Tian Bai told her that there were two pieces of wood in the small-leaf red sandalwood, which were red rosewood branches of the purple elm vine.

Before going out, she had prepared the tools needed to verify precious woods such as small-leaf rosewood.

She took out a few glasses and said, "Mr. Zinger, can you help me cut a few pieces of wood from your pile of small-leaf rosewood?"

"Of course." According to Xiaoer's request, some small pieces of wood were cut out of each piece of wood.

Xiaoer put some wood chips into the glass, marked them, then added a certain proportion of water and left them alone.

She first picked up these pieces of wood and scratched them on the white paper, and there were purple-red scratches on them all. "Purple-red scratches will appear when small-leaf red sandalwood is scratched on the paper. Use the same force and scratch a few more times until the scratches fade and then disappear. Then proceed to the next step." Xiaoer said to Shen Chengyao.

Then she took out a magnifying glass to observe the distribution of tube holes in the cross section. This magnifying glass was specially made by her in the glass workshop.

The entire growth ring of small-leaf red sandalwood has slightly equal diameters of inner tube holes and is evenly distributed, while the growth ring is not obvious. Then look at the surface material color of the small-leaf red sandalwood. The newly cut surface of small-leaf red sandalwood is orange-red, and after a long time, it becomes deep purple or black purple with stripes. There are light and purple-black stripes.

The texture of small-leaf rosewood is interlaced and partially curled. The ox-hair pattern and Venus are typical characteristics of lobular rosewood. This depends on experience. Without experience, people often mistake the conduits of other woods for the ox-hair pattern of rosewood. You also need to check if there are any. No oily texture. Xiaoer explained to Shen Chengyao and Liu Minhong while pointing at what they saw in the zoomed-in area.

Liu Minhong also contacted him and nodded.

"And smell it, the small-leaf red sandalwood has a faint fragrance similar to sandalwood." Xiaoer took out the wood chips and rubbed them with the tiles.

"Dad, uncle, try and smell for yourselves. Is there any difference between this one and these two?"

Shen Chengyao felt the same after smelling it. Liu Minhong pointed to the last two slices and said, "I seem to smell a bit of sourness here."

After receiving Liu Minhong's response, Xiaoer pointed out two of the pieces of wood and said with certainty: "Mr. Singer, these two pieces are not small-leaf red sandalwood."

"Impossible, you must have made a wrong test!" Such a young child can be more experienced than himself! He thought Xiaoer deliberately tricked him.

Xiaoer smiled and didn't mind, "Mr. Zinger, I have one last step. Those glasses are soaked in wood chips and marked. After a few hours, you will see the difference. .Don’t touch these glasses, we’ll come back in a few hours.”

"Okay." He also wanted to see what difference he would see after a few hours.

"I'll stay here to look at other wood." Liu Minhong was worried that Zinger would tamper with the glass.

Shen Chengyao also wanted to learn how to identify wood.

Xiaoer didn't care about them. It was a good thing to look more. The ability to identify wood was accumulated bit by bit. One bite wouldn't make you a big fat man. If you watch more, see more, and come in contact with more, you will naturally be able to tell the difference.

"Dad, uncle, I'm going back to the shop first. I'm going to give Uncle Fu some New Year's gifts."

Shen Chengyao agreed. The security in the county was peaceful, and he was familiar with Xiao'er. His daughter was more skilled and skilled than him, so he felt relieved.

After Xiaoer left, she made an appointment for a bullock cart and asked him to wait at a certain intersection in two-quarters of an hour. Then she found a deserted place, took out a lot of food in the space, and then Wait for the driver to come and take the pile of things away at the intersection.

The oxcart came quickly, and Xiaoer asked the driver to help her move her things to the oxcart.

"Little girl, where are your parents? How come you are allowed to carry so many things by yourself?" The coachman uncle was a talkative man. Seeing that Xiao'er was so young that he was only busy pulling things by himself, so he asked curiously.

"My parents are also moving things. They moved them here and put them down. I volunteered to ask a bullock cart to pull them over. Anyway, it's just across the street and I know the way."

"Little girl, you are so good. You know how to help your parents with work at such a young age. You are much more sensible than the brats in my family." The uncle of the oxcart praised after hearing this, and his men were not busy loading things onto the oxcart.

