Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 97 The Unhappiness of New Year’s Eve Dinner

On New Year's Eve, the whole family dressed up and prepared to go to the old house for dinner.

Ms. Liu was wearing a violet gauze skirt with an elegant bow tied with pink brocade around her waist. A circle of three-dimensional roses made of violet soft tobacco was nailed to the edge of the skirt. The cuffs were made into lantern sleeves with fungus edges. A slightly loose bun was pulled up on the head, and a purple inlaid rose was inserted. With a hollowed-out butterfly hairpin made of precious stones, and a white fox fur lining and a pink floral brocade hooded cape, the whole person looks youthful, smart and beautiful.

Under the conditioning of the space spiritual beings, Ms. Liu has gradually undergone great changes. Her skin is white and rosy, her hair is black and shiny, her lips are red and her teeth are white, and her eyebrows are picturesque. She is much more beautiful than the girl she was when she was sixteen. .

Shen Chengyao had just put on a blue-purple brocade gown and fastened a belt of the same color. He turned back and glanced at his wife who was already dressed. He couldn't help but be stunned. His wife was getting more and more beautiful, and he couldn't bear to look away.

Mrs. Liu saw Shen Chengyao looking at her blankly, "What's wrong? Doesn't it look good?"

Shen Chengyao felt that his mouth was dry and his lower abdomen was stuffy. "No, it looks good. I'm going to see if the children are okay. Don't keep your parents waiting too long." After that, he ran away.

Mrs. Liu took another look in the floor-to-ceiling glass mirror and felt that everything was in order. The dress designed by her daughter was beautiful, and she looked much younger wearing it.

Mrs. Liu carried her little sister to the main room. The whole family was waiting for her. Xiaoer and her siblings all praised her when they saw her.

"Mom is so beautiful!"

"Mom is so beautiful."

Xiao'er and Yun'er were both dressed to the nines. They wore the same clothes, but with different cloaks. Yun'er was a little shorter and thinner.

Shen Chengyao felt very satisfied watching his wife and children playing and laughing happily. This was the first time they wore new clothes for the New Year, and so did he. It turns out that this is how it feels to wear new clothes in the New Year. It feels so happy and satisfying.

The family walked towards the village together with the New Year's gifts for Mr. Shen and Mr. Shen Zhuang. They met many children and villagers along the way and greeted them enviously. They also saw the twisted cloths in their hands. When eating fruits, dry goods and other food in the basket, they all lamented that Mr. Shen and Mr. Shen Zhuang were lucky to have such a capable son, and the delicacies of mountains and seas were not a problem!

Some children saw their brothers and sisters dressed so beautifully and even ran back to beg their parents to give them new clothes.

The family entered the yard and found that the pots and stoves were still cold. At this time, shouts for the children to go home for dinner were heard from every house.

The New Year's Eve dinner is usually eaten very early, and dumplings are eaten during vigil in the evening.

Are you waiting for your family to cook? Xiaoer thought to herself.

The family walked into the upper room. Mr. Shen, Mrs. Shen Zhuang, Shen Yuzhu and Dafang's family were all sitting on the kang.

They said hello, put down the New Year's gifts, and sat down in their usual positions.

Mrs. Shen Zhuang looked at the family's new clothes with penetrating eyes.

The second-bedroom family also came in at this time, and the fourth-bedroom family followed suit. Both families put on new clothes. When Shen Zhuang saw it, his eyes were filled with anger.

As soon as Shen Chengzong sat down, he asked, "Mom, didn't you say we would have New Year's Eve dinner together? Can we have dinner?"

These words gave Shen Zhuang an opportunity to have an attack. She had been feeling aggrieved all day. Just now I took a look at the New Year's gift that Shen Chengyao brought, and my face looked better. Now when I heard this, my face turned down again, "What, you want me to serve you all the time? You guys come over to eat, this is Are you planning on not taking the rice, not moving your hands, and just waiting to eat it?"

"What, the food hasn't been cooked yet! Everyone has started eating at this time!" Shen Chengzong was dissatisfied. If you don’t have a meal, why should you ask him to come and have a meal?

"We are all living in the same courtyard. Have you cooked dinner yet? Don't you know that you two are hiding in your own room, dressed up in fancy clothes? Are you trying to make a fool of yourself or trying to seduce someone?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Li, and Mrs. Lu all looked ugly. The words were too unpleasant.

