Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 98 Collapse

Mrs. Shen Zhuang didn't want them to come and eat for free, "Come here to eat, and you don't bring any rice or vegetables. What are you going to eat? Let's go home and eat."

"What nonsense are you talking about! Leave your mother alone, okay, you guys go kill chickens and ducks and prepare dinner!" Mr. Shen glared at Mrs. Shen Zhuang!

Shen Chengyao knew his mother's character well, and he didn't want to make the New Year's Eve dinner unhappy just because of such a small amount of food. "Dad, let me go home and bring some meat and vegetables. I have also slaughtered the chickens and ducks."

Mr. Shen looked at the sky and nodded in agreement. It was too late to kill now!

As a result, Shen Chengyao brought the chicken, duck, and fish for the New Year's Eve dinner, but his family only had one or two pieces of meat before it was robbed, and the whole family was still hungry.

Not long after Shen Jingzhi was released from the cell, when he saw the meat, he wanted to use his feet as hands! But when he saw Xiaoer glance at him, he quickly ran away, just like a mouse glanced at by a cat!

After dinner, the family returned home. Liu, Xiaoer and Yun'er immediately went to the kitchen to prepare some food. They hadn't been hungry for a long time, and it was so uncomfortable to be hungry all of a sudden! I never felt full before, and I don’t feel uncomfortable now!

Keeping vigil on New Year's Eve is a custom that has been passed down since ancient times.

The family gathered around the table making dumplings and chatting. The ground dragon in the room was warm. They talked about the arrangements after the spring. They were full of hope for the future, and bubbles of happiness kept popping up.

Xiao'er remembered that the little sister hadn't given a name yet, so she said, "Dad, it's time for Mom to give the little sister a name. You can't always call me like this!"

"It's time to come up with a name. You guys should also help me think of a good name!"

"Just call me Fu'er." Yun'er feels really happy now.

"The eldest cousin in Grandpa's family is called Shen Jingfu, and everyone calls him Fu'er."

"I almost forgot about Brother Fu'er! Fortunately, he's not here. Otherwise, I shouldn't have given me candy." Yun'er stuck out her tongue playfully. During these days, she gradually returned to the innocence and liveliness that a child should have. After all, A real kid.

"I just love eating sweets, and I'm not afraid of losing all my teeth in the future." Mrs. Liu feigned anger.

"My sister bought it for me."

"You betrayed me, I won't buy it next time!" Xiaoer also pretended to be angry.

"Don't be afraid, daddy will buy it for you another day!"

"You're the only one who spoils the child!" Mrs. Liu glared at Shen Chengyao!

"Dad, I have thought about my little sister's name! Let's call her Xi'er. I feel that the days now are very promising and full of hope." Jing Hao thought for a long time before speaking.

"Xie'er? It sounds nice, so let's call her Xi'er!"

Ms. Liu also thought it was good. After Xi'er was born, their family separated soon. Aren't the days now full of hope?

Dense snowflakes were floating in the sky outside, and soon everything became completely white. The snow fell very densely, heavily, and for a long time that night.

After midnight, the family went back to their rooms to sleep. At dawn in the middle of the night, several cries of ghosts and wolves were heard in the village. Xiaoer frowned in the warm quilt, wondering what had happened.

Both Shen Chengyao and Liu got up.

"Could it be that the snow was too heavy and the house was crushed?" Ms. Liu guessed that the snow that fell last night was also too heavy.

"I'll go back to my old house and have a look." Shen Chengyao was worried about his parents.

"I'll go with you!" Mrs. Liu helped Xi'er tuck the quilt and got up. Xi'er can now sleep until dawn.

The two returned to the old house and found that one side of the east wing where the elder lived had collapsed. Lan was wiping her tears. She was really scared to death just now. Their family was almost crushed to death. Fortunately, it was the other end that collapsed.

"The second and fourth sons are not here alone, and they didn't help us sweep the snow last night."