Xiaoer asked him to go to the toy store first. It was Chinese New Year, and she, the little boss, had to give some benefits to her employees. She took down all the New Year's gifts prepared for Uncle Fu and the toy shop clerk, and then left the gifts for Manager Tong and the workers of the Liuli Workshop and asked Uncle Fu to help them deliver them. After all, she didn't have a carriage at home, but the Liuli Workshop did. A bit far.

There are not many things for the guys, a pound of candied fruits and dried fruits, and two pounds of dried meat. For Uncle Fu and Manager Tong, there was a jar of wine and apple cider vinegar, and a basket of fresh apples.

Back at the lumber shop, Shi Dalin saw Xiaoer buying an oxcart of things and hurried over to help move the things. His night blindness has improved a lot, which makes him very grateful to Xiaoer. If it weren't for the young lady's help, his family might not even have a roof to cover his head now because of his illness!

After unloading the things, Xiaoer paid ten cents for the carriage fare, and the bullock cart driver left happily.

Xiaoer asked the clerk in the shop to come and receive her New Year's gift, just like the clerk in the toy shop. Although these things are just some food, they are already a very heavy New Year gift for these guys. Many owners only give them about a pound of meat or a foot of cloth. Xiaoer also gave Shi Dalin a bag of carrots.

Xiaoer also left a hundred catties of rice, a hundred catties of white flour, two jars of wine, two jars of apple cider vinegar, ten catties of dried meat, ten catties of dried fruits and candied fruits for her uncle's family. A basket of apples, a basket of pears, a basket of grapefruits, and a bag of tea. He also mixed some of the delicacies sent by Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei. These things were brought here in the morning.

"Today is the Little New Year. In the afternoon, everyone can go home to celebrate the New Year, and then start working on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. If anyone lives nearby and wants to stay in the shop to work, you can. The wages will be three times the original, which is six After hearing this, several of the guys wanted to stay and work for a few more days. One day's work is equivalent to three days' worth of money. How can there be such a good thing in the world!

Shi Dalin was even more happy after hearing this! The New Year comes every year, and that’s it, making more money is the real thing!

"Miss, if I start working on the second day of the Lunar New Year, will my wages be tripled?"

"Yes, even if you work on holidays, your wages will be tripled!"

"My boss lady is such a good person!"

Xiaoer smiled and talked to them for a while, then went to the market to see what they could buy and have a meal by the way. Gotta get some new year stuff to celebrate the new year!

Because the Chinese New Year only lasts a few days, it can be said that every day in the county is a market day! Many people in the village sell things produced in the fields, prey caught in the mountains or animals they raise. Xiaoer picked and picked up and bought a lot of things!

After more than three hours passed, Xiaoer returned to Mr. Zinger. At this time, except for two cups, there was no blue light in the glass. The other cups all had a blue fluorescent layer. It was very beautiful and dreamy. !

"Mr. Xinger, do you believe it now?"

"I believe it! I never knew it could be tested like this!" He has been studying wood for more than 30 years. He started studying with his father when he was five years old. He feels that he is one of the few people who can control it! Today is the first time I know that red sandalwood will emit blue light after being soaked in water for a long time! It’s really worth coming to Min Zeguo this time! Even if he sells this batch of wood at half price, he will be happy!

"I only know now." Liu Minhong looked at the beautiful blue light without blinking!

She had gone to the bank to exchange the five hundred taels of silver notes for fifty taels of gold. After paying the money, Xiaoer gave him another bag of food, with a large pearl inside, which was worth hundreds of taels anyway!

Xiaoer knew that it was not easy to come across the ocean to sell wood.

"Mr. Zinger, I hope you can sell good wood to us next time!"

"Okay, but it will have to be a year later."

Zinger wants to buy Xiaoer's set of glasses and magnifying glasses! Xiaoer gave him the glass, but the magnifying glass cost him one hundred taels!

After the magnifying glass was made, Dishaowei said that this thing could not be sold cheaply! At least one hundred taels are needed! Three hundred taels each will do! Those foreign businessmen will definitely buy this thing! He wants to extort Liuli Fangzi's one hundred thousand taels back as soon as possible!

Now she only charges one hundred taels, which is really cheap.

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