"Mom, it's my fault too. I finished the year's accounts in the shop today, but it was a bit late. I thought that with so many brothers in the family, my parents would not be hungry for this meal all year round, but I never thought... ...My brothers and sisters came over so late. I thought they had prepared them at home and brought them over. I didn’t expect... It’s also my fault. I didn’t think carefully. Mom, I’ll do it right now. Don’t be angry or make yourself angry. Isn't it just that our uncle is heartbroken..." After saying this, Lan pretended to get off the kang to cook.

Xiaoer grabbed Ms. Liu who was about to stand up. If she got up at this time, she would be cannon fodder. Anyway, her family was not the only one who didn't come over to cook earlier. It was said that they had already separated. Mr. Shen followed the big house. He called When the other sons come over for dinner, Mrs. Lan should go home early and prepare the meals. After all, Mrs. Liu and the others came over early to help as a favor, and it’s also reasonable for them to come over to help if they don’t have time!

The Lan family is always used to passing on their responsibilities to others. It is also their fault if others do not do well. This kind of temper is what the Liu family and Lu family were used to in the past, but this temper must be changed! They have already separated, not to mention they have severed their relationship. She doesn't want Mrs. Liu to spoil her anymore. If she wants to do it, she can do it. If not, they can go home and eat, which is even more comfortable. She is still worried about eating here. I can’t even get enough of the New Year’s Eve dinner!

Lu saw that Liu didn't move, and she didn't move either. Li had no intention of moving in the first place.

Seeing that the buttocks of her sisters-in-law were glued to the stools, Lan became even more dissatisfied. In previous years, when she got home, she could eat after washing her hands. This year, she wanted to cook for so many people by herself. Delusion! She first attacked Ms. Liu, who was always easy to talk to, "It's no wonder. My brothers and sisters are all wearing new clothes. I don't want them to get dirty. I've been working hard all year long and I haven't earned enough money to pay for it. This year I don’t even dare to make new clothes for Wen’er. What Wen’er is wearing today was made a few months ago and worn twice. I don’t even dare to think about it myself. Third brother and sister, what about you? Can't you manage it if you don't have dozens of taels in one piece? If it gets dirty or torn, it will be heartbreaking."

Looking at Mrs. Liu's outfit, Mrs. Lan felt both envy and jealousy in her heart. She wanted to pull it off and tear it all apart! As the scholar's daughter and the eldest daughter-in-law of the Shen family, the son she gave birth to shouldered the heavy responsibility of the Shen family's Guangzong family, but she was actually overpowered by a village girl. The sadness and pain in her heart were simply indescribable.

"Grandpa, grandma, why don't you stay with us? We will definitely not let you go so late without food. My mother said she would come over to help cook, but I stopped her because I thought about how filial my uncle is. Man, since I have asked us to have New Year's Eve dinner together, my aunt will definitely make arrangements for it. I never thought..." Mr. Xiaoer followed Lan's example and left half a sentence silent.

Lan's face turned dark when she heard this. This meant that she was being unfilial if she didn't cook. It's not like her parents were the only family members, so why should she finish it?

"This is the first year that the family has been separated. We wanted to see how well the eldest sister-in-law and her family took good care of our father and mother. After all, the family has not been separated in previous years. It doesn't matter that the eldest sister-in-law didn't come home to prepare meals. There are also my second sister-in-law, my fourth sister-in-law, and me. My sister-in-law is here. But now that the family has separated, I never thought..." Mrs. Liu has also learned to speak like this, and her anger towards Mrs. Lan has not subsided yet!

"Sister-in-law, you didn't even go home to prepare the New Year's Eve meal. My parents still spent it with you. I usually help you cook a lot of meals. For such an important meal, if I were you, I would have cooked it last night. Come back and start preparing." Mrs. Li lives here, and she is called to cook by Shen Zhuang every now and then, and she has long been full of dissatisfaction.

"Okay, I have time to talk so much here, why not hurry up and cook now! Can't you eat this meal?" Mr. Shen became angry after listening to it for a long time. These people worked together to bury Tai Dafang. Isn’t it because he is dissatisfied with taking care of the two of them?

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