"Brother, you are at home, and you expect others to do your work! Then you might as well be the shopkeeper of the grocery store!" Shen Chengzong was dissatisfied after hearing this! What do you mean by not being human!

"Uncle, you said last night that you would wait until the snow was thicker before you swept it. Besides, the snow in the house last night was swept by the child's father!" You are not a human being like this! Mrs. Lu felt that Dafang’s family was really lazy than hibernating snakes!

Last night Shen Chengzu was sweeping the snow off the roof, and he asked Shen Chengzong and Shen Chengguang to sweep it together. Shen Chengzong went out to sweep the roof of his house and went back to sleep.

Shen Chengguang was afraid of the cold, so he only said, "Wait until the snow is thicker before sweeping again, so as not to sweep again tomorrow morning!"

He had never done this kind of work before, and he felt that such a small amount of snow would collapse the house, so he didn't sweep it.

Shen Chengzu swept the roof of his house, Shen Chengyao's roof and the old man's roof, but they found it too cold to bear and stopped sweeping. Anyway, Shen Chengguang also said to wait until the snow is thicker before sweeping. He ignored it.

Mr. Shen relaxed when he saw that his eldest son and his family were fine. Then I felt heartbroken about the house. My eldest son was also a little lazy, but he really didn’t know how to do these heavy tasks. His hands were used for writing, so how could he do such things! The second and fourth children just couldn't do any work smoothly. They really only care about themselves after the family separation. Let's see how they regret it when Jing Wen becomes an official!

"Dad, the house has collapsed, where can we live?"

"Let's stay in our room in the west wing first. Everything in the room is there." Shen Chengyao took the initiative.

"Yes, let's live in the west wing first. We can find someone to repair the house tomorrow and then move back."

Lan wanted to live in their new house even more. She really wanted to experience everything in the third family's new house, but seeing both of them saying this, she was too embarrassed to speak.

After making arrangements for Dafang and his family, Shen Chengyao planned to go to other places in the village to see if there was anyone who needed help.

Mr. Shen nodded. This is as it should be. People in the village are somewhat related and should help each other.

Xu Wenhui's thatched house also collapsed. She was still making toy parts when she heard a noise on the roof. He ran out immediately.

Xu Wenhui looked at the collapsed house with red eyes. She didn't even have the last tile to cover her head. Why is she so miserable!

Mrs. Liu thought of her and came over to take a look. Sure enough, she collapsed. She saw her holding a bag of toy parts blankly and looking at the collapsed house. When she came to her side and saw that she was not injured, she felt relieved and said, "Wen Hui , your house is also in ruins, you can live in my house first, and you can move back after I ask the child's father to help you repair it tomorrow."

"How can I be so embarrassed? It disturbs you too much." Xu Wenhui wiped her tears.

"It's okay. There are a lot of empty houses in my house right now, so let's make do with it for a few nights."

"Now that you have this job, your life will slowly get better in the future." Mrs. Liu pointed to the bag in her hand and comforted her.

Xu Wenhui looked at the bag in her hand and nodded, and Mrs. Liu took her back to her home.

Shen Chengyao helped another family send some injured people to Dr. Luo's house. I didn't go home until dawn.

The next day, Mrs. Lan found out that Xu Wenhui had moved into the new house she had longed for. Outsiders, the eldest brother who lets outsiders live in his new home doesn't even care about him, and his arms are turned outward.

"The kang in the west wing is not even heated. What should I do if Wen'er is frozen? How can I come back as a scholar next year? Moreover, letting a person with a bad reputation live in the house will also affect the reputation of the children in the family. After all, there are three people in the family. The girl has also reached the age of marriage. Who dares to marry Yuzhu in the future!" Mrs. Lan looked worried.

"That poisonous woman Liu, I knew she had a bad heart and wanted to kill my old Shen family members! ... If not, I have to chase that Sangmenxing away!" Mrs. Shen Zhuang walked out slowly.

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