Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 95 Overseas Timber Dealers

In the evening, there was only a blush left on the western horizon, and several people returned home happily.

"Third brother is happy today. Go back and invite your younger siblings and Jing Jie to come over to my place for dinner. You and I will have a drink!"

Shen Chengyao responded with a smile and went home to pick up the person. He was also happy for his third brother and it was time to celebrate.

Xiaoer took out a few contracts. Looking at so many contracts, Mrs. Liu felt strange: "Why are there so many?"

"We bought four shops and one hundred acres of fertile land."

"Why buy so much! How much money will it cost? Don't you want to buy a shop to open an iron shop?"

"Originally, I did. Then I bought all the ones I saw that were suitable. I have an idea for these three shops. I will tell you about it after I perfect my idea." Xiaoer was excited when she thought of the three shops in a row. The place is big enough, the land is good enough, and it's in the center of town, so you can do whatever you want. It would be better if it was in the county.

"Which shop did you buy from?" The Liu family in the town were also familiar with it, and she would know it as soon as they told her.

Shen Chengyao told the locations of several shops and the approximate location of the fields.

"These shops and fields are good, but the total cost is only 1,900 taels. Isn't it a bit cheap?" Originally, they expected that the old grocery store would cost 5,600 taels anyway.

So Shen Chengyao told what happened in the old grocery store.

"Xiao'er, who is that person? What help do you need?"

"That's my junior sister. She was poisoned. She knew that I had the medicine given by the master, so she asked me to help detoxify." So that was it. Then Shen Chengyao and Liu didn't ask. Xiao'er's master was so mysterious. Xiao'er's master was so mysterious. The son didn't say much, so he probably couldn't. As parents, they just knew it was harmless to their daughter, and they couldn't force her to explain everything clearly.

Mrs. Liu remembered what her elder brother had asked someone to bring him and said, "By the way, my elder brother sent someone a message this afternoon. There is a batch of high-quality wood. Let you take time to visit the county tomorrow."

The wood shop was in need of high-quality wood. The more the better, they would not miss it, so they decided to go and have a look tomorrow.

During dinner in the evening, Mrs. Lu mentioned that Mrs. Shen Zhuang had been scolding her all day in the house. It turned out that the pearl she had hidden under the tree had been stolen by someone, causing her and Shen Yuzhu to cry. The scolding continued for a whole day. The old man got annoyed and scolded him before he stopped.

Originally, Shen Chengzu was thinking that his third brother would buy a shop and land. He was so happy that he invited his parents to have dinner together. But after hearing about this, he didn't dare anymore. What if his mother came to ask his third brother what he wanted to do with the pearls? Yes, even the great days were mixed up.

"Mom, why did you hide the pearl outside under the tree?" Ms. Liu didn't understand. It was hidden outside and was stolen. Even if you know who it is and they say they picked it up, there's nothing you can do about it! "

"Weren't you imprisoned before? Dad guessed that those pearls were stolen goods. Mother was afraid of being implicated, so she went to the river to throw them away. Later, she probably couldn't bear to part with them and hid them under the tree!" Mrs. Lu thought to herself. Shen Zhuang's approach is very disdainful.

"This is really..." Mrs. Liu didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing this.

"This is really what a baby would do." Xiaoer thought it was normal. Shen Zhuang was a typical person who was afraid of death and greedy for money!

"Jie'er, she values ​​money as important as her life. Now that such a precious bead is missing, I think it took her a long time to stop scolding her. Fortunately, the bead was hidden under the tree outside!" Lu Shen Zhuang's behavior of treating money as life is at least profound!

"No, if you hide it at home, you might suspect someone else!" Mrs. Liu nodded in agreement.

"I smell the smell of medicine on you. Have you taken the medicine yet?" Ms. Liu didn't want to bring up these troublesome things, so she changed the subject.

"I've just finished eating. Doctor Luo said, but I haven't seen any effect yet." Mrs. Lu was disappointed when she thought of this.

"Are Fourth Aunt not feeling well?" She also smelled the medicine.

"Your fourth aunt is taking care of herself."

Conditioning your body? Xiaoer immediately understood that Jingjie was already so old, and her fourth aunt seemed to have been injured when she gave birth to Jingjie. At that time, Mrs. Shen Zhuang was reluctant to spend money to buy medicine for her treatment. Now that the family is separated, she may want to have another child. At this time, people all hope to have more children and more happiness. If so, she could help. Give the medicine to Mrs. Liu at night and ask Mrs. Liu to find an excuse to give it to her.

Early the next morning, Xiaoer and Shen Chengyao arrived at the county seat.

Liu Minhong was very happy when he saw them coming, "But I've been waiting for you to come. If you don't come, I'll be worried that someone else will buy it!"

"Is the wood so good that it makes uncle so anxious?"

"It's not all good wood. It's shipped from overseas. I've gone to see it twice. It's all good wood. It's just that the price is high and they won't lower it at all. Everyone is still waiting to wait for him to lower the price. After all, he also You can't stay here and not go home, can you? And if he goes back with a large amount of wood, he will suffer a big loss, so everyone is waiting for him to lower the price. Or wait for him to sell it separately." He was really impatient and did not dare to deal with For a carpenter, the most exciting thing is encountering good wood.

"He asked for a high price?"

"One thousand taels of silver, not a penny is much!"

One thousand taels, this is really a lot!

"Let's go take a look first!" Xiao'er had to check the quality of the wood. If it was good, it would cost one thousand taels, and he could earn it back later. Also, this wood is really too expensive, so she has to plant some on the grasslands in space.

Several people came to the door of a semi-old courtyard in the south of the city. Liu Minhong knocked on the door and asked, "Is Mr. Zinger here?"

"Here we come!" A middle-aged man's voice came from inside, his pronunciation was stiff, slow, and out of tune. After a while, there was a rush of footsteps, and the door opened, and a tall man with a clear outline as sharp as a knife and dark skin appeared in front of him.

"Ha, Lu, are you here to buy wood?" Mr. Singer spoke very slowly. He had to pause for each word before he said it, and his words were not very accurate.

"Hello, Mr. Singer, we would like to take a look at that batch of wood." Liu Minhong

"Okay, you three, please come in." Zinger took the three of them to the yard where the wood was kept.

"My wood is all high-quality wood. I am definitely not lying. You see, this pile is small-leaf rosewood, this pile is golden nanmu, and this pile is huanghuali. These two piles are cheaper, but the wood is good enough. It's old enough, this is teak, this is beech. I won't sell them separately, you have to buy them all, no two prices."

"Are you sure your golden nanmu, small-leaf red sandalwood, etc. are not adulterated?"

"Of course." He carefully selected these, checked them again and again before shipping them, and shipped them thousands of miles away. He planned to exchange them for silver and ship several ships of tea, silk, and porcelain back.

"What if it's fake? If we find out it's fake, can Mr. Singer give it to us cheaper?"

"All my products are not fake. If you find any fake ones, I will sell them to you at half price." Singer admits that he has been immersed in wood for decades and has suffered a lot. He has already developed a pair of He has a sharp eye and is quite confident in his ability to identify wood.

"Okay, it's settled." Although Xiao'er couldn't tell whether the wood was fake at a glance, Tian Bai could!

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