth and beauty, and now they finally had the opportunity. If it hadn't been for her before, why would he have hired her to open up wasteland or even build a building? Even asked her to cook when we stayed at the house! I'm afraid the two of them have been on good terms for a long time, but Mrs. Liu is the only one who is still acting stupid!

This incident also led to Xu Wenhui later hanging himself to show his innocence.

Mrs. Lan returned to the east wing and saw Shen Baoer sitting on the kang blankly, not knowing what to think.

"Bao'er, what's wrong? What are you thinking about?"

"Mom, was it wrong to break off the engagement with Mr. Ming?" During this period, Lan asked about Mr. Shangguan and found that there was no wealthy family named Shangguan in the entire county or even in the city. After Shen Jingzhi came back, he asked Shen Xiaoer Her fear also made her feel something vaguely, and her intuition told her that Master Shangguan was not someone she could afford. Young Master Li, on the other hand, simply looked down upon his own family. His mother asked some ladies to find out for him many times. Those ladies all said that Young Master Li's mother had only found women from good family backgrounds in the imperial capital for Young Master Li.

Are you going to be a concubine? She is a little unwilling! Being a concubine would mean bowing her head in front of the main wife for the rest of her life, and she was not willing to do so!

And the only opportunity she had fought for to marry into an official family was ruined by herself. To be honest, she saw the New Year's gifts that Meijijie gave to the village chief's family and Shen Nirui, including abalone, shark's fin, and bird's nest. There were those pieces of brocade, some Western gadgets, a grandfather clock, a music box, and an instrument called a piano, which she had rarely come into contact with or even heard of. She was jealous, those things should have been hers.

Although Meijijie was just a concubine, he had a wealthy grandfather. His grandfather was a well-known wealthy businessman in the city. His family specialized in selling precious flowers and plants, and also had a fleet of ships that went overseas for business.

If you have money and ability, how can your future career be any worse? Moreover, the legitimate son of the county prime minister's family is useless. This was something she only found out recently, which was why she regretted it so much.

"My daughter is very good in every possible way. She would be wronged by being married to a county magistrate's bastard. Don't think too much about it. My mother will be looking for a better marriage. She will definitely not wrong my baby." Lan Shi touched his daughter's head and looked at this beautiful daughter with satisfaction. This daughter looks 70% like me, and the remaining 30% also inherits Shen Chengguang's advantages.

There is no one in the whole village who can compare with his daughter, even the little girl from the village chief's family is not as good looking as his daughter. Mrs. Lan thought of Mrs. Liu yesterday, and thought of the two sisters who were dressed in exquisite clothes, and frowned. Huh, it’s not just those tattered clothes!

How did Lao San’s family become rich? Is it really because they picked up pearls? How did they get to know Mr. Shangguan and his family? Did they sell those pearls to Mr. Shangguan? Then she thought of the toy shop in the county that was sold out every day. Is it because of those toys that Mr. Shangguan looked at Lao Sanyi in a different light? It seems so. If someone helps me earn so much money, I will look at her differently.

The third child and his family are really not human beings. They have such good things and they are not sold in the grocery store. If his family can sell those toys, then the sky-high wealth will be just around the corner! What an ignorant white-eyed wolf!

"Bao'er, why don't you also want to make some doll styles, and we can also make some and sell them in the shop?" Now there are many small puppets on the street, they are all made after the ones in the toy shop, and there are some The modified ones are selling well because the prices are much cheaper than those in shops.

My daughter's work must be better than that ignorant girl Xiao'er's. My daughter has been reading and literate since she was a child, and she knows a lot of things. How could she not be as good as that ignorant girl Xiao'er!

However, Shen Baoer didn't want to do it because he felt that it lowered his status. "If word gets out about making dolls and selling them, how can I have the face to meet my sisters!"

"I'm not asking you to do it yourself. Just draw it and ask someone to do it!" Lan also felt that it was inappropriate. She was not the daughter of a merchant, so she had nothing to lose by doing this.

"That's about right." She was the best at painting. Shen Baoer thought of the doll parts made by her fourth aunt, or maybe she could get something out of someone's mouth and then take advantage of it.

"Mom, we have to make good friends with our third uncle's family. Now our third uncle's family is different. There is no harm in us making good friends with him!" Shen Baoer thought of the scene that day when Mr. Li and Ming Zhijie were at Shen Chengyao's house. She couldn't understand why people who should look down on mud-legged people even more would associate with Shen Chengyao's family.

Shen Baoer uses himself to help others. He was born with a mud-legged background and feels ashamed. He lives in the town and thinks he is superior to others. Little does he know that truly educated people only look down on those who follow the crowd, bully the poor and love the rich!

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